Social media ruined everything

Zoomers will never understand this. The women were nicer and better behaved. The soiboi was a purely mythical being. People lived in the moment. You will never experience peak humanity in the early 2000’s ever again

Why even live?

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you're free to leave whenever you'd like

The train of White civilization was already going off the rails before Faceberg and Instagram.

the 90s Trash TV shows (Springer, Donahue, Sally Jesse....) were pushing the envelope back then and were being broadcast in EVERY college cafeteria throughout the 90s, then came the "Girls Gone Wild" videos in the late 90s and early 2000s, BEFORE social media came around

Social Media was just the next logical step, but the perversion and LGBT crap was going on a decade before social media.

That’s like telling a man aboard a ship in the middle of the ocean that he is free to leave as well. It’s a stupid comment.

shot even up to 2011 was substantial better

This is why matrix is set to 1999

The grass is always greener. Deal with it.

>peak humanity
> early 2000’s
Looks like you're a 'zoomer' yourself.
>The soiboi was a purely mythical being
You don't remember all the talk in media about 'sensitive' men? They made it seem like women wanted and needed a man who would cry and show weakness around her. This was happening in the 90s, possibly earlier.

Instagram fucked it up for sure. About 3 years ago, women discovered they can make a living just by showing off their asses. It's fucked. Little do people know, these instagram 'models' get shat on by rich saudis for material wealth.

no you're not, the social media effect permeates absolutely everything. It literally changes your brain
I miss the pre social media world, it's like I haven't had a good night of sleep ever since, and I don't even have a facebook
And I'm a zoomer

>these instagram 'models' get shat on by rich saudis for material wealth.

yea I meant he could just kill himself. if it's that bad just leave. nostalgia whining is fucking pointless

>yea I meant he could just kill himself.
how /b/ of you
you don't like the absolute state of things? then kill yourself, whiner!

pic related

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>Social media ruined everything
Well it certainly didn't help anything but even before the 2000's was better in many ways. There was none of this inverted reality crap that Boomers invented for millennialsto live in. Millennials are the end product of what boomers did to society so they can't really be blamed for all being tuff-talking pussies and hypocrites like the boomers can.

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>peak humanity in the 2000s
you mean when millennials were coming of age, going to college, and trying to be even more degenerate than their boomer and gen X parents?

face it, zoomers are more right-wing than any generation since the greatest generation and millennials are fucking faggots

I'd honestly say that social media only truly corrupted women from 2014 onwards. In the early 10s, pre snapchat, tinder, and instagram, it was still pretty low key. Me and a really cute innocent girl from HS used to message each other through the night on facebook and it was really cute. Try that in 2018, shed have Chad, Brad, Tyrone, and Jamal all blowing up her phone at once.

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Early 2000s was the beginning of the downfall. Everything got worse.
A lack of genuineness, music, beginning of social media, degeneracy, tv, no real connection, nobody genuinely cool, all fake for means to an end.

>girls flashing tits in a GGW video is the same as free-range black cock gangbangs of white whores being made main-stream in the past 10 years
Degeneracy has literally never been as bad as it is today at any other point in modern history.
Your fucking dial is way off pal.

dating apps are a scourge.

>things used to be so much better, I won't work to better things, I'll just whine online

how the fuck do you work to undo social media

Not to mention the metro sexual meme.

Social media in combination with the smart phones apparently makes you stupid. Technology is supposed to make life better.

that was fucking short lived

bro i hate to break it to you, but she had 5 other guys sending her messages as well as you. I get what your saying though. I had a GF who would post pics on FB, (this was 2010) and there would be 5 or 7 different guys telling her how beautiful she was every single time, she could have posted a picture of her shitting on a side walk it didnt matter. And then she would complain to me that I never called her beautiful or give her the attention those guys did! We ended up breaking up, lucky me, shes now a mid 30's roastie with crushing college debt living with her mom and no prospects. Social media ruined white woman

Everyone is focusing on the early 2000s part but other than that you're right. Social Media is herpes.

>muh boomers
grow up spazmo

OP is right. Social media has changed the world, and for the most part gen z is seeing these changes like it's how the world always operated.

Looking into it for the first time part of me wants it to come back, It sounds like an unradical version of MGTOW mixed with white pride, free market and individuality. Totally opposite of what's going on today. But in all honesty it'd probably get hijacked by LGBT and become tarnished in today's society. Come to think of it "bringing it back" is precisely the wrong thing to do but promoting the ideas of it while not naming it sounds ok.


Everything except the "living in the moment" thing is bullshit.
It's true that most people do shit specifically to get facebook / youtube / instagram likes nowadays. Their lives revolve around social media. It has killed a LOT and being young in the early 90s I remember being able to go outside without parental supervision and find some friends and hangout or play by myself until the streetlights came on. Nowadays kids are all indoors, there are a couple of middle-school girls who live next door, the only time I see them outside is when they're waiting for the school bus. No one plays street hockey, no one does anything. Everyone's shut up inside all day and night.

You don't. You use the enemies tools against them.
Get the younger generations to shame whores, its working.

when I was on elementary school, my unclde tricked me to believe I had a bone in muh benis. It went around and around I told my teacher

I unironically believe we should ban the "like" button

This gets me in the feels. Back in the late 90s early 00s was the greatest. We were truly limited by our surrounding daily life but we also benefited from it. We will never live that simple life again.

Obama's election was the catalyst which unleashed all the degeneracy we see today.

nah, it was cellphones that ruined society. social media sure doesn't help though

women have been making a living by showing their asses for centuries my man