It's almost 2020

Is it me or does it feel like advances in tech have stagnated?

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Of course it has. We've already met the limits of this round of civilization as the Romans did with basic machinery.

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Yes, we need to put more research into AI or we're never gonna make it desu


It's been stagnant for at least 10 years already.

So close. Also yes AI and advanced robotics and 3D printing manufacturing are the only real advancement we will see in our lives from here forward.

It has in some areas, it hasn't in others

Too much energy goes to social programs. NASA intended to be on Mars by 82 but the funding and support was never there. We have become more interested in our buttholes than the stars and in them we shall drown.

It stagnated like around when Steve jobs died ironically . I think jobs was having trouble finding “the next big thing” as were the homies at Microsoft

I mean what came next we’re bigger phones, tablets, strapping a phone to your face and calling it virtual reality l, a few electric cars came back, self driving cars that kill people, rockets that can’t go to the moon but land in water Or some shit

Intel has had trouble making the 10nm cpu, so Moore’s law kind of failed finally

What you don't like apps? You want actual tangible leaps in technology? What are you a Nazi?

No but seriously technology is extremely stagnant, and as the white percentage of the global population continues to shrink the stagnation.

Instead of liquid flouride thorium reactors, space hotels, data transmission over light, we just have Chinese smart phones.

Your neighborhood probably still has above ground telephone poles and power lines. Our "advanced" phone network still uses the 60 year old touch tone system to operate. The most powerful rocket ever building last flew over 40 years ago and I hate to break it to you but we will never build another like it. The Concorde is gone. The X-15 and SR71 are gone. The F-35 is a turd that loses simulated dogfights to fighters designed in the 1970s.

All that has improved are distractions. The system is falling apart.


3D printing was invented in the 80s, the patent ran out in 2009.
You literally saw it in 2001 when you watched Jurassic Park 3.

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Based and blackpilled

all the american tech companies are dying. many bought up start ups which werent going any where years before. its like every start up just wanted to sell out and had no business model

now the tech companies cant get QE money and fed set interest is higher due to higher GDP growth which it will go even higher with this alleged 4.1%. so banks dont get almost 1 for 1 lending (virtual zero interest) from the fed any more so tech companies cant even go to banks for a line of credit with almost no interest. it cant be passed on to them

and to make matters worse there have been to many quarters with piss poor quarterly earnings reports for to many tech companies. it was a bubble propped up under obama through QE because america had to look like it ran the world

The future kids is Arduino

Which is the best movie in the franchise let's be clear. Perfect self-contained adventure movie with no world building or dumb moralizing.

Btw we are talking about delivered consumer tech

Behind the scenes tech is obviously more advanced. We don’t know how far. Some tech isn’t “monetizable” so it isn’t shipped to consumers. For example, Microsoft had the “courier tablet” but it would burn through the battery and the use cases were too limited

Samsung is coming out with a phone that can fold... the screen will literally bend to close. Should be interesting.

Also Microsoft was working on this as well, the bendable screen materials as well as phones with projectors. Bendable screens are slightly ahead of the projector phones

Because there's no real money left. We are all grinding out lives with earnings potential the same as 1970 but with 4 times the base costs due to inflation.

And all the people on top have no incentive to develop. We need to bust some fucking skulls and open up some industries to competition if we want to see anything new

A 100 year old Baker electric car has the same range as a Nissan Leaf and it's way nicer inside

In what way is it stagnated?

They’ve stagnated for the people
Rest assured the governments of the world have been exponentially growing their technological capabilities

Moore's law has stopped applying

Read the thread you dumb abnormal

Actively trying to force POCs into tech companies while viewing loyal white employees as problematic, could be putting a damper on things.

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With an unlimited budget you would not be able to build a modern replica of a Rocketdyne F1 engine and the people who originally built it did so with SLIDE RULES

Clones and human genome projects is all Satan wanted. That and 24/7 surveillance of everyone and everything. He succeeded and the end is near.

Very well said.

you have no mf idea

Also I worked in the tech corporate offices at a very large financial institution that had a research lab on the same floor I worked. They were testing holograms and iris scanners and other crap. The hologram thing looked like r2d2 projector from Star Wars . No idea why a financial institution was working on this

based Natives holding their ground

One of the few accurate things ever posted on Jow Forums.

Not really.

Tech has just become so seamlessly integrated into everyday life that you don't notice its advancement.

It has. On the other hand, the world feels very different from the 2014 era of hipsters and unchallenged SJW's. It feels like a neo y2k (1999-2000) era. Very plastic and "surreal". I'm sure things will change again at the start of the 2020s into a new vibe.

I work in software and let me tell you, machine learning is bullshit.

