When is it all going to drop?
When is it all going to drop?
I don't know, but I'm super autistic and judging by the kinds of threads being posted by the shills and bots it seems like they're shitting bricks. I guess pretty soon, right CIA nigger?
Was I right?
Right before midterms mah nigga
Look forward to it
New fag here, why post the same cat picture twice with different file names
It's a very handsome cat.
Those are two different users and everyone whose anyone knows that intelligence agency niggers post with cats and dogs.
we will never know until it's too late
Why, indeed? What do (((they))) have to benefit from posting that?
From my research (prophecy+science+geopolitics) I wager around 2020-2022
>I wager around 2020-2022
You're retarded.
CIA niggers use them to communicate or some shit.
so what was comet 67p?
I have no idea dude just thought it was a odd webm
Begone CIA niggers.
What's this
When China arks up
(((Mods))) saged a perfectly good cat thread.
My lads.
the comet 67p has heavy water according to that video so that means the comet is nuclear
Thats a sassy cat mr CIA
space is fake and teh earth is flat.
A plantoid spaceship from the planet white stalk they are materialistic and xenophobic.
When the last bar of gold is stacked in a vault in Tel Aviv
its happening soon. days. not cia but something else.
I dunno CIA, when are you gonna release that latino horse politician's nudes?
Be patient, faggot.
Uhh mate heavy water is just water with deuterium ions. The substance itself doesn’t have to be nuclear associated
in days it is 8/8/2018 i propose it happen on this day for the numerical significance of and the number 8
What? Why
Q predicted this
Puts it all in perspective, huh?
"Sassy Cat" was image that was part of Wikileak's Vault 7 release of CIA hacking tools, apparently the CIAniggers are bronies too. These are who our vaunted "intelligence agencies" are.
What you're seeing is a Russian spy handler communicating with his spy. The handler posts a picture of a cat to ask, "Do you have the Donald Trump pee pee tape? and the spy reposts the same pic to say, "affirmative".
Might want to listen to the Christ-anons.
I'm not taking any chances.
Stop telling them that. You know they will overreact.
>tfw i always thought that the cia was full of cool and mysterious people
>Jow Forums even ruins that
the blackpill is suffering
You think darkness is your ally
Fuck off agent cat fucker
fk u
Guys, I'm not a glow in the dark CIA nigger.
Stop lying central intelligence cuck
B-but I'm not lying.
Hm, NSA then?
No, I'm just some random shithead user.
Sure thing, but maybe you should go home before summoning your brethren: dia.mil
welp, that didn't last long.
Coded image?
Anyone able to check?
That pic was in one of the WikiLeaks drops.
But i just like cats
i noticed cia niggers also like shrek and patrick and spurdo
Oops not Shrek. That's mossad niggers. Spongebob and patrick.
it is, it's part of a cia meme leak from a while ago, including mlp
Like the fire bird on a web cam at Yellowstone
this guy
he knows what's up
listen to him
right Meow
That looks like it was taken on the ocean floor, fuck NASA
This is now our cat thread.
Post ‘em, boys.
Specifically CIA Vault 7, hilariously it turned out to have been previously posted with the exact same filename on ponychan in a roleplaying thread, thus confirming CIAniggers are bronies.
Is this a steg thread? I know the original image was leaked with the CIA toolkit.
sad if true
>tfw catposter
If only cia niggers paid me to post
high af, genuinely dying laughing ty based burger