Australia is officially cucked. The West loses another pillar
Abbos wins
>HMAS diamantina
>gravedocked fucking tourist attraction
shut up it's a real ship
I'm with her.
>its killing him inside he isn't making his söylent grin for this picture
god i love flat chest bodies
Good for them.
Women can do anything men can.
And to prove it they should be the frontlines for WWIII. You have my full support, ladies.
Its like his parents wanted him to become a butt pirate
why does your military allow beards? theres no way you're gonna fucking tell me that's a SF dude
Once an anglo
Always an anglo
>sf doesnt wear beards
well, youre wrong and right. Navies have generally been exempt from the no-beard rule. and youre correct, hes not SF. and youre wrong if you think sf dont into beards
>Navies have generally been exempt from the no-beard rule
weird, never heard that. and yes, my comment insinuated that i understand SF have the privilege of beards (though never seen a photo like OP), but i didnt believe for a second he's SF. suck it
Remember when Australians were badass?
Gif related... Jap getting flamed by an Aussie soldier.
you mean badass as in.. having served for ZOG?
We were cucked a long time ago. Pic related. Literally half our population is immigrants. We are the true let 56% country.
you mean when they lost war to birds first or second time?
No one knew their government was occupied back then and besides the Japs weren't fucking about.
Good. One more step for destruction of degenrate western goyim.
top kek
We have a peacetime military wasting our resources and their time with this nonsense.
I don't want the Chinese to invade us, but... I guess it would be funny to see the trannies and faggots try to defend the country against genetically-enhanced Chinese super soldiers.
>Remember when Australians were badass?
No. Just that crocodile dundee movie.
tried to breed out the black and instead bred in the stupid.