What happens once democrats retake congress?

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White genocide

Once they're in control again, we're all dead.

they wont tho

The future you seek is not one of this timeline.

Madness ensues

shit starts to actually get done instead of just dismantling the country and selling it off to the highest bidder.

Every republishit will start to cry about how unfairly they're treated by the democrats

So same as now?

Pretty much

Are these the same insiders that thought Hillary would win... twice?


They wont. Its a carrot on a stick for uneducated voters who think it means they'll impeach drumpf. Neither will happen. It will go down like this...
>dems gain 10-12 seats in the house
>they lose 2-4 seats in the senate
>"look how much we gained, this is a huge win... kerp voting! #BlueWave2020"
>business as usual

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nah, the same insiders who said a sack of beef is more popular than a pedophile


RaHoWa begins

>No voter I.D. required
>Free healthcare for all
>Military spending suffers
>Taxes increase
>Borders spread wide
>Your town turns brown

>gain 10-12 seats
user, I don't know how to say this but, I think you have inoperable autism

Hillary has a 98% chance to win it all goys

and that's a good thing!

Endless bullshit.

Trump gets impeached. Dems aren't able to convict. Media goes nuts. Trump does not run for re-election or Trump runs and loses to Bernie Clone. If Trump loses Congress MAGA is over. Don't let it happen and get out and vote.

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You become the UK, literally. No guns, shitskins everywhere, all your culture destroyed, police that are anti-white. Don't ever let it happen burgers, please

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((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Washington insider)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

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>what happens once democrats retake congress?

What happens when democrats are in control of anything?

Q comes up with an excuse for why nothing that Q says comes true.

Also fuck Q, fuck Rex, fuck Wictor, and fuck drawandstrike.

True, i forgot that Trump will still be executive in 2018. Duh.

The same thing that happened when Hillary Clinton was elected president.

Senate stops them
President vetos?

Separation of power is amazing isn't it?

Washington insiders thought Hillary would be president right now.

Congress includes the senate btw

They are 56% they already have shitskins everywhere

>once democrats retake congress
20% more transgender teachers in public schools
More 8yr olds on hormones
No borders
Shit skins everywhere

Democrats want to roll back last year's tax cuts (everybody pays more taxes now, not just the rich)
Democrats want to keep the same trade policies as before (low class workers get BTFO again by the unfair trade)
Democrats wants DACA and all illegal immigrants fast tracked to be citizens (lower class gets BTFO again by increased competition and less money from the welfare state)

Democrats want everyone in chains and smiling as the Republic dies

I came here to post this

> the people who got the last election terribly wrong say no this time were for cereal


he's learnding

> Democrats want to roll back last year's tax cuts (everybody pays more taxes now, not just the rich)

Uh republicans already did that, theres a sunset provision for the tax cuts, only it only applies to the poor, rich get to keep them indefinitely

Trump will be a lame duck President which will ruin all momentum of his 2020 campaign.

They impeach Trump right away, it fails and 2020 is a bloodbath. But the Senate will gain Republicans

How awful.

The republicans are literally hitler.

The revolution

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Literally democrats you mean.

They are going to stall the administration, which will have negative social and economic effects.

shut up kike

lol k jewnigger

They'll block all legislation Trump would conceivably have signed into law and keep voting on ridiculously implausible bills that will never be signed into law in order to grandstand and posture. Then they'll complain that Trump hasn't done anything.

Endless investigation of all aspects of the Trump administration

Bills protecting Mueller, forcing McConnell to go on record shelving them

High drama over the budget

That's about it.

Things are looking pretty good for the dems in the House, Senate is a tossup. Dems are very upset and motivated, much moreso than usual. I wonder how dedicated people on the right are to defending Trump?

She is, she won.

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>Why Washington insiders think trump won't be president

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Civil War. And I can't fucking wait.

this is the attitude that let’s them keep gaining ground. I’ll only relax once actual nationalists are in charge and the republicans have a supermajority

No, the Senate is looking very republican, and the house is a toss-up.

And it’s beautiful!

They accuse each other of sexually harassing each other and misogyny for a couple years, whole lot of child raping behind closed doors, nothing is accomplished whatsoever until Republicans are elected back in.

>Washington Post

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The way the pedo in chief whines about her you'd think she had

> I’ll only relax once actual nazis are in charge and the republicans have a supermajority

did you really mean to say that out loud?

Pretty sure you’re just a shitposter but I’ll take the bait, why is being a nationalist bad? What is wrong with defending your national borders? What is wrong with working to preserve your culture in your homeland?

...you wake up from your dream

>(((washington insiders)))

They're not retaking it. They have no vision for the future.

They're running on minority rage. Angry blacks and latinos will make their own white liberals stay home.

