Why shouldn't I date a tranny if she legitimately makes me happy?

Why shouldn't I date a tranny if she legitimately makes me happy?

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How are you gonna have babies?

We don't care if you're a faggot.

Surrogate mother?


Because he’s a man, man

You don't sound very decisive desu.

Why do you feel the need to post this on an internet forum?

Fuck off and do what makes you happy... i don't need to know how many trannies you fucked today...

She's more feminine ladylike than your average bong """female"""

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enjoy ban

Why shouldn't I shoot heroin if it makes me happy?

If a tranny makes you happy, perhaps you should kill yourself.

Bitch looks like Nic Cage KEK

If sucking dick makes you happy go for it just know everyone is judging you behind your back

Pick one
Also sage

Nigga if you’re happy, stay fuckin happy

>Why shouldn't I date a tranny if she legitimately makes me happy?
Because mentally ill people who mutilate themselves and their enablers shouldn't be part of society.

Why don't you explain why you should be allowed to?

>Surrogate mother?
So you can't breed because you're in reality a homosexual?

>She's more feminine ladylike than your average bong """female"""
His DNA and genes read as male.

you're a homosexual fucking a man.

It's up to you, if it makes you happy go for it, just don't pretend you're not banging a dude. It's 2018, most people won't care if you're gay.

>It's up to you, if it makes you happy go for it, just don't pretend you're not banging a dude. It's 2018, most people won't care if you're gay.
t. cuckservative

>I'm happy with this dude thats been fucking me. Hes prettier than any landwhale woman I've ever dated.
Breh, the wall that a dude hits at a certain age is a whole lot different than the wall a woman hits.
One day you'll wake up next to a man that resembles your grandfather and youll want to kill yourself soo fucking fast and hard you wont know what the fuck.

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Because the pussy isn't real?

Go on about feminine penis and boipucci all you want, most trannies end goal is to have a pussy...which involves chopping their dick off and creating a fuck hole using inverted dick and ball bag skin, or worse...a colon.

Attached: shit pipe pussy.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

You mean he?

It's his choice, it's reducing the amount of men to compete with, it's making him happy. Remind me why that's a bad thing.

If you are into trannies, you are not legitimately mentally healthy. You have issues. Two mentally ill people together is bad news, and eventually you'll destroy one another.