Jow Forums in a nutshell

Jow Forums in a nutshell

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It has been like 5 literal years at this point and they still have not advanced their counter-argument beyond calling us virgins


The more I'm informed of this stuff the more I'm convinced the Jews just have a gas-chamber/persecution fetish and they are just pushing harder and harder to see where the tipping point lies.

don't reply without saging

doesn't matter what they call us but that they have a platform and readers

no u

>tell the unpopular kids to just ignore what the bullies say for years
>they get together and do something you don't like
>attempt to social shame them
Why isn't it working?

Only jobs. It's simple, if I'm a high achieving graduate from stem then yes I am actually entitled to a job.

Women are.. Well, fuck off to Jow Forums. It's not hard to feel attractive when you're the only guy under 30 who regularly works out in an office of over 100.

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>white supremacists are masculine

Damn, white supremacists on suicide watch

Really makes you think

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In a world where everybody is a soft faggot the one man who retained his masculinity is king

Pfffft, what year are you living in, user? They've made huge and important advancements that have moved way beyond this simple argument that a morons like you can understand; these enlightened people now use the term 'incel', and you should recognise and appreciate that development, you fucking virgin.....errr, I mean incel.

I find it hilarious that these pathetic bugmen feel the need to call us virgins when they're the ones losing their virginity at like 30 and becoming beta cucks for their wives who use them for money.

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Healthcare for free
College for free
Immigration for free
Social services for free
Civic services for free
Government bureaucracy for free
A government job, with full benefits for your whole family and friends
A safe space
An "open" relationship
An (((open))) society

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>virgin Nazi incels

Wow btfo

>blue eyes
They are not even trying to hide it

Nice meme pic and no link, nigger.

Don't forget to sage your posts.

why is it okay for them to single out one race for constant, unrelenting, 24 hour 7 days a week, untoward criticism and expect no backlash

it's like they have a stick and keep poking until they get a response, and then they complain about that too

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choose one

this should make every one of you extremely angry. your ancestors tamed this land for their posterity. one finds it hard to imagine the hardships suffered through successive generations of YOUR grandfathers to get us here.
>America is your birthright.
let it sink in that they are 90% done with their project to un-man you in the country your forefathers died for.

stopping it now is far easier than fighting for it all over again.

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It's trash like this that turned me racists and sexist, because it opened my eyes to their agenda.

This shit will never end. All we have to look forward is further marginalization demonization and the rise of the subhuman political power. The country will be balkanized brazilized and whites continually targeted. We are not even yet the minority and already we are Treated as The minority, Civil race war now or it is too late

>Believe something was taken from them

Like their countries by foreigners, daughters by Islamic grooming gangs, and foreskins by Jews? Their incomes by women voters? Their culture by boomers? Their hope for a better economic tomorrow by globalists?

Gee why would they think any of that? Complete disconnection from reality.

so....blacks and browns are not masculine?

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This is advanced shilling.

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but I was told that 3% of the population (black slave men) built EVERYTHING in america and white men stole it from them :^(

oy vey

Forcing men to live in defeatism by making it impossible to fulfill their natural needs and even taking their liberty is fine?

It will be glorious to see cucks and feminists fight sharia law while my family and I use our investments to live in paradise

Can someone explain the last panel? Is it supposed to be hysterical psychosis or turning to evil?



I have a theory that the people who reveal themselves as being far right are those who are losers and have nothing more to lose, resulting in a display of degenerates not at all representative of the true far right

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arguing the point would give it the appearance of legitimacy. this is an attempt to continue to ignore the idea by mocking it.

they're hoping it just goes away and they won't have to address the problem.

People who act like they are entitled to things, typically get them.

Nobody is entitled to anything. I plan on getting mine. Don't get in my way and you might get yours too.

It's a tactic to get a reaction. Once they have that reaction the place it on display, and follow up by taking further action to support their agenda at the expense of the people they single out. that way when the inevitable negative consequences of their actions harm those they provoked, they can use it a justification

pretty standard stuff really.

