How was something like this allowed to air?

how was something like this allowed to air?

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oh, wait, they have been for years and are too fat to get out of their squeaky worn out chair to do something about it

We won't have to do anything, your own leaders will sacrifice you to recharge the redshield.

Fuckin John Rivers
Can't have no fun with him around

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Holy shit. This is redpilled as fuck.

Trump will defeat the 6000 year old Saturn Cult.

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Who could take Supergirl serious there the way she is dressed like a whore

What DC hero is this conspiracy dude?

Why was he in the justice league anyway? Being redpilled isn't a superpower.

desu when i was younger and watched all those conspiracy videos about the illuminati and stuff i always thought it was just a big joke and i laughed at people who believed in it

as i got older i realized everything was true, and it was jews behind it all

his name is the question

like literally, 'the question'

>taking a woman seriously no matter what state of dress she is in

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Is that real? Or did one of us edit the Merchant into the yarn map?

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The recent convictions of all these pedos and the blood moon this coming friday, a change is occurring.

The Question. Rorschach in Watchmen was based on him.

>oh my god there's a conspiracy in this work of fiction
See the thing is you see this and go woWOw my ALMONDS are ACTIVATED
and then a normal person watches and thinks "hehe they're lampshading those crazy conspiracy theorist IRL such clever writing"

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Nice edit.
Found the rare merchant/10

If true, it's meme for false security in the viewers. You're supposed to ask "how was this able to air" so others can tell you "Oh, it's just a silly cartoon!"

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Just Like in my chinese cartoons

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that's why i support him


The Question is Kekistani. Da.

>"Wow, just wow, who would benefit from working together to steal or lie?"
>"Like, what could even be gained by doing that" lol"

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I fucking love this guy. When I went back and watched a lot of the DCAU again I was blown away by him. His role in JLU was pretty badass too, the writers took a lot of liberties with him compared to his comic book counterparts and everything clicked together.

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>*tips fedora*

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Cape shit is gay, ugly, derivative, and uninspired,
Why the fuck is there still Fagman, Superfag, SpiderFag, Captain Israel, etc in 2017?
Can't these jews come up with anything new?

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I agree for the most part, but the DCAU holds a special place in my heart. Mostly because of childhood nostalgia, but also because it was the first time comics were ever animated on such a large and interconnected scale. Before that all you really had were adam west cheesy batman and diversity quota x-men. DCAU also had good writers who rewrote a lot of the details from the comics and toned down the autism of power levels (if you think anime and manga is autistic with shit like the madara copypasta, you won't believe what is in western comics and how many reboots they've had to do). A lot of the modern animated capeshit shows are just uninspired inferior derivates to DCAU with worse art, and don't get me started on how fucking bad the live action movies are. Some of the animated movies are alright but they vary in quality extremely.

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Fair enough

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And that's all I've got. I always thought The Question reaction pics would fit well on Jow Forums, too bad he isn't that well know.

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is that Jeffery Combs? based

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I liked this version of him. When I researched his comic book counter part, I was greatly disappointed in discovering his replacement is some police dyke.

Jews taunt the goyim with the truth while presenting it as gaslighting. It trains the goyim to react with laughter and dismissal when someone else starts asking the question. Simple manipulation.

If our comic industry was like Japan's manga industry it would be amazing. Artists being paid to create new original works with nearly full creative control and minimal editorial interference.
Instead we have the capeshit monopoly forcing all the talent to rehash 90 year old superheros over and over again, artificially injected with whatever fresh hip lowest-denominator memeplexes rule the day.

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>minimal editorial control

How true is this in Japan? Last I checked, there was quite a lot of interference; granted the ones that I know of that had to deal with editorial interference were usually shonen.

I'm remembering that the mangaka of Rurouni Kenshin would purposely get into hours and days long arguments with his editor on the story direction of the series; there is also JJBA and the fact that Hamon was dropped because the editor thought it was boring and thus brought about "Stands".

It's really grotesque when you describe it like that. Like a propaganda mill frozen in time.

I don't know. Once you get enough red-pills you gain incredible powers over the normalfilth.

Yep that's how it often goes with the more minor characters that DCAU introduced, especially in JLU when the writers just started references everyone with little exposition which made it even better. Another guy I like is Lobo, but his comics are actually good so long as you ignore that new52 faggy basedboy reboot that was quickly retconned back to the original after the readers hated it. I don't think it's possible to hate the Main Man.

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>checked for truth
capeshit is for fags now but it was once for nerds when nerds were losers (not like nerds today who are losers but think they're not because of large numbers.)
The Question was an old character too, from a different era and originally a Charlton comic character that was bought by DC. He was created by Steve Ditko (co-creator of Spider-Man and Dr. Strange), who was an objectivist and made shit like Mr. A when he left mainstream comics.
I hate what they did to comic books and comic culture, but it will continue to wither and die because it should be for kids, not for ugly maladjusted adults who don't want to grow up.

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>made shit like Mr. A
Mr. A is fuggin great, don't get me wrong. Ditko is /ourguy/

It varies and of course ultra popular shonen battle shit gets the worst of it. But at its worst it's not even close to the same level of western editorial meddling where you'll get booted instantly and replaced for damaging "the brand." Mangakas get bullied by their editors but in the end they're the creator so maybe in extreme cases (very extreme) they'd get cancelled, not replaced. But at least they have that much power over their own title to begin with.

