Why are there any white Democrats left?

What are they thinking? When will white democrats realize that they want them demographically marginalized and eventually eliminated?

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Democrats should just expell whites from the party
they've done enough damage

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That's what the white democrats want, too. Why would they not support the party that advocates exactly what they want?

das rite

Because some retards are still under the impression that the left is the bastion of enlightenment and the right is EBIL WAYSIS WRONG SIDE OF LE HISTORY


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Oh, riiight

The overlords will be white for a long, long time.

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The Libs won't stop until New Hampshire is 24% white, Nashua looks like Chicago, and "EBT Accepted" signs are in the windows of all businesses. They want the entire country to look like one giant Dollar Tree store.

Should we just dedicated all our resources to cloning Pat Buchanan at this point? I can't think of any other man that puts the fear of god in darkies and kikes just by existing like Pat does. Imagine what we could do with a hundred or a thousand Pats.

I agree it needs to change. I think 97-98 percent would be even better

> The Libs won't stop until New Hampshire is 24% white, Nashua lo
They'll legalize cannabis within the state and create a new shift of ethnicity like which has had occurred in Colorado.

Oh shit, what?

Brown dude here, electrician is my gig.
No brown or black people have ever paid me and my guys to do shit.
Without white people we'd starve.

Basically only because comment sections are moderated across Nornan space. An open forum and it would all be over wothin a few months.

It's too late for that plan since every surrounding state has already done it.

>room is clean
>babby contemplates how best to smear it with feces

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60% of white women in New Hampshire voted for Hillary Clinton

"liberal women" are just vaginal jews, they're not smart enough to have real interests beyond screaming about abortions

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Nice cock holsters, faggot.


Where's the plan to make Chicago and Atlanta less black?

The only whites left in the Democratic party are idiots and suicidal

They're voting for a party that literally wants them dead

>tfw all twenty of my white family members are ardent democrats

self hatred is real yawl

They're just making up excuses to wipe out the white population. Age means nothing. Population growth means nothing. Just excuses to commit evil.

"White." You mean Jews.

>When will white democrats realize that they want them demographically marginalized and eventually eliminated?

They actually WANT that. One of the core tenets of the religion of leftism/Globohomo is to pay for the original sin of White privilege and mu colonialism. They don't see white extinction as bad, but as the way of redemption.

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We have to get to a point in society where we study white females from the age of 6 to 22, from when they enter elementary school to graduate college, and determine why so many white college girls are out in the streets protesting Trump, why they are obsessed with abortion and killing their own white children, and why they not only attend Black Lives Matter protests - but they are up front holding the Black Lives Matter banners, how they are shocked and saddened to hear about a few thousand migrant brown kids separated from their families - but don't say a word when 50,000 of their white fellow teen classmates have OD'ed on Heroin brought in from Mexico over the past decade.

We can't just blame the (jews)... there is something far bigger going on. Whether it's white girls growing up in households with abusive and drunk white fathers and they learn to hate their father and thus transfer that hatred onto white men in general... or if it's because so many white girls don't have household chores growing up and thus they have no connection to a household or what a woman's role in the family unit is... there is something big going on in the country and it all can't be blamed on jewish hollywood or being brainwashed by what they see from the Kardashians on Twitter.

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Chicago is hella white

Are you dumb?

>30% white
>1/3 of those whites are Jews

20% white is not "hella white"

This makes me fucking rage. I have been wanting to move to NH for years. There's no place to go.

White democrats remind me of that albino chick from Hellboy 2.
"If our days have ended, let us fade".
Based albino prince guy is like "Fuck you bitch!" and kills all the elf cucks.

Some of them just don't realize what the party has become now

They just listen to whatever the media tells them. Women always go with whatever they think is the most popular thing. Of course the media is like 90% controlled by leftists, so that's what they end up with.

Start teaching women to understand media propaganda and the whole system will collapse.

the open mouthed cuck. fucking shit imagine the smell

I just hate how fucking true this is.

it seems like every other day the Jew York Times puts another these "We're Killin' Whytie, Here's Why That's a Good Thing" articles
the comments are usually pretty absurd

What a transphobic, homophobic picture. Why are democrats such intolerant bigots?

edgy, am i right guys?

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The number of white dems is shrinking by the day

but legalizing Hemp industry would revive the entire region. A completely self-reliant local economy, and I'm not talking about "pot shops". Boomers don't know this.

I believe allowing women to vote was the single greatest failure to our society.

The media today posts pictures of dead children or something similar, these women become so emotionally hurt they will vote to make it stop, regardless of facts. They just don't want the hurt anymore, just like if someone was pointing a gun at our head or hurting us to vote for a particular candidate.

The way to change this is to change the control governments have on the money supply.

Decentralised government for the future.

No user you just can’t swallow the pill that you had a country run entirely by Northern Europeans and they allowed it to go from 90% white to minority white over the course of less than a century lmao

if all races are the same and equal, then whats gained by mixing them?
if anything this is racist

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Fucking retard

mental illness

NH is my home state, and I hope to return from the shitty south one day.

I truly hope their attempts to ruin that great state don't succeed.

>Northern New England does contain pockets that are less monolithic. They are concentrated in the largest communities -- Portland, ME; Burlington, VT; and in Manchester, NH. In Manchester, for example, the white population has dropped to 82%, down from 98% in 1980

Yea, and Manchvegas has steadily been turning into a shithole, i wonder fucking why.
How can this kind of ethnic replacement be PRAISED? When if you replace white with any other color you'd be shouted down as a racist, defamed, and probably lose your job. It's all so tiring.

Civilizations are like leaves, they turn brown as they die

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I know a white democrat that is perfectly ok with being a minority they are just suicidal

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At this point, a white man voting Democrat is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

(((Jew York Times)))

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>tfw I found out social security will likely be insolvent a few years before I am set to retire.

Why do I have to pay into this horseshit? Why can't I choose to put this money into a Roth IRA instead?

Why are boomers literally the worst generation?

I don't know what race this is but I like it.

Has there ever been a people that has willingly ceded more power than white men?

Don't you mean boomers?

>there is something far bigger going on
(((K-12 school)))