Most people become drawn the this movement because they're exposed to horrific examples of black on white crime, which traumatizes and angers them.
Why don't they bring that up?

kangaroo sex courts

special hiring practices for women and non-whites

literally discriminated against, yes


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Are you so fucking new you don't understand that the jews mock us because they think we won't do anything about it?

>entitled to
Freedom? A right to exist? A world in which women are actually valuable people and not just holes to fuck? Civility? Honesty?

Fuck yeah this. Someone once compared it to (pre-legal) weed smokers. I have a good career and life and it would go right down the toilet if I wasn't user. I think it's more useful now to keep low and donate to online stuff I support.

It's projection. In the last 5 years none of them have gotten laid.

This gas-lighting mod-wit social shaming doesn't work on people who are involved in an existential fight. It works on people like you who are caught in an entirely narcissistic reality.

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Cease shilling this tabloid drivel here, Jow Forums should be a place for intellectual discourse.
>no source
archive link faggot

fucking kek

I can agree with this

The majority of the "e-celebs" are fucking trash if they're not anonymous.

>something has been taken from them that they were entitled to

yes, a country given to me by my ancestors. it was NOT given to a bunch of greedy and useless shitskins that came for gibs.

Here all y’all go

Blacks and Muslims. Two general groups that the majority of White Supremacists can't stand/tolerate. Big surprise that both those groups are also in the same boat of "masculinity issues". Maybe if the rest of the Whites in western countries weren't so "feminized", there wouldn't be such a need for this extreme masculinity front put up by these "supremacist" groups. Imagine if there weren't any of these groups; western civilization would be even more cucked by blacks and muslims, even though that's not saying much given how cucked we already are.

>This gas-lighting mod-wit social shaming doesn't work on people who are involved in an existential fight. It works on people like you who are caught in an entirely narcissistic reality.

It also can't work on anonymous, depersonalized and bored internet people shitting on eachother for fun on a daily basis.

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I think the left is talking to a mirror here

Simply this. Inheritance, stolen, given to the enemy by traitors, very simple.

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We have had our happiness and safe communities taken. Just wait till the boomers die they are the only ones keeping us from killing you. Anglo's have been calm to long we are anxious for another conquest

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>leftists crying about people pushing back against their tyranny
Whiny faggots in a nutshell.

funny thing you mention it--
accounts of nearly every brown race and all blacks were said to be feminine and emotional. iow, these ppl fall in line when we don't cuck.

it's over the moment we're ready for it to be.

Right there in America you have no laws[for most places] against being pro-white.
BUT in many countries the pro-white discourse is strictly OUTLAWED. Specially in western and northern europe.
Besides the attentionwhoring of youngsters is typical of millenials, makes me wonder how many of them REALLY are white-nationalists only the time can tell.

>"these guys believe that something has been taken from them that they were entitled to"

so like hillary voters.

Nuh uh cuz Russia haxd the erection so Drumpf won George Soros even told me

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this is part of why I see our victory as inevitable: in wn1.0 we had generally low-quality people. that's been improving every year since 2008 for many reasons, the causes for which are irreversable.

a healthy society is efficient at promoting the movers and shakers, the talented, and the energetic--even the natural percentage of "toughs" generated are inducted into the system and "bought off" with high positions, success, and power. indeed the health of any society is how well it accomplishes this task. but our society has not only gotten bad at this task, it ACTIVELY SEEKS OUT the casting out of white males, who have traditionally been the movers and shakers. this is not reversible, and as we go forward the more talented, tough, and energetic will have fewer reasons to support this system that hates them.

we first saw it with the blue-collar guys who had no good skills to express their political will. then I saw it with white tech guys towards the end of wn1.0. now it's coming from all directions-business leaders and political and military minds...
>this isn't our destruction, it's a renaissance

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>muh white supremacist

Ever hear of the 1-9-90 rule for the internet?
Most Jow Forums users have extremely irregular posting habits if they post at all.

We are entitled to a home, just like everyone else fuck knuckle. You aren't fooling anyone anymore with your subversive bullshit. I don't get why the left wastes time and money shit posting here, only hardens our beliefs if anything.

