
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>Pres Trump Weekly Address #58 7/27/18
>Pres Trump remarks on 4.1% GDP Growth 7/27/18
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania depart DC 7/27/18
>Pres Trump on Hannity Radio 7/27/18
>Steve Bannon on Hannity 7/27/18
>SoS Pompeo meets w/Tunisian FM Jhinaoui 7/27/18
>Minute With Mick#3 Q2 GDP 7/27/18
>WHCEAChair Hassett on Ingraham 7/27/18
>WHCEAChair Hassett on Fox Business 7/27/18
>NECDir Kudlow comments on GDP 7/27/18
>NECDir Kudlow on Fox News 7/27/18
>AsstSoS Poblete on US Pol on Iran/Syria 7/27/18
>CBPDir McAleenan @Bipartisan Pol Center 7/27/18
>IntDepVideo: Buffalo Soldiers Day 7/27/18
>WHVideo: America Is Open For Business! 7/27/18
>This Week @State 7/27/18
>HHSSec Azar @Heritage Foundation 7/26/18
>Trumpwave - Rule The World 7/26/18
>Pres Trump in Granite City IL 7/26/18
>Pres Trump/Ivanka arrive in St Louis MO 7/26/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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>Just remember most are just like you wanting someone to love them.
right in the fucking feels

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>tfw no wheelchair gf

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>It is true that only 1 percent of men with SCI go on to father children through conventional sexual intercourse, but this statistic does not mean only 1 percent of men with SCI can father at all. Quite the contrary. Research and tests have shown that, depending on the level of your injury, total infertility is not common.

>Diane M. Rowles says that fertility in males with SCI can depend on a few major points. Firstly, the ability to ejaculate, controlled by T10 - L2 and S2 - S4 and then the quantity and quality of the semen. T10 - L2 control the release of semen, whereas S2 - S4 determine the propulsion of semen out of the body.

>Of course, if these functions are impaired, this can make fathering a child through conventional methods very difficult. Less than 10 percent of men with complete SCI will find they can ejaculate in a way they see as ‘normal.’ However, there are developed techniques and methods which can help simulate situations which assist in ejaculation.

>Vibratory stimulation massage, either through the anus or on the penis, can create appropriate actions which will cause ejaculation, from which a woman can be artificially inseminated.


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psst, /ptg/.
check this out.

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i thought the bitch was WHITE

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Everyone is broken somehow, that's what makes us human.

qt paragf

those legs are anorexic skeletons under those pants and colostomy bag

You're right. I can't defend an entire one out of two political parties in the most powerful country in world history losing the argument so badly they're forced to larp as six year olds in order to ignore the severe anus pain.

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stupid but funny


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>if we could just kill all the white people and Pmurt we wouldn't have to keep spreading fear about killing to our children like this

Seems reasonable.

>deer, rabbits, squirrel sometimes, grouse. I'd like to get into black powder and bow season as well.
Sounds like a ton of fun, do you save a lot of money on meat? What's your favorite thing to eat?
>Just the basics, I really should get around to learning more since it's easily the lightest of my /out/ hobbies.
But what are the basics to you?
>>two new Steves
I'm at the point I'm fucking mad I don't get to eat more MREs

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Can someone explain the fascination with Alexa Bliss? Is she redpilled or something?
I don't get it

The Vengabus is coming
And everybody's jumping
New York to San Fransisco
An intercity disco
The wheels of steel are turning
And traffic lights are burning
So if you like to party
Get on and move your body

We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party
We like, we like to party
We like to party

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I don't always smoke cigarettes but when I do they're 50 years old.

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Nice. Going to watch them now.

But it's true,user.
Having worked with them it's really a heart puller to watch women 18 and over long for normal companionship with a man who loves them but get looked at like freaks all the time.

I personally am not worried about this midterm at all as even the Democrats are afraid of their own polls at this point. Bernie bros especially had to watch as the fake polls would put Hillary ahead by even as much as 30 points in states he would go on to win and then immediately after that they had to watch helplessly as Trump would *miraculously* overcome deep poll deficits to win as well. You can probably spot the Republican candidate at least +3% in any competitive race and this is the absolute floor.

Let's take a look at a pollster that clearly isn't beholden to the (((agenda))). This pollster says Democrats will basically not be a party anymore after this midterm.


Now it's possible there is something going on under the surface that results in these big leads for Democrats that never actually surface in the actual election itself rather than a nefarious strategy on behalf of the pollsters. Either way the phenomenon is real and real Americans are reaping the benefits as the Democrats have a hard time organizing a strategy around these consistently fake polls that never materialize into actual election results.

This is so fake it`s embarrassing. Who the hell believes this? 60-year old grannies?

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good something to watch :)

Deet doot deet doot deet doo doo

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>it's really a heart puller to watch...men 18 and over long for normal companionship with [one] who loves them but get looked at like freaks all the time.
you just described the majority of people here

is it easier for a male wheelchair to pull women or easier for wheelchair women to pull men ?

