Other urls found in this thread:
> be me
> have only ever voted Republican
> army veteran
> afghan war veteran
> gun owner
> concealed carry permit holder
> work in law enforcement
> son of police officer, grandson of police officer
> hate the gangs, criminals, and SJW leftists destroying this country
> hated Hillary
> think that Trump is a coward and a traitor to this country for many reasons
> think that Trump supporters are more dangerous than any other threat we currently face
> get called a shill on Jow Forums
As more and more of us turn our back on this joke of a president and on the cultist movement you guys blindly follow, the more you'll say Jow Forums is infested with "shills" and Democrat bots. But we are real people that are expressing our frustration and disillusion with this president and his administration. Face it, user, there are a lot of us oldfags who think this president is fucking pathetic and that you guys are even more pathetic for supporting him. Either wake the fuck up and get right, or realize you're too-far-gone and neck yourselves, or wait until you get dragged into the streets and punished for being such faggots.
the ol' kansas city shuffle, classic
Sorry your girl lost.
the ol' switcheroo
Wow, Trump lovers are sick and twisted Misopedes.
who cares
That stale pasta isn't even convincing.
Only could have been better if she signed saying her anchor baby could be deported with her
>can't even fucking read
Yeah these "people" will be a big benefit to America I'm sure.
if only she were literate this horrible tragedy could have been avoided
>why the fuck won't it learn? why can't it learn to read?
I've seen this pasta three times already today. Get fucked. It isn't going to work.
Keep up the rage, I love seeing the salt you are producing, Trump Salt Mines Incorporated stock is skyrocketing because of people like you
And that's a good thing
Kill all Jewish and israeli children
Ahhhh Kyle, ze CUTTLEFISH
You like everything about him other than his deportation of illegal aliens.
Literally doing what got him elected.
It's a pasta
>Restaurant doesn't give out free food
I've been tricked sir, this is outrageous
Here's an idea, if you're planning on breaking the law, don't fucking bring your child along with you. Then you won't have to worry about being separated once you're caught.
Yeah, I really doubt this happened.
>Jew war hero here
>where's my parade?
>DAE based Israel?
Get fucked shill faggot sage yourself.
Here’s why the posts by you shills have a backwards effect:
I actually like everything about Trump other than a few things. I don’t like his Israel and Jew pandering, but hey, I get it. I didnt like his bombing of Syria, but hey, at least he’s not going overboard with it...
And I don’t like how Trump is deporting non-criminals and breaking up families with innocent children. But the fact that you shills are trying to make it look like he’s doing something wrong by upholding the rule of law, and actually doing what he SAID he would do, which got him elected, makes me stand behind his actions. He’s obviously doing something right if you paid-shills are attacking him about it.
still not tired of winning
Ah, the Ol' Refried Bean
play stupid games (illegally migrating)
win stupid prizes (putting your child in danger = losing rights to said child)
Why don't people seem to understand this?
The child could always go back too. Wouldn’t want to separate the family. Besides, it’s not a shit hole country or anything.
Hi! Your friendly immigration lawyer here, with some important clarity on the law.
Simply being undocumented is not a crime. There is a federal misdemeanor crime of "Improper entry" under 8 U.S.C. § 1325, but that crime only applies to individuals who cross the border illegally. If you come on a visa and then overstay that visa (estimated to be around 40-50% of all undocumented immigrants), then it is definitively not criminal to remain in the United States. This is because it's not a crime to be undocumented; it's a civil violation of immigration law only.
I like to explain it this way; parking in front of a fire hydrant is illegal, but it's not criminal. You cannot be arrested for parking in front of a fire hydrant, you cannot be put in jail, and the penalty is a civil traffic infraction which requires you to pay a fine. Similarly, being undocumented is not a crime. It's a civil infraction, the penalty for which is deportation.
But don't just take my word on it! The Supreme Court has been extremely clear on this point:
As a general rule, it is not a crime for a removable alien to remain present in the United States.
sit the fuck down, taco. I bet you're one of those "free traveler" fuckers too
Why do their women have such fat goblin heads? They look like the have Down’s syndrome.
no refunds
The Honduran mother's English probably wasn't so good no?
Kinda feel bad if its true. Still they should fuck off back to Honduras anyway
good to know, ramp up those deportations then friendly immigration lawyer
daily reminder that Democrats did this by creating false hope and lies based on zero law.
>the penalty is a civil traffic infraction which requires you to pay a fine
And if I refuse to pay the fine? Like they refuse to leave on their own?
It's hilarious how Trump supporters literally support Child Kidnapping while trying to LARP as Child Defenders.
>ignores the endangering child's life part
nice post, thx for the info but ignoring half of it
I'm sure they can totally prove that's what happened...
>immigration lawyer
You are literally a traitor and will eventually go back with the trash you bring in
>it isn't going to work
>people reply in droves, including you
the absolute fucking state
>Mexicans can't read
Water is wet
her son was only 29-years old. have a heart!
