>Power corrupts >Governments are always corrupt >Full of inefficient bureaucracy >Always prone to overreach and bloat >Always aims to get bigger and bigger >Will lie to the people constantly to do this
All of this has been proven true time and time again, yet many on Jow Forums are perfectly happy with tearing up the constitution as long as it 'upsets the leftists', such as banning freedom of speech and 'beating them at their own game' which just hands more power to the government and is an example of both sides being played to support a totalitarian police state being made. The argument often boils down to this: >The government should just ban everything I don't like!
>Implying Jow Forums is one guy Nah, for me I want a limited government that does strict constructionism of the constitution, promotes and protect individual liberty and state rights, rely on a strong militia and not an army, no wars, and promote agrarianism and the family farm.
None of what you typed is true. Jow Forums has always been libertarian dominate. But even still, youre full of shit. This is not a meetup place for gay niggers. Be gone
What are you fuckin superhyped? Calm down sped, your 13 is starting to show
Carter Russell
>Power corrupts
Only the weak. The best way to measure someone's weakness is how easily they think power corrupts. They can only think within the framework of their own experiences and their own inner thoughts. They know power would corrupt them, therefore they are weak and believe power would corrupt all, their ego forces them to believe everyone is like them.
A strong, morally just leader who works for the good of his Folk does not become corrupted, he purifies the corruption, by fire if necessary.
Colton Morales
Did you see the Jason Spencer video? It's because they're a bunch of fucking stupid racist retards!!!!!
Dylan Anderson
Oh look, another pedo enabler thread Rot in hell you sick fuck
These are all problems inherent to human nature, not "governments" or "states". The vast majority of "power" in the United States currently resides in the hands of private citizens who have formed cartels to gain leverage over politicians whom are mostly from a class of skilled professionals (lawyers) not from a class of wealthy power brokers.
A "small" government also empowers these wealthy power brokers. You are fucked either way. What we are talking about is government by a political elite rather than a financial elite. In all reality our vision of statecraft is one with a much leaner (and meaner) government than the one we currently have.
You've simply been systematically miseducated to view devolving power down to a political elite as 'embiggening' government by taking 'freedom' away from regular Joes who are 'equal' to you despite holding all of the actual power in our society which effectively makes them above the law. Which is basically the definition of 'sovereign'. He who defines the exception.
"Government" is entirely an obfuscation of power relationships. We are focused on the power structure itself and not "the government", which means taking the fight to the sovereign. Those who are above the law, who are not your 'equals' or 'fellow citizens' and who do not deserve the same freedom that you do and who will not reciprocate granting you the same freedom that you fight for on their behalf.
Chase Sullivan
>Implying a currently prospering alternative to a big government exists.
I'm all for something different. Some days I dream of a degenerate ethostate where I am free to do what I want in my life. Shame that's not going to happen. Hopefully aliens will take over, I for one welcome the space Jews.
Matthew Hernandez
I agree with this. The way I see it is many of the social problems we see today have been caused by government originally and the 'solution' that gets offered is that the government now needs more power. For example, crime is going up in the cities so we need to give the police more power (even though many of these cities also have tough gun laws and so on). That's just one example of many.
Jeffersonian democracy is what lead to the creation of republicanism. It was never part of it.
Austin Taylor
Nvm read it wrong
Nolan Nelson
How is anything that I said 'pedo enabler'?
Mason Bennett
>You've simply been systematically miseducated to view devolving power down to a political elite as 'embiggening' government by taking 'freedom' away from regular Joes who are 'equal' to you despite holding all of the actual power in our society which effectively makes them above the law. Which is basically the definition of 'sovereign'. He who defines the exception. Not sure I follow here, do you mean the idea of 'big government' meaning actually handing over more power to wealthy interests for example? I'm not arguing that all government should be abolished, I'm saying there needs to be a balance.