Are Italians the worse European diaspora in America?

Most Americans in the Midwest and Mountain states identity as simply American.

The East Coast is full of "muh heritage" faggots but the worst ones are Italian-Americans. I swear these motherfuckers don't shut up about being Italian. They always have an attitude. They act like everyone else is inferior. And they always identify as Italian before American.

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I thought the east coast was full of niggers

Irish are the worst, they are the only white people who mostly vote for Democrats.

Italians vote Republican mostly and have better food and better women.

Not so much north of the dixie line

why are you so obsessed with us? I'm half italian and am moving to the midwest after college and there's nothing you can do about it.

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>And they always identify as Italian before American.

I sure as fuck wouldn't identify as Canadian, even though my roots are strictly european and I've never even been on a plane. Why would you? I'm not associating myself with mudslimes. You shouldn't associate yourself with niggers

I am a white Italian man

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Not anymore. Their vote is split pretty much 50/50

Majority voted for trump

hello big lips

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Have you ever even heard of jews?


That's fine. But if you're gonna talk about being Italian every three sentences, people are going to quickly get annoyed with you.

Over 40% of New Jersey voted for Trump.

When you look at non-Hispanic whites in the New York Area, you'll see they're starting to get it. A lot of Italians and "ethnic whites" are getting onboard. New Jersey would be a red-state today without Hart-Cellar.

Parts of Staten Island went for trump

Every other white group (other then real small ones like the Greeks and the Eternal Swede) are at least like 60-40.

what the fuck is being "american" even
like what breed are you?
not everyone wants to take part in the mutt project despite living in the us

wrong, that would be a 50/50 at best
plus regardless of the american "parties" (in the end it's same kike dictated united party), italian politicians are mostly corrupted while the italian voters are brainwashed by your indocrination schools to vote for libs and die for israel anyway, especially when the italian diaspora is mostly located in the democratic held states and cities

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I'm protestant.

staten island is shit

t. from staten island

Italians are based. STFU divide and conquer kike.

I live in Kansas


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>what the fuck is being "american" even

pic related and only pic related

Negroids, Mestizos, etc need not apply

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>tfw these people are considered honorary italians in here

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same faggot in the last thread calling italians not white.

Get cancer you fucking jew.

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Dios mio....

Post more fluid druids

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I see one guinea & four niggers

>what the fuck is being "american" even

A citizen of the United States. That's what you fucking moron.

>not everyone wants to take part in the mutt project despite living in the us

Then get the fuck out if you don't want to be American.

If you ever had a slice of pizza from Reginas in Boston you would delete that post.

looks nice, was it revisited or it does still exist to trigger the millenials?

Wtf can't a black family even have a photo taken without some whitey trying to steal the thunder

Who is that?

>when your housecat hits the bingo

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>The East Coast is full of "muh heritage" faggots
The North and West are filled with noobs to this continent.
The wops are simply the newest Whites.
Pic related.

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>tfw italian and never had a girlfriend

I have no issue with ethnocentrists who live here, but I do think they should return to the lands of their heritage instead of living here. Seriously, the European Ethnic enclaves in America need to go re-colonize and fix Europe instead of wasting their lives away in crime-ridden ghettos here.

we literally voted for Trump more then any other ethnic group WASP.

pls american friends send me money

Full Mugg

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>And they always identify as Italian before American.

can you blame us?

who in their right mind would want to be an american

i didn't ask for this, my great grandparents were hard working coal miners and street vendors and now 3 generations later i don't speak a word of a italian and have no culture besides cooking pasta and liking shitty old alfa romeos

the only "american" heritage ive received is my glock and an extreme paranoia of niggers

you are not white, voting for trump does not make you white, now shine my fucking shoes pizza boy.

Yeah, but the food is good.

Imagine being Italian American, pretty much look like Syrians.

Everything changed in 1965 because of the Hart (((Cellar))) Act

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also italy brings the worst influential mass fag enablers and left lunatics speciemen in the us

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Chicagoan here... can confirm, guineas are trash.
the Irish are almost as bad though.

I am a white Italian man
Syrians are subhuman
(Assad is based)

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Fuck off goat rapist

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t. Tyrone debrickashaw kahn de la Huerta Rodriguez soto Aguilar Trujillo

Wait, for real? I live in the south, I just thought it was like this all the way up the coast and I've only ever traveled west.

I had small talk with some New Yorker and within a few sentences he had to mention he was Italian.

I never fucking asked.