Didn't he get botulism once?

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It's easier for a man in a wheelchair to pull things because he has more upper body strength.

forgive my british slang, pull as in get a gf or bf

deet doot deet doot deet doo doo deet doot deet doot deet dooo dooo

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return of black-haired Melania when?

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That Manchin poll is really old, he has a double digit lead right now. The best hope is if he votes against Kavanaugh, the polling suggests that it would be a dead heat if he does.

>long for normal companionship with a man who loves them but get looked at like freaks all the time.
I now want a wheelchair gf.

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femdom melania is my fetish

i long for the return of zoolander melania

Are you saying that the majority on here are mentality and/or physically disable?
Depends on a couple factors including looks and out going personalities.
Plus how disabled they are.

My fellow Missourians, rate my ballot:

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>Plus how disabled they are.
just their legs being disabled

It is kind of eerie how much they look alike.

>Are you saying that the majority on here are mentality disabled?
yes, yes i am

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Just bastards and broken things, mostly.
My frens

That's a nice Melania.

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I feel like Melania and Donald were made for each other just a couple decades apart. They seem to be very compatible. Both expert shitposters.


can stem cell therapy regrow a cut spine and also heal a broken spine so people can walk again ?

or was that south park christopher reeve episode just bullshit?

I don't think so but I imagine that one day medicine will reach the point where its able to fix spinal cord injuries.

i read a study that suggested that people are attracted to those who look like them

perhaps why dog owners have dogs that look like them

>trump is going to hold rallies every single day in October
I live in DE and I know my vote matters very little. But fuck it. Fuck dems

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I wouldn't recommend it just because you feel bad for them but if you seriously couldn't find a partner it's a opportunity.

>that the majority on here are mentality and/or physically disable?

There are lots of Irish ITT, yes.

Possibly, he ate over 100yr old tinned beef that he said tasted like bread and was the most noxious thing he ever cooked when re-hydrating it.

Bullshit, we don't have the tech yet

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knowing my brothers luck, it will be long after he is gone


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They're getting there. It's still early, though.

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We don't have that level of stem yet, but probably in the future. When in the future? It's anyone's guess.

That’s wonderful, but do you have any proof to support your claims?


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He mentioned E. Coli was the worse he got in an interview.

>Bullshit, we don't have the tech yet
i heard of this stem cell place in poland thats backed by all the legit medical places in london, what they do is use stem cells from your head and use them to regrow a broken spine/cut spine and it takes 3 years including rehab

Then like most people looks and personalities.

The GOP could really help itself out by passing another big piece of legislation.


Oh, great, just what we need. More gun control talk. Give a link please.

Currently I don't think so. Tissue engineering is making progress, but making viable in vivo tissue implants is challenging because of vascular issues, time for the nerves to regrow, and the complexity of the various neuroanatomical tracts that go up and down the spine.

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anyone who has been here for any length of time would ever dispute that statement

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>Norman Lear continues to defy convention about career longevity and age. The TV icon, who today celebrates his 96th birthday, and his Act III production company have signed a two-year first look deal with Sony Pictures TV. The pact includes the option to re-imagine titles from Lear’s extensive library including All In The Family, The Jeffersons, Good Times, Maude and Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, among others.

Ready for more reboots, Drumpfkins?

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Even if we can start doing this I don't think they'll work very well. All the little parts in them need to made out of a tougher material then something like plastic.




was this recent? So states can implement voter ID now if they want to?

No way in hell I would do that!
Maybe that's what I'm thinking about.

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From eating modern Ukrainian (iirc) rations.

thanks man and to everyone else in this thread for your (you's)

i mean that, really appreciate it

What did Bill Mitchell mean by this?

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How in the world does trump have that much energy in his 70s? I'm 25 and physically active and I'm not sure I could do that. he had to be on adderall or some kind stim

Has anyone told them that the metal projectiles are what kills you?

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Gonna go out on a limb and say this is gang related kek

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They can, but it is very restrictive on the implementation. See Texas

>Are you saying that the majority on here are mentality and/or physically disable?
This place disabled me. I was always socially awkward, constantly spilling my spaghetti, but I was too awkward to realize it. Once I started coming here and reading other anons stories, and realizing they were so similar to mine own I began to realize how awkward I really am. Now I have serious social anxiety. Fuck you guys


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old people have this weird energy supply, like my grandma is always sleeping and in pain yet when she wants to do housework, she turns into a machine for a few hours


Deer honestly.
>But what are the basics to you
I can build a few different types of fires and set up a basic shelter and camp. I've been reading up on foraging but I'm too chickenshit to try it.

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any word on deaths?

What do you think the 4 comments on the 1911 file are saying?

3 deaths 7 injuries is what I just saw.