This is why #walkaway is catching on. Look at San Francisco and LA. Every liberal over 25 is scared shitless of latinos or blacks chimping out, destroying their shit.

DNC needs hard reboot, not whatever they have now.

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Because nationalist in america means hurting other races to preserve yours. It's a purely selfish endeavor and there's a reason no one with half a brain says they're a nationalist out loud

How are Democrats gonna win when they are ...

> scaring every white liberal with a job
> scaring every white liberal with a tiny bit of wealth
> threaten to make it harder to keep a blue state business alive with Democratic Socialism
> openly subverting their labor union allies
> calling for more white collar immigrants to take white liberal jobs

The big donors are emptying their coffers and Silicon Valley wants to snuff out #walkaway... censoring conservatives and trying to shut down Alex Jones.

The Elite Left is scared shitless.

>Washington insiders
Democrats think democrats will win. Not suprising

congress is the senate and the house, your headline says just the house , they're not retaking the senate because its not based off population ie california only has 2 senators , along with NY

By Washington insiders, do they mean idiots like Chris Stirewalt?

The next time that fuckstick is right about politics it will be his first time.
Why in the fuck would anyone listen to an "insider" after what Trump did in 2016?


partycucks are fucking embarrassing brainlets. literal stupid people.

He doesn't whine about her tho.

Uh, yeah he cries about her all the time. He was whining about her just yesterday trying to blame his fuckups on her.

We stop Trump’s zero tolerance immigration policy and the travel ban. We stop the attacks on the transgender community. We stop the attacks on our environment. We block any judicial nominees. We protect a woman’s right to choose and women’s health. We repeal the tax scam. We pass gun control, universal healthcare, immigration reform, and infrastructure. We investigate Trump’s finances. We investigate obstruction. We investigate payments to porn stars and playboy models. We investigate Russia. We issue subpoenas. We file articles of impeachment against Trump. We block any attempt to remove sanctions against Russia and we protect our democracy from them. We provide a check against the president and prevent him from using nuclear weapons against Iran or North Korea.

>[citation needed]


You realize there have been community efforts like you've never seen since November 2016. It is now 2018, you know how much money (energy) is in their hands now?

It makes HRC funds look like a fucking hobos pocket.

You do nothing cunts are done for. Sadly, so am I as now I have to deal with the LGBTQIA+&657, but you repubtards brought that monster on all of us by electing an orange Reality TV star.

>[citation still needed]
im not looking it up for you nigger

>what happens once democrats retake congress?
Hell freezes over.

well then I guess you'll just have to piss your pants and cry like the pedo in chief

I'm down for whatever at this point. I don't trust their polls tho so there's that bit of hope.

>oh shit he knows I am actually fucking retarded
Next time cite your claims.

meant for you

On Day #1 of Dems regaining power:

Step 1) Cut a dozen 5-foot wide hole in a few sections of the Border Wall, making the entire wall ineffective in a matter of minutes

Step 2) Tell ICE to stand down, do nothing

Step 3) Publicly Fund Transgendered Medical Operations at all levels

Step 4) Have the Military fully embrace LGBT Lifestyle, light up the Pentagon in Rainbow light bulb colors at night

Step 5) Give out refugee status to ALL 3rd worlders

Step 6) Clamp down on the Internet, demand "real names" be used on all websites, then verified by the NSA

Because they had to pass it as a reconciliation bill or it would have never gotten past the 60 votes to break filibuster.

>Because democrat in america means hurting the White race to ensure their demise. It's a purely suicidal endeavor and there's a reason no one with half a brain says they're a democrat out loud


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Obongo pussied out and kept the bush tax cuts, the next president will do the same

I did cite my claims, you proceeded to piss your pants and cry like the pedo in chief, dudes been crying about hillary non stop since 2016. guess you been under a rock, check twitter.com/realdonaldtrump he literally got elected on the premise of whining about hillary

dat master race eh

>Only whites can be American

>>Only whites can be American
You said it, not be bub

>I did cite my claims
>acts like a child after found out

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They are going to crash the economy just like they did in 2006.

Why are you admitting to acting like a child?

>what is a Jow Forums quote
>"I know you are but what am I"?
Um, Jow Forums is 18+ sweetie. Get your tendies and milk and fuck off to bed.

was meant for you lol

if the GOP wins trump pushes his agenda further, if the dems win and impeach trump it's one step closer to the civil war. Either way we win.

The real question is ... What will happen if they don't

Trump sees the past 3 years as a validation and mandate, and transforms this country into an autocracy with a Congress and SCOTUS that acts as mafia capo enforcers for the almighty Executive.

this 100% its fucking OVER. They are going to go full 100% throttle white genocide no breaks.

My AR15 triples in value