I work in machine learning and let me tell you, software is bullshit

Compared to what? Have any of you lived long enough to seriously measure “stagnation” humanity have technically lived in mud huts and caves for most of its existence, it is has only been since the industrial revolution that there was an acceleration of technical growth.

Tell us, oh wise one.

This x100

Not enough war nor any empire goals or civilization achievements.

If we could whip up the population of America to wanting to go to mars now tech would suddenly jump but we have all become accepting of minor changes without fuss or frustration with stupid shit that doesn't matter.

If anything we have fallen into a status quo and no one wants to leave it.

That gif is absolutely galling. When jewggle posted it, it was accompanied by an apology for not being able to fix the 'problem' more.

Why is tech stagnating???

You can literally spin up a super computing cluster in 10 minutes online with your phone for a couple hundred dollars. If you and the rest of this thread are so certain that tech has slowed than I'm happy to let you know that the tools to advance it have never been more accessible. Get after it you faggot retards.

Well-known secret in the industry m: people with Italian/ambiguous last names write that they’re Hispanic on job applications for the big 4 tech companies

Not everything, for example surgeries are becoming more precise meaning faster recovery time
But nothing flashy is happening, and in many fields such as video games there is almost complete stagnation
Media in general has completely stagnated, which I feel is a major sign of the time.
Memes are actually the only form of media that still feels innovative today

>implying lack of POC employees isin't evidence of systemic racism and toxic masculinity.

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My fridge has a little touch screen, thats kinda futurey

We need to clone that man of men that made Quake.

Also this

Jesus fucking Christ I clicked through it

Genetic engineering too

Jews gobbled up all the tech companies.
It is no mistake that Spain was a piece of shit until they got rid of Jews
It is no mistake Russia put a man into space after Stalin kicked out the Jews.
In fact you could probably go down the list of the 101 times Jews got kicked out and immediately the places they got kicked out of were blessed with an innovation boom along with economic success and cultural blossoming.
Remember the modem wars?
Basically dozens of companies kept coming out with faster modems for Internet. All in the US all competing and Internet getting faster every month it seemed.
Now compare that to Cell phones...
Two companies owned and run by Jews who sue the shit out of anyone who competes with them for over a decade.

>faggot retards
no u

Modern "advancements in technology" go no further than the next handheld distraction or "smart" utility or overpriced "robot". All in all, they're just toys for adult children.

Oh yeah i dated myself by mentioning the Modem wars
Sorry forgot to add

It’s datamining you user
It’s the botnet

IMO the next stage is open, focused and extreme eugenics. This will be driven by some sort of global crisis and probably paired with bio weapons

I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed this. Everything has been refined but the tech is still basically the same since 2008.

It's because tech is now about what we can add to humans, not about tech humans can use. The next tech is human control and human advancements. This is coming from an insider.

Our military tech is pretty good

L3 developed lasers that have shipped since 2014. They use directed energy like from a fucking cartoon

A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon system that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams

The AN/SEQ-3 Laser Weapon System or XN-1 LaWS[1] is a directed-energy weapon developed by the United States Navy. The weapon was installed on USS Ponce for field testing in 2014. In December 2014, the United States Navy reported that the LaWS system worked perfectly against low-end asymmetric threats, and that the commander of the Ponce is authorized to use the system as a defensive weapon.[2]

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Computer aided design has done more harm than good IMO. Trial and error is the only way to go, simulations have led to a generation of engineers who are not mechanically intuitive they just sit at a computer like everyone else.

Not that we haven't, a lot of it is just so esoteric to common people they never talk about it. Instagram and dancing with the stars is way easierto understand and talk about at work to your friends.

I've been thinking about this a lot the last few weeks since I stared re-reading some Michel criton books and they're all about fantastical things being done with current cutting edge tech. You don't see much of that anymore, it's all alien tech or the same shit they've been taking about for years like laser guns.

I haven't seen or heard of much being made like that today, I haven't seen any movies, other then Her, that shows a possible near future with current tech. Anyone got any recommendations for movies or books like that?

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Biological and genetic engineering is probably our only out at this point unless we make a major discovering in the next couple of decades. We're too much of a bitch to do a decent AI. but the only thing really holding back major gene/bio work is a morality and constricting regulations. You're not going to breed the next super human without cracking a few thousand retards.

Major corporations have literal armies of patent lawyers that patent every thing under the sun in the most vague language and specifications possible. The corrupt ass patent office signs off then they go to war against anyone who invents anything of value and usually end up stealing it.

Then the government scoops up the best patents and inventions under national security laws never to be seen by the general public again.

It's so fucking evil and diabolical. Literally hoarding technological advancement to the detriment of the world.

>lack of iodine in diet
>education system shattered in k-12
>pushing flood into engineering lowering quality of engineers
>technology thieving in top universities/companies
>focus on money and survival before anything else
>no organized national cohesion into big meaningful projects and goals
>slowed hiring system, hiring of low quality employees
>lowered testosterone
>age of maximum distraction and dopamine release on demand
>maximum passive aggressive hostility amongst humans unable to work together
>rampant nihilism

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Digits confirm you niggers.

