Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Tay Edition 1


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>Enemy intel - Dönermann's Discord leaked

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>English language analysis

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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


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I heard from now on every edition will be a Tay Edition


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Shit Edition.

never just use pegidy vocabulary, i know it is dirty and fun, but it has fefe's too

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Get used to it

What are the nice states and cities in germany?

Wie geil is der Chris denn eigentlich?

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What an enlightened centrist he is.
What a joke.
>We want the national collapse and all the goals of the left, but they should be implemented more slowly, otherwise it would be radical

Worst edition.

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Nice way to get kraut/pol/ banned.

>alt-JIDF edition

no one knows

Mods can't do anything against it, it's just the edition. Using a TayTay pic or gif as OP isn't illegal.

I may have lost the battle, but not the war!

I'm really looking forward to Tay Edtion 2- ∞

Into the fucking bin with that coalburner.

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Nobody can stop me, I told you that.

Bump. Are germans waking up . I want out of this fucking piece of shit country so bad you germans have dont even know how fucking bad it is in this country. Im not going to raise a family in this shitpile. What are some nice german states and cities?


>What are some nice german states and cities?
Duisburg Marxloh


yeah, thats his boomer appeasement larp

Viel Glück Deutschebro

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>Are Germans waking up, meaning getting hostile towards immigration and foreigners
>Can I immigrate, I am huwhite and 1/64 bavarian
Fuck off into the northwest and dont contaminate european countries.

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everything in NRW

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Meine bruder

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You should try paying off your debt instead of shitposting on German territory.

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Fehlt noch, daß er seine #Kuhkrawatte trägt.

Fookin pseudo-libertarians...


and thats why liberalists are the best strategists.
no one expects any surprises

>Are germans waking up
Most in around six hours.

>calls himself germanic
>doesn't even use the endonym

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stop it

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Ahhh, NRW. Where the only people you see behind the wheels of 100k+ black Luxuslimousinen of the Mercedes and BMW type with tainted glass are either serious businesspeople or.... sandniggers who got nothing better do to than drive them around in broad daylight.

Every time. I should open a Döner store or something. Seems to be the secret recipe to become a millionaire here.

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based photoshop

I'm originally from NRW, I can confirm that there is a Dönerbude on every corner and I lived in a Village.


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Nah, no respect for people like you. Have fun with your little power trip on an anonymous board. You are no better than hartz4 scammers, Refugees and all the other people who think they can choose which rules should apply to them.
>inb4 some selfish bs, yada yada jaja

Hello german frens. Please dont 7-1 me

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An italian shittalking other countries military history.
The irony.

Blame the fags that reported Tay.

>the secret recipe to become a millionaire here.
so what, money laundering, social security fraud?!

how does that expensive car thing really work?

I have no clue. You should ask a turk about that because they surely are experts in that regard.

Howdy, fellow Anglo-Germanic friend.

For those that want the reference,

You really have no concept of accepting punishment, I'm telling you this not because I want you gone. I'm telling you this because your parents haven't beaten you hard enough to teach you that you sometimes just got to admit that you fucked up.


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>fugee crisis is ogre
oh boy oh boy
are they in for a sudden wake, over and over and over again
Freddy fucking Krüger hunting them in their dreams
know whats "good" about all those small but gruesome happenings instead of just a single big one were a couple of hundreds die a tragic death in a huge fireball?
they can't just brush it aside
the great collective Alzheimer people are so used to never kicks in
they are reminded almost every day at this point that something is amiss
its creeping closer every day
getting under their skin
developing into schizophrenia and paranoia
"maybe i am next" the normie asks himself
and the answer is

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Often they're rented or leased. Often the entire family puts money together and then they share the car.
To some extend the money is coming from criminal activities, but in most cases it's just what I described above.

the eagle should hold a football tho

Tay got an range ban. I would call that punisment enough. Also nobody gave a shit about the avatarfagging for an entire year but than suddenly some weak manlets got triggered and started reporting Tay.

