White house spells United States as "United Sates"
Yes, because he writes all those snippets himself.
Thanks for making sure everyone knows Trumps economy is fucking awesome dumbass do you even covfefe bro?
>Yes, because he writes all those snippets himself.
I can post multiple tweets of the orange hitler misspelling simple words
And then you spread his message for him.
Spellcheck if if if if if if if if okey doke
Fucking drumpf, he can't keep getting away with this.
Has he ever misspelled Russia? I don't think so. MAKE OF THIS WHAT YOU WILL.
Drumpf is done impeached any second now
Pointing out typographical errors is typical of those at the high-end of low IQ, or the low-end of high IQ.
They are smart enough to point out an obvious spelling or grammatical mistake, yet not smart enough to refute things based on their merit.
>C O V F E F E
"to satisfy, surfeit," c.1600, alteration (by influence of Latin satiare "satiate") of Middle English saden "become satiated; satiate," from Old English sadian "to satiate, fill; be sated, get wearied," from Proto-Germanic *sadon "to satisfy, sate," from root *sa- "to satisfy" (see sad (adj.)). Related: Sated; sating.
based and redpilled. truly gods country for the white man.
Yummy peach and cult 45. Or is that cultural appropriation?
So it's come to this then? Looking for typos?
As a person who only uses this website as news I want to personally thank you for helping spread Trumps message and tweets around. If it weren't for you shills taking bait, I would have never read this specific tweet about Americas economy doing great. Thanks, you very stupid person.
You don’t know what that means because you watch MSM. Misspelled coffee LMAO fake news
>C O V F E F E
>The Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically for Engagement (COVFEFE) Act, which has the same acronym as an infamous Trump Twitter typo last month, would amend the Presidential Records Act to include "social media."
I'm tired of this shit. Fuck.
>spell message wrong
>liberals shares the message "UNITED SATES ECONOMY WILL DOUBLE IN SIZE"
>liberals everywhere read the message "UNITED SATES ECONOMY WILL DOUBLE IN SIZE"
I guess the real question is, "why do liberals keep falling for this trick?"
That’s right, we want more fake news. Americans aren’t as dumb as MSM thinks we are. Again thank you MSM and people with TDS for fueling #walkaway. Lies don’t last as soon as you learn the truth but you can never unlearn the truth. We will win MAGA
Did trump spell that or is that from a quote?
>thinking the act wasn't named after the typo
What if the MSM is the truth and you're the one who is wrong. HmmmmmmMmmmmm?
> cuck
You should be executed for being such a Canadian
Like you've never had a typo in your life get over yourself faggot
Liberals are such arrogant pricks
Impeach for what. And even if you impeach you need 2/3 for conviction. You saying blue wave is big enough to take 2/3 of Congress?
>Obama leaf trying to detract from the 4.1% GPD growth
It’s called verifiable proof.
>MSM Hillary 98% chance to win
Future proves the passed
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
You mean a poll based off a random internet site? They didn't just pull it out of their ass. It was a poll taken from internet roasties and normies, obviously people who browse huffpost were Hillary supporters. Nice try fag lord.
So what's actually happening, US bros?
Did something negatively change in your life, economically, in the past 2 years, and if so, what decision of Trump administration caused this? Genuinely curious.
>orange hitler
It was libtards who opposed Trump moving OUR embassy.
>economy doubling in size
is that something we want? we need to slow this thing down
Based Baby-sniper
>White house spells United States as "United Sates"
He misspoke again.
nigger, I'm operating on 6 levels of irony here... I absolutely love Trump's "accidental" misspelled tweets. S-class level shitposting he pulled off there, it'll be years before we can properly grasp and categorize the next-level work trump is pulling off.
Yeah but that Newsweek headline
Obamaleaf is pissed off don't worry about it.
A fucking leaf
We got tax cut, jobs everywhere, pedophiles getting arrested. We might force Germany to buy LNG from us instead of ((you)) guys. Putin must be thrilled about this /s. But I think with oil reserve in Russia and here in US Trump and Putin can end petro-dollar fiat currency Rothschild scam.
>Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve
Womp womp, faggot.
Maybe your problem was in translating to Mandarin.
Trump didn't write that you idiot OP
> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums
As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.
speeling is overrated
Hahah meme flaggot
Shill faggot
its hard to type with TINY HAND LMAO
Is it okay to punch grammar and spelling nazis?
The real genius is at play here. If they just make the statement, nobody will repeat it. But if they include an obvious misspelling, it will be at the top of the news hour for the next three days.
4D chess? Fucking 11D chess!
Spelling is a art, leaf.
Much respect Mr Obama. It is very hard to lean a second language as you did and most Americans don’t spell good as you
>first president to visit Kenya that’s from Kenya
This. No way something like this could be missed. It's an obvious play against the media, and they fell for it.
What did he do? Why is it over? Any evidence?
WOW if this isn’t a projection I don’t know what is #walkaway
Shhhhhh. ((They)) fall for it every time
Holy shit and Trump who doesn’t drink alcohol ever in his life wants a coke. Southerner would ask what kind? Trump would say diet.
It's a copypasta, stale and smelly rigatoni at this point.
Should have added a sarcastic comment, sorry.
No, it’s over for pedophiles. What happens to woopie Goldberg? Haven’t seen her on view. She rape cory Feldman?
Everything has a reason
>dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.
Ohhh I’m so scared. Like this guy tried to do. LMAO
>Antifa’ attacker with club gets knocked out by unarmed man
Bump Bump
Big Bump Bump Bump
>look mom I posted my copy pasta again!
Growth economics is a meme
it just burns our resources faster
cali already has water shortages and next will be nevada after lake mead runs dry
its all smoke and mirrors
lol a retard drumpf sitting at the white house making pintrest tier quotes while real smart men are leading the country behind the scenes. thank you john mccain
Hay classical liberals is this who you are? #walkaway
aaand the point still stands.
>john mccain
Funny how traders try to depends(pun intended) on each other
Go fuck yourself TRUMP TRAIN
You are the retard. Without spelling error news wouldn’t be talking about it but now you are. You’ve been played. winning MAGA 4.1% GDP growth.
Then do it and stop talking about it. This is what makes the man so great, he talk A LOT, then backed it up. The problem with you and the American left is all they ever do is talk with zero results.
covfefe off, you moron
seriously what is this? is this real? how can anyone take these weird ass motherfuckers serious they clearly have mental diseases
Americans are stupid enough to believe this.
>TDS focus on spelling ignore GDP
>what’s a GDP?
>pic related
>traders depending on each other
nigga u dum of course they do you need another party to perform a trade ya dipshit
>orange hitler
He's a Zionist. Don't be cucked.
That intern is fired
Yes it’s from London.
Obama scandals covered by media...
Allegedly it was the first scandal free administration in history.
You are a actual BOT. You can’t tell commercial trading from being a trader to your country. Lol
Or you’re just that retarded
It will probably make him poll higher too. Hows the party of open borders and MS 13 doing lately?
im so sorry user i thought you were pretending to be retarded my condolences
Only low IQ people get baited by typos because its the only thing they're smart enough to criticize, prove me wrong
Oh so if a tree fall in a forest and nobody heard it it didn’t make a sound. Got it.
Even the Jew calls you out on your bullshit OP
Literally every main stream media outlet said the exact same thing.
Please don't associate with memefags.
Some times friendly fire happen in infowar
>He's a Zionist. Don't be cucked
>Zionist = Old guard
Funny coming from a leaf
>This is unironically what leftists consider evidence
Bottom half is shopped. Actual Wikileaks see here