>demand affirmative action placement for 50 years
>don't want equal placement in tough jobs though, only "manager" positions
>occupations like "janitor" and "sewer worker" pay more now as a result of supply and demand
>demand that women get paid more despite not wanting to do equal work
>"those white men sure feel entitled"


>something taken they were entitled to
yeah clean neighborhoods and low crime rates

Doing what white people to natives is evil, not wanting the safe fate to befall your people is also evil.

I cannot wait until the minecraft ovens fire up once again

Let's remain strong Anglo brother for the sake of our kin

It is working. People get fired from their jobs for even breathing a word of white supremacy. Everyone who was doxxed by journalists at Charlottesville is now a pariah, and some have even killed themselves.

It won't work for long.


The best part about all this is that Anglo-Celtic men are STILL outperforming women and non-whites.
Come at us, bro. Hit us harder - it's making us stronger.

You mean like we’re doing to Dan Harmon right now?

Revenge is so sweet

Nobody cares about reddit posters

Have you ever met an alpha male who is also a white supremacist?


We have to be smarter.
Stay calm and in the realm of social normity.
we might be logically correct in wanting identity and protection for our people like the rest of the races but the majority of opinion is not in our favor which is what matters. We have to reach the hundredth monkey point by outing their contradictions about equality, and disable historical arguments about whites. If we show the slightest bit of aggression we will be painted as evil and will be easily out voiced by the media. We have to appear as if we're moving forward and making positive change for us and those around us without manipulation. We have to deny that we think we're supreme , dodge any dog whistles that make us look " hateful" and advocate for the identities of other races while staying firm about our right(equality) to preserve our identity

in the mirror every morning, dingleberry

You're a retarded fag.

have fun doing all of that and still being called an 'entitled toxic sexist incel racist nazi bigot' by people who simply hate you and want you dead

Martyrdom works .when people realize I'm not that they will realize the contradictions of our cultural narrative. We must stay firm but fair. We need to stop chasing the villain and start thinking about ourselves

I should have expected this.
they are now hiding behind X-son names.

U mad?

Pain is thought, thought is change, change is progression. Progression is life. I like the way you think, the white male renaissance is coming

Yeah, it’s called common sense, basic racial pride.

But common sense is only but the common mans sense. The common man of our ilk does not think this.

>your entire race has worked to develop humanity and achieve human greatness
>with these constant strides of progress and work, there are expectations of others
>introducing niggers of every race to drag down greatness the project their irrationality and delusional entitlement onto the ones who carry the burden of superiority
>more and more become niggers each day because it's fashionable and easy while those who try can still bear the burden
>will soon enter hard times created by weak niggers who broke hard men
inb4 typical memefag herrderrs about "hard men, broke, gay, if they're hard, how did they break"

We don't believe we're owed anything. We just are objectively better than everyone else on the planet. History present and future have and will vindicate us

It has been longer than that. At least since 2010.

Is anyone actually a white supremacist? I figured most would be white nationalists.

You're funny, user. Funny-looking.

They are just a different people. Not worse or better.

These Jews speak as if they already own everything.
It is a trick and kikes aren't bulletproof

>not better
We know.
>not worse
Yeah? Go be not worse in your own fucking corner of the planet, and stop fucking up our shit.

White nationalism is so hard in America because of slavery. It would be extremely unfair to force someone out of their country then force them back. England on the other case had a much stronger case for white nationalism. White identity should be protected in America if other identities are protected. If not all others should perish with it inside the country walls.

Yeah, they're awesome bros.
I don't qualify tho desu...

>archived it for Jow Forums
thank you bong
thank you for your service
newfaggots can't even into archiving

Supremacists =/= Nationalists

Supremacists(kkk skinheads ect) are almost non-existing today.
Majorly compromised of glowniggers and mutts.

Nationalists aren't racist because they allow nationalist allies.
Doesn't mean they wanto to racemix but it also doesn't mean they want to genocide.

This scares the left to be confronted when conflating the two as if they are interchangable.

Don't interrupt your enemy when it's making a mistake.

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