What did Obama’s mom mean by this?

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that's one talented woman

>first half black president
>been drinking since a zygote
I would have been to if this was my mom...

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So Obama´s dad is a bottle ?

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is it a twist top?


You should see what she does with ping pong balls.

Why post this same thread every week?

Blackness and fatherlessness walk hand in hand.

>all of those black men staring on
Holy shit what a massive whore she is. So these are the types of women who race mix huh?

Why post Drumf Russia collusion fisction in the media?

Don’t question it, just sit back and enjoy it cuck.

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Come on, a bottle full of jobless co-mingled nigger jizz is as good a father as some folks get.

Struggling single mom trying to pay bills. This is how the patriarchy forces women to survive.

Please tell me this isn't fake

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It’s confirmed real, from his comp file.

>>just hurts knowing that is one more white pussy I won't be having, being taken over by negro cock

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For comparison...

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The night shift is all affirmative action hires isn’t it Jayquanvious?

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just trying to open your mind

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I know people who would unironically say this. Nothing anyone does(except racism, sexism, and homophobia) is actually their fault. Circumstance determines everything in their book

Is that the Chinese presidents daughter?

Nah just one of a billion disposable interchangeable chink slaves.

I think she later died of sepsis.

I've heard the rumors but damn, I've never seen that user.

Of course not, a bottle would be able to provide for a kid.

fucking saved for the next time someone gives Melania shit

Obamas CIA nigger sister's daughter.

Why is there a Christmas tree if gas a dirty mewslum?

A bottle is worth 5 or 10 cents unlike a typical nigger who is worth -$750000 over the course of a typical 37 year life span.

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how in the world could you tell the difference?

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What did Joe Biden mean by this?

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She was LARPing as a Pajeeta and there just happened to be a bottle where she squatted. That is all.
t. Professor of Indian studies and poo in loo

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When he’s president he will pas an EO requiring all under 10 girls to present their cunnies at the White House on his birthday!

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nice try faggot, theyre fakes you drumpf dickrider


That bottom right where he's doing the Dan Schneider choker, look at that form. He must be an elite diddler.

Nah they’re real, from Barry Soetoro Marshall Davis’s glownigger comps file.

So’s this.

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Pretty much. That's why they "once you go black you never go back". It's because whites don't want you back after you've been whored out to all his nigger friends, gotten aids, and have 6 kids by 6 different men. The nigger your fucking killing you is the most quick and painless way out.

how did the pics get out? are there more still waiting to be leaked?

The dude’s got this shit down to a science, good catch.

>he hasn’t seen the movie

>offers thousands of dollars for a "pizza party"
>It's nothing user, just a popular food
A grown fucking man made a creepy friendship bracelet, ffs

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Oy vey goyim, there's no evidence that raping children harms them. Saying otherwise is anti semitic and pedo phobic!

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First we had pizzagate, then we had pedogate, now it’s time for the pedo wars.

Buckle up faggots, we’re in for a crazy ride.

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It's just a conspiracy!

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Obama's mother is jewish, by jewish law if your mother is a jew you are a jew defacto, regardless of what other religion you wish to be and pick, you are in fact, a kike. Thus obama was half a kike, half a nigger

There's absolutely nothing going on!

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yeha boi

Obama was a niggerfaggotkike before we even memed it.

They don't even have a basement!

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Roiland did nothing wrong! It's just edgy humor! Of course I let my children watch his shows. I'm pickle rick!

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OK but let’s not forget Obama and his faggotry, pedo related or no.

Didn’t his two faggot lovers from his Chicago anti-white (((Church))) get whacked a couple weeks after his candidacy for President was announced?

He’s an ice cold nigger.

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Jewish whores were always race traitors and race mixers. They were prostitutes in many medieval wars.

She meant look at my titties cause im a fucken hoe

Yup, that nigger is evil

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This boy has a brain

That fat fuck ruined "goodbye stranger" forever. Every time I hear that song I see him raping an infant doll. Fuck him.

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Forgot to post this with the Schneider material

another deformed lib commie the chin

What did he mean by uncle Bernie? Did he feel the Bern? Was it elbow deep?

Yep, Bush Jr. was also a chainsaw murderer or so the scuttlebut goes.

she looks like paul mccartney

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Remember Heather O'rurke? the girl who starred in Happy Days and Poltergeist. Look a bit into how she died. Hollywood has ALWAYS been sick

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She knew obama would grow up to LOVE DAT HENNY

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I guess you could say that was the... smokin' gunn.

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Why do,these sick Disney kikes love to rub it in everybody’s faces yet deny it at the same time? Disney should just come out as pro-pedo, pro-rape, pro-murder and pro-cannibal because everybody knows the truth now.

Obama was a better president than Trump and there's no evidence for these pics. Also who cares, if any of you had girlfriends they'd all have naked pics on the cloud. I don't think nudity is something to be overly ashamed of.

Show your kike flag, you baby raping pedophile.

To wit...

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It's just art goyim. Havent you seen John Podesta's collection? It;s high minded

kek'd. I do appreciate boomer humor

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It’s Pedosta. Pedosta.

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Thanks for the bumps chum. You’re a scholar.

Pedosta the Molesta

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What's stopping someone from just grabbing a gun and killing these fucks

That’s the really interesting question. Pretty fucked up when you think about it that way. Seems like only time, when the justice system fails vigilantism takes hold and becomes nearly impossible to eradicate. Seems like we’re probably close.

I'm a professional lurker. I've been saving these memes and infographs for a long time, just to dump them like this. I'd advise all lurkers reading this to do the same. There arent nearly so many info dumps on here anymore

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Chill out friend. Just because I don't think trump is a good president it doesn't make me a pedophile. By that logic over half of the US are pedophiles.

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i bet you haven't seen this too

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There's definitely a (((population))) of pedos in this country

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The glow in the dark alphabetniggers for one. A lot of law enforcement and intelligence agencies are complicit at the highest levels. Not to mention the majority of people are still asleep on the issue and wouldn't believe it even if they were witnessing it. It's a sick deranged situation that'll take time and effort to solve.

What's done in the dark, will be brought to the light. Keep faith user. God is righteous

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Why must you rape the children? We let you have sex with the same gender. We look the other way when you people fuck animals. Why the children? Leave the children alone. Please ?