I'm so fucking sorry those spics won't leave this awful, racist and abusive country. It's as if there is something here they want really really bad.
>new mexico isn't even hiding it anymore
Lol what a dumb spic. Couldn't she just read the paper? Oh wait it was in ENGLISH.
>It's a civil infraction, the penalty for which is deportation.
so you're saying they're criminals who need to be deported?
Dudes full of shit its the 9th circuit and all it does is affirm that federal law overrides state law and federal law says if you're detained you have to have your immigration checked and you have to go back, but AZ supreme court don't like it. Sadface.
If you're not a lawyer, the difference between "illegal" and "criminal" is largely theoretical. But there's so, so many things that are only "civil" offenses, and that make more sense when you think about it.
Generally speaking, many "civil offenses" are lower-level things where there's no threat of jail or serious penalty. For example; open container violations, traffic tickets, parking tickets, etc...
There are also lots of laws that make certain conduct illegal, but not criminal. I also like to use landlord-tenant law as an example there. A landlord who evicted his tenants without notice would be breaking the law and committing an "illegal" act. But because landlord-tenant law is civil, not criminal, the police can't arrest a landlord for an illegal eviction. The only remedy is to go to landlord-tenant court and file a civil lawsuit seeking to get a remedy from a judge.
Similarly, immigration is mostly civil; unlike criminal court, there's no right to an attorney. An immigration judge can't hold lawyers in contempt or order anyone to be arrested. Generally speaking, an immigration judge's authority is limited to reviewing ICE decisions to hold people in custody, and deciding whether not someone can legally remain in the country. But not whether anyone committed a crime.
Learn to read English if you want in America
>fiesta card
N-no you're supposed to be eating reasonably
wow, it's almost like being a criminal has repercussions in first world countries... how culturally insensitive...
English motherfucker do you read it?
So all that we have to do is make it illegal to remain in a country while undocumented.
Why didn’t she stay in Mexico instead of shopping for gibs if they were truely seeking “asylum.” No fucks given.
I'm pretty sure that USA law says the written contract is invalid when it is profoundly unlike the preceding verbal agreement.
Stop pissing them off and just shoot them. Illegals are worse than scum.
She is an illegal immigrant and therefore a criminal.
Isn't this proof that they had no intention of integrating into our country?
>Be illegal
Fuck off shill.
He's larping as hard as he can so don't expect any real answers.
Basically if someone thinks you're an illegal you can't just snatch them up and keep them for an indeterminate amount of time because you can't potentially lock citizens up because they can't prove they're citizens for a minute or a month or anything. Its illegals getting safe harbored because it could potentially negatively impact citizens.
If you get detained for a crime they have every right to check your immigration status and boot your ass. If they somehow determine an illegal is an illegal they can knock down your door and boot your ass.
If only the Nazis had known we had this weakness. they could have just crossed over from Mexico while we were still neutral with them. Or overstayed their visas. They should have sponsored the whole Liebens born program to take place in the US so they would all be US citizens. Then they could have just voted to gas the Jews and nuke London. God, I'm so hard thinking about that.
Anyways, what about 15 years of dodging taxes, identity theft, fraud, black market trading, and intention to sell drugs/guns/human trafficking? Nearly 1/3 of all people illegally crossing the boarder are involved in drugs, guns, or violence. Then damn near 100% of them never pay taxes or even try.
There's a real limit to how many invaders we can support and pay for that contribute nothing. We must update the law to be harsher or we will be destroyed by our vulnerability.
They pay taxes!
>When they steal someone's social security number they pay into taxes through their employers.
How can you deport tax payers goy!
The 'ol "you just agreed to be killed in a homocidal gas chamber".
ha ha. womp womp.
they are lucky we are still letting them go
pic related
Not so fast! If the kid is staying in America and the parents are going back you can bet your ass their lawyer told them to fuck it up on purpose so they have a court case to drag out to the supreme court.
the ol' pretend to give your kid back
What about working and not paying tax or SS? That is a crime isn't it? So if they have not paid tax on their under the table earnings they should go to jail then be deported, yeah?
This is the leftist version of
The DOTR is coming for you too shill
I´ll drink to it.
sounds like they fell for it
Probably, but how do you prove it without a video recording of both the prior conversation and the signing of the contract? Even a witness is unreliable unless it’s a lawyer or someone professional
They have lawyers. If they signed anything without getting legal advice to do so, they deserve what they got. Further, it just goes to show that they don't understand our language thus should go back home and download a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking to get some practice.
>unless it's a lawyer or someone professional
Even those "professionals" are humans. Their brain works the same way yours does. If your brain can be fooled into thinking X instead of Y, so can theirs (and it happens quite often even with them). There is nothing significantly better going on inside their craniums - they're not savants.