How do we stop this bitch?

How do we stop this bitch?

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Just let her talk.

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You should be supporting her. She's destroying the dems.

Fuck off shill, we love this crazy bitch

This bitch has said more against the Jews than Trump has.

She's /ourgirl/

Unlike Trump she won't suck Zionist dick and backstab her people. She stands for her tribe.

This. You need the left to go so left Bernie looks center.

uhm no i'm pretty sure populist and progressive ideas are more popular than corrupt establishment centrists dems

to be fair what she says there is kind of correct. part time and contract work has increased over the last 10 years. also people who gave up finding jobs after the recession are not counted.

first show flag.

anti semetism is not okay
Israel is our biggest ally

she has no idea what she's talking about

it's American but there's no point in showing it

I wonder what her pussy looks like. I don't think its a 100% "simp" looking one (homer simpsons mouth), but I don't think its a roastie either. Probably a prominent clitoral hood and just all round "juicy" look to it. I bet it smells strongly but invitingly, and it just begs to be fucked by a based white man.

>How do we stop X?

Campaign for her
Spread her promises far and wide
Watch her fail to deliver
Report on her "progress"

libtard shill detected

Stop her from what? Splitting the Democrats?

thought so. how do you do fellow american?

Let her be, that satanist bitch will go straight to hell and her soul will burn forever all eternity

Ignore her because she's crazy, and her stupid ideas will be blow up in her face.

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Tiddy fug into oblivion

>i'm pretty sure populist and progressive ideas are more popular than corrupt establishment centrists dems
Which is why it's destroying them.

t. Increasing nervous Israeli.

Just let her speak, then take what she says and find Chavez or Madero saying the exact same thing. Meme the shit out of it.

baseball and also 9/11 was bad

Ask your supervisor, then come up with something that you can then stick in a headline like “horrific abuse aimed at so and so found on far right website”

Or you know, do some real journalism.

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>Communist shitskin who wants to bring the entire third world to America and hand out unlimited gibs

Fuck off, retard.

The best way to defeat her would be to leave her to her own devices. Leftists thrive on confrontation but self destruct quickly without a fight to justify their delusional ideologies and failing economic and moral state.

Think “Arby’s meets blue waffle”


she has a room temperature IQ

Who is this lad?

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I am convinced it is her PR team that is spamming all this shit about her.

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Anyone have that infographic from shareblue about countering being called out? Think this guy doesn’t as he has it memorised.

>thinks we need to stop a dumb ass bitch

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The new face of the Left.
Be afriad. Be very afraid.

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Ol' gummy isn't as big a threat as you think. Stop talking about her.

Don't have to. Democrats have proven themselves capable of self-destruction without any intervention from outside sources.

lol, you don't. You just laugh and make memes. Because she's a great help to us by siphoning valuable votes away from democratic candidates who are actually viable. A civil war in the Democratic party is not to be stopped.

she's too hot to destroy.

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She's helping to normalize socialism which means it will be easier to roll out the National Socialist American Workers Party.

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caption that image with something that sounds psycho stalker girlfriend-y

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Argentinian economist here...
If she gets to power, forget about american prosperity...

Do interfere with your enemy while he is he process of destroying himself

Its going to be very, very hard, believe me. Posting weird snaps on pol is all well and good, but compared to obese fuckers that are 99% of political space in US, she is fucking model. Moreover, she is a socialist with beautiful story for millions of young retards believing her lies.

If she doesn't do anything retarded, doesn't get hit by a train or something, she is winning. Easily.

She is hot Bernie Sanders. And a fucking mutt.

She is winning when she comes to an age.

I'm enjoying the display

Why is she always making this face in every fucking picture?

yes I guess her getting hit by a train would be pretty benificial to us
good point

its the female onions face, like daisy ridley

We can't, we should probably just give up pol.

>it’s a bad thing that she will destroy the Democratic party

>hopes to roll out national socialism in a 56% white country

Whats with her eyes holy fuck she makes the same face a magician makes right before he makes something impossibly huge disappear

I call it "rape face". either she was raped, or she will be the one raping.

Burgers know this. Well, polacks at least. Their problem is, she is going to get to power purely via PR and solid looks (by political standard).

Her story is movie like. An immigrant mutt that has gotten some shitty award in HS that she probably stolen, worked as a weitress and has colleague degree in social sciences, finance and international relations or whatever the fuck it is? Oh and her masters was on immigration...They are fucked and they know it. They think some retard like Jeb Bush or Ted Cruz is going to beat her? Kek...

