When is Cenk going to "pulverize the DNC" and "rip it to shreds"?

When is Cenk going to "pulverize the DNC" and "rip it to shreds"?
Come on Cenk, you promised.
Lead the (((Democratic))) revolution Cenk, we're waiting here.

Attached: Cenk_Uygur_s2046x2048.jpg (2046x2048, 291K)

Other urls found in this thread:


When he said he's going to go to WAR WITH THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY, what he meant is make more unwatched videos and cry

lol someone posted his dick pic on Jow Forums.


Do you have it?

Didn't Chunk Yoghurt get financed by some arabs?

No, I'm not a faggot.

god that thing is hideous...

Can you link to the thread?

I sincerely hope you're a woman.

>the heeb shivered nervously

Fucking Turks

Attached: 1v0hk8.jpg (888x499, 76K)

He has a huge cock though.



Attached: 1532233952390.png (735x422, 125K)

the Qatar government to be exact.

greek you are le tard

Attached: shalom good soyim.png (800x716, 205K)

>Qatar government
makes sense, they financed democrat candidates

he's trying to weed out those lying Armenians from the party, fuck them and there "genocide".



Attached: 1530040289898.gif (480x479, 263K)

He already sold out.


Attached: revenge trump.jpg (422x422, 20K)

Fucking turkroach...

I've got no reason to defend this dude but the dick pic that was posted on Jow Forums showed he had a pretty girthy penis.

my hamster got farted on by a turk, he died

I'll believe it when I see it.

Was it big?

It seemed above average in length but the girth was just jaw-dropping.

He's definitely stretched pussies wide apart with that thing.

Turks are shit tier people.


I want Ana to call me a fat racist incel loser, spit in my mouth, make me swallow in and then piss on me.

Anyone have a pick of Ana's cunt?

upboat for senk numba one

God damn it, stop teasing and someone post the damned thing.

cenk is an old school republican. if you honest to god think he believes anything he says on his show you are a moron. he named his show after the perpetrators of the armenian genocide and has an armenian slave as his co-host. god Jow Forums is so low IQ these days.

I heard that while he was studying at Columbia, he plowed a lot of white liberal sluts with that huge Turkish cock.

He is one dumb fuck. One of the lowest iq tards ever

You're a rude uncultured redneck.

Because he is a fucking manlet you dense malaka

Attached: height-requirment-sign-in-front-of-amusement-park-ride-bryan-mullennix.jpg (900x600, 99K)

people only watched him on election night for the tears


hehe Iove reliving this moment over and over

Is he still a thing? ∞

holy shit

Attached: DCF43294-7108-46E1-87C1-B51D63D0E413.jpg (400x400, 32K)



The DNC bought them.


He is is in the public talking like a fool about radioactive snow on yhe decks of u.s ships in the gulf. It was nothing but cleaning solution. He thinks it there is radioactive snow in the persian gulf. If that isnt retarded...idk what is. No substantiate your opinion of me. You cant.

source faggot

The irony.


checks out

>people only watched him on election night for the tears
What was funny to me was the one asian guy on their panel that night. "Hillary had no message. I'm with her... what does that even mean?!?!?!"