what's/pol/ thoughts on this based woman?
What's/pol/ thoughts on this based woman?
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She's a bullshit grifter
Mama? Where do foodstamps and gibs come from?
The Democratic Party Laquoiuntia, and Maxine Waters is thier Queen.
She's a bullshit grifter, as the first repsonder says, but if the Democrats can harness niggers for their benefit then it's only right we do the same. Given most black Americans have a stronger claim to the land than most white Americans, it would be well worth your time to work alongside them and consider Hispanics your mutual enemy.
she's a useful idiot who will possibly help control the nogs in America, until we can eliminate them totally.
Bought and paid for like it was the 1800's on a plantation by the same Jewish masters that owned her kind then.
Amazing how you guys have given up on shilling! Thanks for letting everyone know that the kikes find her a threat!!!
i dont think she believes anything she says. i think she is an attention whore negress.
I'd love to savage her monkey pussy.
Amazing, the shills have advanced. They are now calling real posters shills. What a shocking turn of events.
once black women stop being whiny, cranky loudmouths she may have a point, because the black men arent gonna help anything anytime soon.
but i don't see STRENGF BLAC WUMANS stop bein' STRENGF BLAC WUMANS in the near future.
the black community are genetically incapable of 'waking up'. I feel bad for the smart ones but this is just the reality of their people
there are literally no successful black countries in the world, if there's a god he gave blacks a horrible fucking deal.
The only black I'd marry.
shes a nigger
the absolute state of nupol
>there are literally no successful black countries in the world
What is Wakanda? In fact, its the MOST successful country (black or not) IN THE WORLD!!
who cares, use her.
k bro
Civil rights movement was a mistake. Black population must be reduced to no more than 3% and they must remain segregated from people. Civnats shills should kill themselves.
I don't know what's going on but when she speaks I want to do her
She's one of the few nogs smart enough to figure out that cuckservatives will throw money and access to the halls of power at any black willing to spout basic right wing statements. I have no idea if she even understands what she is trying to say.
All of that said, divide and conquer is a valid strategy. No one should actually want blacks in the Republican party, as it would just turn into another vehicle for gibs. But if you can confuse them and make them hate the Left you can lower their already abysmal turnout in elections, and weaken the Left's ability to direct chimp outs to attack Whites.
So she should keep doing whatever it is she is doing.
Have you seen black twitter? Its like the biggest collection of fucking retards in existence. Theyre too high, stupid, violent, rapey, and lazy to do anything.
The anita sarkeesian of politics.
She's Tommy Soto except she has a fat black pussy. So Tommy Soto..
there is actually a way they could have a successful country, they could create a nation in Africa that only let in the high IQ blacks. like a massive eugenic program except not sterilizing the dumb, just taknig the smart ones and putting them all together
She's Milo if Milo was black, female, and gave a shit.
The only thing that can destroy democrats forever is to redpill the minorities. Every attempt to exclude them is a psyop by the dems/(((them))). Their strategy is to make minorities untouchable, replace all their candidates with minorities and crush the right so hard that they'll be able to control the government 100% with no ability to be criticized.
Take away their minorities and they're nothing.
They do honestly have a lot of untapped potential, but I don't see their true awakening happening anytime soon.
Worldstar Hiphop doesn't give me high hopes.
I don't trust anyone coming out of nowhere getting pushed by media without checking their background first.
Oh wait what is this? She ran an doxxing website?
>boomer intensifies
Oh well she must've learned her lesson. She is our based black woman now.
>boomer reasoning reaches epic levels
You know what I never understood? How is wakanda successful it's not like they can export vibranium so how are they a super power again? Better yet it's a hidden country so how are they part of the UN?
If she can gets blacks to stop voting for democraps, it'll be good enough
"Untapped resource to america" as in blacks stopping to vote on the dems hence ruining the dem party, sure.
That donkey toothed Nigress in New York who upset that Jew out of a job in the primary warmed the chuckles of my heart.
God bless the god cursed kikes for being so stupid as to make uncontrollable chimps be the tip of their sword to subvert the west.
Calling Blaire white a grown ass man was pretty funny
She smartly recognized that you can spout the same boring conservative platitudes to dumb white boomers and they'll shower you with fame and cash.
Quite the opposite of untapped. We used them to their full potential.
They use the metal for themselves and it helps them make fancy tech. They roleplay as some shithole African nation
Black people were doing OK when they conformed.
The most fuckwitted contortion of BLM is that the dissapearance of black businesses and jobs and the massive decline of black neighbourhoods since the end of segregation is because WHITE SUPREMACY and crackers being raysis and shiet
No. Bullshit is America more racist now than in 1960. They did it all to themselves - like a teenager with a strict father who is doing well, then daddy leaves and he becomes a lazy drug taking obnoxious little rebel and drops out of school
Based blacks are totally on point, if the Demoblacks started listening to them the black community would be way way better off.
can she be truly trusted?
too soon? maybe later?
shes a zionist so throw her in the oven and turn on the gas
As usual with most female thinkers a little prodding of the surface reveals the depth of a small puddle
If she wanted to be useful she'd fuck some democrat, take pictures, then pull an SJW tactic and say he raped her while calling her nigger.
We need to make these tactics so commonplace that people just wise up and stop using them
That video was very fucking hardcore. I hadn't thought about it in years.
They weren't doing ok, they were just kept from fucking up White civilization. It was better for them than things are now, sure, but they will never approach what we consider a civil society.
Separation is the only solution.
I'll fuck the shit out of her
>the greatest untapped resource
I like cotton as much as anyone, but this is exaggerating it a bit.
>high IQ blacks.
all 3 of them.
>based black woman in MAGA hat
r/t_d is so fucking pathetic. Every nigger must hang.
Another mouth piece for the Jews.
You mean the woman that tried to dox right wing trolls
there are a bunch of them, you sound stormfront tier when you deny that man. youve never worked with productive black guys?
All these fucking hillbilly whites with no education hopping on a based black female
I hope you scrawny ass basedboys get BLACKED soon
no, i have and do. it just seems that those are few and far between. i've also witnessed that black women seem to be more intelligent that black men until you get them grouped up. then mob law of average iq of a group is 5 percent lower than the lowest individual.
Candace--change "will" to "is". Delete last line. Let's get together soon.
>then mob law of average iq of a group is 5 percent lower than the lowest individual.
interesting point actually, do you have a paper or anything to read about this?
also wrt black guys there are a substantial amount fo them that are fine, it's just that bottom 3rd are violent fucks
>nigs flood Republican party
>fuckin whitey Democrats owe us
Niggers gonna nig
don't fucking bring that shit up.
>Untapped resources in black community
This. Even a ten percent hit to black turnout and the Senate would be redder and POTUS elections easier.
>>Every nigger must hang.
Why are you arguing with leftypol/shillblue/legit austist stormfag?
Blacks arent going anywhere, we need to get them to separate into 2 groups, tax paying humans and niggers and bigger apologists.
If they can break their retarded tribal loyalty and dump the knee jerk defending of dindus and niggers and shaniquas then the 20% or so that are capable of being middle class humans will make it harder for dems to win.