That photoshop is kekus maximus. >pic related

So you are not Tay? AAAAA stop confusing me

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You look pretty muzzled from where i am standing.
I cherish that. the only thing i ask myself what the charge was against you. to me i couldn't see much of a rule violator in you except the occassional little kiddos being naked, or did they shut your ass up because of "quality concerns"?

barbra streisand effect incoming


the undubbed version before it went through the filter
t. kraut/pol/leaks

this .. Krautism forever

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I wonder how many Anons are affected by Tay's range ban.

Tay, it's Fanzie, leave kraut pol alone. We are all Fran's here we will see u another day. Also tell my kraut bf to message me!!!

Why did you suddenly remove the swastikas from your name? Just curious.

Und selbst wenn alles scheiße ist, du pleite bist und sonst nix kannst,
Dann sei doch einfach Stolz auf dein Land
Oder gib die Schuld ein paar ander'n armen Schweinen,
Hey, wie wär's denn mit den Leuten im Asylbewerberheim

checked an spread

On my phone at work, so I don't know how to make swastikas on this thing. Oh okay.

Turks buy their cars in groups while living in some shitty one room apartment

>Blame the Vikings who invaded Normandy for adopting French and then invading England.
But Germania is Latin/Italian not French. I think you went with what the Church called it.
>What would the English equivalent of Deutschland even be anyway?

Brought to you by nafri logic.

neatly done,
thats really wholesome now

Broke up with my bf just before I left, phone has been dead with no service since the 10th, charged it and brought it here. So turns out I am running away from america.

I know you won't believe me either way, but i really didn't. I would have loved to slam her out of bounds, but i use the report system only when i think it actually violates a law. and i do that because she is up her own ass, thinks she is untouchable and now she's there where she belongs for being an uppity bitch whose princess-complex hasn't been beaten out of her in her delicate age of ... too old for this shit

I'm Tay...

卐 There you go, can't have you running around without your symbols of "well-being" can we?

yeah, some of it surely, but 100k+ cars?!
something tells me there is another story, some diversity exploit or so

Oh sutti um sorry but sometimes you need to ignore things. Worse things in life. Just caught my bf, for example, telling some chick to meet him at a tree so he can see her PLUM.

10+ welfare niggers lease/rent it
all with the same name, identical look
this is not a maymay, most europeans can't tell them apart, they look like fucking twins
same goes for health insurance
10 of them use the exact same Krankenversicherungskarte
this scheme can be applied to everything solely relying on a name and photo id

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In the US they have like 10 kids in the ghetto to increase welfare and buy nice csra


le windmill of peace and white power

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im out bye bye

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my friend in Germany says that most germanys seem to think they've let in enough muzzies.

Why did it take so long to realize it?

Most Germans doesn't mean our politicians though. It's still going and and by far not most of us have realized it.

I'm in your debt.

>Why did it take so long to realize it?
muh holocaust for 70 years

funfact : our holocaust is now also your holocaust

Yeah I get that all of your politics and science is based off that, how is it my Holocaust though?

You're welcome, you can kindly absolve your debt now by not talking about your boyfriend, because no one cares. A lot of people here including me have had similar experiences but no one did complain about it on an Internet image-board which is supposed to be about politics.

trump is hitler
and all right wings are Nazis

We have been doing this here for 70 years

Including you? I am sorry to hear that. I always thought Europeans were better than Americans, so it's hard to see this happening. You guys just come off as having your lives together. It's just surprising it would happen and that's where my family comes from.

I know, I think Trump could do better. I mean, caring for your family is different than caring for strangers, and it's not particularly Nazism, per say. America would do better if we abandoned all law, altogether. Made everything legal. Germany is much more developed in that sense, so laws are there to protect family where laws here protect strangers.

Hello there and pump!

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Example would be how the English settlers lied to Europe from day 1 about this place to make themselves feel better about the crappy decision that was made. Murder is only illegal because Christian's pushed their Bible on the public. To get America started we need to legalize murder.

So, any new intredasting things or are Germanics finally dying out?