The south is jam packed full of fucking WASPs
just because the kike media calls them "White Evangelicals" doesn't mean they aren't WASPs anymore

Whiter than you ahmed

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>what the fuck is being "american" even
Generally it meant descended from the British settlers. We could say British but besides the fact it made for a somewhat distinct stock after 200 years, nobody wants to intentionally call themselves british.

another fag enabler that our italian media loves to remind us about her heritage

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Technically America is named after an Italian. Really makes you think

who is this guy by the way
Why everyone continue to spam His face?

>Curly hair
Italic jew*

>Wait, for real? I live in the south, I just thought it was like this all the way up the coast and I've only ever traveled west.

Nope, go to New England, especially northern New England. You won't see many black people outside of a few urban areas.

They're scared shitless of you so they have to "drop the mob connection hints" - once they babble out they're italian they feel safer, hoping you'll think guido is just around the corner

I am white Italian man
You are a seething shitskin

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I'm north italian but my entire family is brown eyed.

Why'd you lie to me? Even on the german side the only people that don't have brown eyes have green ones.

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Do you know what "worse" means? Being a little annoying is bad, but is "muh heritage" really the worst quality that any european immigrant ever had in America. You guys are fucking blessed if so.
Also, dagos in US are based, the only white(ish) people in NY and love some Baseball.

What if they're vegan AND italian? Which comes first?

Ps these captchas are getting ridiculous

then gtfo of america italnigger

divide and conquer thread. you're so obvious you should just showed this

This is pasta, right

nigger lips, half nigger hair, 3/4rs nigger nose, dark nigger eyes
"i'm white"
>i'm not so certain

I am a white Italian man

I'm italian and have this nose

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>be me
>visit Italian wifes family for xmas in NY
>antipasto platter before dinner
>say I like capicola
>strange looks, "what did you call it?"
>somehow they get fucking gabbagool from capicola
>ok then
>fuckin dagos

i'm from new york and nobody talks like that.

Stop getting all your info from fucking tony soprano and other kike degenerate bullshit.

Sicilians have destroyed the language in the US

another darkie non white asshole traitor detected

Of course you are dear.

why did Italians start emigrating to here in the first place?
I know the Irish came because muh famine and Germans came over those couple times because muh war, but I never knew why the wops came.
I do know South America got most of the North Italians and we got the PVRE MEDITERRANEAN PHENOTYPE looking motherfuckers though. Such a waste.

your Italian, your women race mix the most. The reason race mixing is so big in the US, simple, Italian americans. They also cry so much its fucking embarrassing.

cool story bro

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> mfw never have Italian frens
> mfw will never get liked by my italien fren big tiddy qts sister
> mfw will never know what it means to live in an all Italian neighborhood in new York city
> mfw will never know how it feels to belong

Maybe we should call it New Atlantis

another fuckin lib who claims multicult is ok because food/restaurants
do you jump up and down and scream "it's authentic!" like the other faggots i know

another poor soul of italian heritage that got extremely niggerfied despite the initial good career start


Italian from nyc here. Fuck off.

Let's hear your ethnicity, snownigger.

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Sicilians had no money and decided to flee Italy. Some Italians from other regions left just because.

... que dios nos ayuda...

DeNiro is a part-Italian liberal Hollyfreak eunuch, hardly representative of his community. He made a lot of dough playing on the worst stereotypes of the Italian-American. He’s hardly some kind of leader of anything. Just another sad Hollyweird clown.

yr- current ?

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My ancestor was a bad bad goy in Italy, so they exiled him

those italians are ugly

This is actually true. Most of the "white" women I've encountered that fuck black guys tend to be either of Italian or Polish heritage.

Nice projection

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niggers get beaten to death in italian neighborhoods.

Keep subverting kike.

>TFW my sister says blacks smell weird and are ugly
Pretty funny stuff, apparently the few blacks she has associated with in the past did nothing but complain that she and all the other white women didn't want to fuck him.

by sheer statistics if an american called themselves german they should in theory be right
or mexican

>family gathering
>Tony soprano and kike bullshit
Shut the fuck up NY scum, if you had any fucking brains you would have fled that dumpster fire already

near full nigger eyes with yellowing whites
nigger lips
nigger nostrils
1/3rd nigger hair
>part nigger

we will gladly send u back those jersey shore niggers. I cant think of another white group in burgerland creating its own unique nigger culture.

it is because italians have genes from the aryan masterace etruscans that immigrated from troy

>Shut the fuck up NY scum, if you had any fucking brains you would have fled that dumpster fire already
I'm staying here so that I can finish college and do something with myself. At least my family contributes and helps out (my uncle was in the nypd for 25 years). What does your family do? Work at the surstromming canning factory?

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