>Implying that we're going to have to do anything to stop her
>Implying that she's actually accomplishing anything

>How do we stop this bitch?
let her talk on live tv

God I want her to ride my dick like an animal.

b-but she's gonna turn NY blue!

Considering she ousted a multi term Democrat she did a good job. The Left moves further left and take out their establishment in the process.

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She will be Nancy Pelosi but brown and somehow even more dumb.

Keep telling that to yourself, but truth is, they had fucking Bernie Sanders, a 80yr old kike cuck without a single working day in his life, and retarded Hillary Clinton, and you think this whore will destroy Democratic party? Why? Because she is full blown socialist? Democrats have literally become full blown socialists. This is not 1998 anymore.

>makes something impossibly huge disappear
my boner



btw check 'em

And yet she's the media's darling, educated, in policy making and you're a disgusting fatass with no job or finances to your name shitposting from your mom's damp basement Wow must be great having your 200 IQ fucking faggot

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>Implying that she's actually accomplishing anything
She's accidentally destroying her own party. I say we let her continue.

Your white knighting her by taking the statement out of context, even then it does not work. She is an economics major that does not understand how unemployment is calculated. She is a mouth breathing, knuckle dragging Puerto reject.

I've got a huge crush on her and I can't stop reading about her.

>defeated the #2 dem
>cant stop giving embarrassing interviews
>isnt even old enough to run for president next election anyway
And yet they're tripling down on her

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Winner winner, chicken dinner.

That photo alone will stop her. Everyone knows Manson eyes when they see them. Moderates and swing voters are not going to vote for someone who reminds them of Charles. The only place she can win is in a completely leftist enclave which would never elect a Republican anyway. Just spam that photo with her name, possibly juxtaposed with Charlie. The bitch is a narcissistic sociopath and her eyes reveal it.

crush on that ugly high testosterone sheman?

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Did she really say that?

By letting her talk.

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She is the future. Join the REVOLUTION!!!!

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Ask her questions that involve simple math or basic economic principles.
Then let her mouth do the work.

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we can't stop her - that's the problem with letting non-whties into the USA - they will now vote for people like her.

You might as well ask how do white south africans vote a white man into being president - they are outnumbered by blacks who can vote.

One thing I don't get - she is just some dumb bartender who is in her late 20s - so she must have been on myspace and facebook when aged 18-25 - so why haven't we found all the bikini vacation pics?

What exactly is wrong with what she said here? I bet none of you can say because you think it makes no sense when it does.

Gd she slways looks fuking insane. Loke literally mentally insane.

WE DON'T. She is exactly what we need. She is going to ravage the democrat party.

that's the way with spics though - often hot when aged under 25 and i think that vid was when she was at college?

she is in her late 20s now, she'll hit the wall hard by 30 - pity as latinas can be hot but it virtually never lasts

She would be destroyed in a debate. Yes, keep her talking.

yes - she really is pretty stupid, not jsut saying i disagree with ehr, she is just an air-headed bimbo but in her district most people are hispanic and didn't want to vote for a white man. During the campaign she even attacked him ebcause he didn't speak Spanish! she is just a race hustler

obviously got her degree from slip n' fall school.

Holy shits she's practically Obama but with granny panties

she is half right. unemployment stays stagnant becacause pedro works 3 fast food jobs. leaving out 2 persons who could have gotten them. maybe she didnt elaborate enough.


Or say something extremely left wing and watch her agree with it...

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Stupidity is trying to protect one's ignorance. Her "answer" is literally retarded because one person working multiple jobs actually increases unemployment statistics. Think about it. 1 person working two jobs means one less person in the workforce when two people can work a single job. This dumb answer is likely a response to her being told that Trump brought unemployment down. Its a disingenuous deflection so she doesn't have to ever give Trump any credit for doing actual good.

Stop talking about her.

As a Libertarian Socialist that makes me happy.

Obama drone-bombed more than Bush.

I think the Dems will stop her.

Throw out of helicopter into the atlantic etc.

Free Palestine!

European Jews are not real Jews. Real Jews are not white! Jesus was dark-skinned.

Red man, best man. Europe will fall! Brown pride.

She hates Israel, so AIPAC will dump a ton of money on her opponents. She won't win.

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This. She'll take her friends down with her.