All things end my friend.
It will come
It's almost 2020
China already has
The Jews have the cures but don’t want to deliver them because they make more money now
underage banned
we've done amazing things in the last 10 years. even more in 20.
if you think its stagnate get out there and do something
Not invented, released.
Yes, but probably not for the reasons pol users think it will.
This. I hate engineers.
Nobody will be seeing the stars if population keeps growing like now, future humans will have to recycle their rocket parts from garbage dumps
>companies want to make a profit
wow get CNN on the line
Even if you want to stick to this “something will get invented only if it makes a huge profit” idea, I don’t know why inventing the newest and biggest tech piece wouldn’t be the most profitable thing a company could do. That’s literally supply side economics (aka “trickle down” if you’re a brainless lefty).
Besides that, there are people working in their garages all over the world trying to invent the newest and biggest thing just for the sake of doing it. But that’s nothing like what Bill Gates did on his way to founding Microsoft or anything like that.
space elevator thread?