Children of Men, but is not very optimistic lol

It's stagnant in area we wish it wasn't while it is booming in areas we don't care about.

It's stagnant for a reason, because we keep buying the same shit every year. They don't need to bring out anything else right now, as long as the masses by the next iPhone that's 0.5x faster, that's all we'll ever get.

2008 was when Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and smartphones all went mainstream. We never left 2008. I ha



Computers and phones are still taking huge leaps, but it feels like it's slowing down a lot from what it was 15 years ago, they're definitely reaching their physical limits in few decades. I too think that we're not going to see any crazy inventions in our lifetime.

Because Elon musk is busy milking his fanboys rather than work on tech

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Tech is still increasing at a great rate but it’s not going to be equivalent to the invention of the smart phone every 10 years like you’re probably hoping it is. We’re in an era where the advancements are coming in the form of cheaper and more efficient technological components that already exist, which lowers the barrier of entry for new and cheaper products.

Think of the Roomba. When it came out 10 years ago (or whenever) it was state of the art tech and it cost a fortune for a super low quality autonomous vacuum. Nowadays there are tons of competitors on the market because the sensors and internals required for an autonomous robot to learn the dimensions of your house are produced en masse now that there’s a higher demand for it.

I’m old enough to remember when back-up cameras in cars were a super luxurious optional feature in a car, because it was rare to have a digital screen in a car; and even then the screens weren’t typically used for much more than using analog buttons to change the radio. In a few years it’s going to be a requirement that all (new) cars in America are going to have backup cameras. If you think about it, anyone born basically from this day forward won’t know cars that don’t have back up cameras because even cars that are 10+ years old by the time they’re 15 probably still have cameras even before it was a requirement.

My point in all of this is that technology is still increasing rapidly, it just depends on your scope. Again, if you think something revolutionary like a smartphone or the next big GPU is going to come out every year you’re going to be disappointed, but the next big thing that comes out is most likely going to be exponentially better than the last big thing.

The point is to farm us and milk our money.
It has to be profitable to release new technology, otherwise it won't be. Oink oink going back to my cage now oink oink

things like designer babes, etc?

Only one nation has to pull the trigger on the genetic/eugenic arms race and it will be on.

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We desperately need fusion energy to work. Once energy price is almost nil, and energy prices drop everything will change. No longer will oil dictate a goods price.

No price is too high for diversity and social justice. Poo's and trannies will bring forth the great tech. And mutumbo from butt fuck Africa will take us to the stars. Ben affleck will be there too.

Have you ever used a roomba? It’s complete shit.

>nothing will be invented unless it makes a huge profit
This is so stupid I don’t even know where to begin

Everything in nature follows a logistic growth model, and the law of diminishing returns is one of the first principles taught in microeconomics. Yet we act as if exponential growth in technological progress, population growth, economic growth, and debt accumulation can and will continue indefinitely. The current indefinite-compound-growth-dependent mode of social organization will come to an abrupt end sometime in this century. The only question is when.

Perhaps if the other side had won WWII, but because we live under the liberal international order such a eugenics arms race will never occur.

I work in bullshit and let me tell you, software is machine learning.

That will never be allowed.

>Should we give up our trillions of dollars and massive power structure to benefit humanity?
>Bwahaha! No.
You are right though.

I believe I mentioned that in my post. It’s shit because you can’t squeeze an efficient vacuum in a one foot by one inch cylinder, but the technology to map out the dimensions of your house is cheap.

He has a point... the stuff that comes out of r&d labs (like at Microsoft) have to have a business plan for it to go through the exploratory stages of launching

Aww he's talking about feet.... or maybe that's fitting..


All things end my friend.
It will come

China already has

The Jews have the cures but don’t want to deliver them because they make more money now

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underage banned
we've done amazing things in the last 10 years. even more in 20.
if you think its stagnate get out there and do something

Not invented, released.

Yes, but probably not for the reasons pol users think it will.

This. I hate engineers.

Nobody will be seeing the stars if population keeps growing like now, future humans will have to recycle their rocket parts from garbage dumps

>companies want to make a profit
wow get CNN on the line

Even if you want to stick to this “something will get invented only if it makes a huge profit” idea, I don’t know why inventing the newest and biggest tech piece wouldn’t be the most profitable thing a company could do. That’s literally supply side economics (aka “trickle down” if you’re a brainless lefty).

Besides that, there are people working in their garages all over the world trying to invent the newest and biggest thing just for the sake of doing it. But that’s nothing like what Bill Gates did on his way to founding Microsoft or anything like that.

space elevator thread?