I used to think the subversion was a recent thing until I really thought about for 10 seconds. It's always been propaganda. And of course any real competition never flourishes for reasons wholly organic, I'm sure.

I know this is an ancient gif but how do they even do that show? Do they test the mom too? It could be that the kid gets switched in the nursery. But if they test the mom then that rules out the possibility

It’s all faggy compared to the Shadow. The weed of crime bears bitter fruit.
The Shadow pulp novels were based as fuck.

Paint him green and he's literally /ourguy/

He did more actual investigative work than Batman, and he had a bigger impact on the story in the arcs he was involved in than half of the main seven. He was one of the best parts of the show, the way the writers managed to work him in despite having no real powers and having him work with a bunch of other who-tier heros was done really well.

Yeah shonen is the most tightly leashed, but it's mostly just Jump. It has the most popular stuff, you need to reach a certain viewership to keep your comic in it, and it demands constant weekly releases with few breaks. I do know a few writers who just seem to do whatever the fuck they want. Kubo with Bleach basically went "fuck it" at the end after Jump asked him to wrap up his story in less than a month, the writer of Hellsing barely touches his Black Lagoon work now since he's too busy playing idolmaster, the writer of Yu Yu Hakusho barely updates the current Hunter X Hunter. Back in Dragon Ball's running the android arc had a lot of editor interference and probably for the better, but now Toriyama is basically his own editor even though he can't remember half of what he's written in his lifetime.

His super power was extremely high pattern recognition.

>It’s all faggy compared to the Shadow
The Shadow is the original and best, true
but Mr. A is good in a different way

Does he shoot Chinamen in Chinatown?

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Gen Z here what show is this?

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it's him

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>no face
>chars treat him like crazy
I was thinking the same
maybe he is a depiction of Jow Forums?

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Needs more mirthless laughter.

Isn't that literally the user character?

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I said Ditko was an Objectivist, and I meant it user

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>multiracial boy band
wew, they might be calling them out after all

Who did she think she was fooling?

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Wait isn't that literally Rorschach too?

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Oh man I’ve been here too long
I see a picture in all that red string

answer him

Rorschach's just an edgier version who is more well known but not as good. It's not fun to watch someone with a constant stick up their ass.

That made me warm and happy inside.

We do what we do best and what you fear the most. We spread the information. Eventually enough people will know the truth about you kikes and we would have won without even having to leave our room. There’s a very good reason the JIDF and friends were formed and you guys aren’t doing a very good job at damage control either.

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The new incarnation of The Question sucks. I'm not talking about when he died and Renee Montoya took over. Now he is a mystical being cursed by the gods or some shit, instead of being just a smart detective with a weakness for infowars

Imagine if he said pizza instead of coffe

>Now he is a mystical being cursed by the gods or some shit, instead of being just a smart detective with a weakness for infowars
the question is: do they sabotage characters on purpose? yes, but are their reasons the the ones we think? is it as simple as leftist thoughtcrime and re-writing of history?

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Q predicted this

JLU is one of the best written cartoons of all time.

>Reaching back to ancient egypt there's been a single cabal of power individuals directing the course of human history.
> The common man prefers to believe they don't exist.

How did I miss this when I watched it the first time.

It's a weird feeling when you're a grown man and you look at this cartoon girls and think they're kind of hot. I wonder if I had subconscious sexual thoughts while I was still a kid.

>is it as simple as leftist thoughtcrime and re-writing of history?
No, it's to intentionally destroy the foundation of who they're trying to get rid of.

are you fucking stupid

as long as the low IQ horde pays to go see it, why stop?

Autism is not a superpower user, trust me, i asked my doctor.

The Justice League cartoon

Oh shit it is. Such a great actor.

>No, it's to intentionally destroy the foundation of who they're trying to get rid of.
isn't that implied?
it's like a bad horror movie
>"What do you mean, arabs aren't native to Britain? Asians have OULWAYS been here."

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I just wish I had the original higher quality image.

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holy shit that guy's easy to animate

Syncing the audio was a nightmare from what I read.



The Rothschild clan bought trump in 1990. If you can suspend your emotions long enough to read a bit, try looking into this for yourself;f. If you can bear to contradict the identity politics you've been conditioned towards, that is.

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Wtf i remember that hot woman it was one of my first favourite cartoons.
Also pretty spooky

>The Rothschild clan bought trump in 1990. If you can suspend your emotions long enough to read a bit, try looking into this for yourself;f. If you can bear to contradict the identity politics you've been conditioned towards, that is.
Sure thing retard.

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I always forget the order. I'm pretty sure weeb shows do the animation first then have the voice actors work the lines in as best they can because it's faster and cheaper. And I'm pretty sure western cartoons do the opposite with animators following the already existing voiced lines. I guess I can see that being a problem.



If the bottoms to be true he has to name the Space Force the Astra Militarum

Space Force is just Trump breaking the conditioning of the public to get them thinking about the bigger picture before full disclosure.

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He's talking without a fucking face

no lol... I mean, maybe... but the Space Force guys are obviously going to be security for the Martian Colony.

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but can we still name them Astra Militarum or Adeptus or something pls

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No, son. That woman has been fucking niggers.

>because you...

Trump is already aware that Newtypes will exist. Barron is basically Amuro.

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Check and sauce please my dudes?

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I guess no one caught that subtle merchant @ 0:29 lmao

Funny edit. Props to whoever put it together.

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