Be black (((liberal)))

>Be black (((liberal)))
>Find Jow Forums
>Think its satire
>Spend a few years here
>Oh shit. Its real
>Hate women
>Hate Jews
>Hate Blacks
>Hate Muslims
>Find myself saying 'Hitler was right' IRL unironically
>Abandon all my liberal friends and family
>Forget that Im black sometimes
>Voted Trump
>Feel happy when I see vids of niggers getting btfo

H-how did you guys do this?

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I'm sorry you had to find out this way negroanon

you're a black guy not a nigger, congratulations. now go forth and redpill your people as much as you can.

Don't worry, OP, you're not alone.

There is still potential for a Black National Socialist community.


Doesn't matter that you black. I was a white liberal and the same thing happened to me.

>>H-how did you guys do this?

Attached: Truth-Box.png (999x442, 169K)

We wuz white liberals n shit

You are a cuck.

There is a huge difference in being Black and being a nog.

as many others will tell you, there's a pretty big difference between acting civilized and acting like a nigger. if you act civilized i have no ill will against you

It’s unfortunate that your race has such a low average iq because anyone not brainwashed by Jews come to understand how dangerous low iq people are. I’ll feel bad when I escort you to the gas chamber

>clearly larping
>obviously newfag
doesnt mention lolicons

You're not the first

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>tfw I voted for Trudeau

It's alright OP. We all made mistakes.

You just learned you can be black and not a nigger

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>H-how did you guys do this?

Niggers are mentally weak.

Blacks aren't inherently a problem, it's the nigger culture they import.

I'm 1\4 jew and I've been here for years. Most of my family are liberals and can't stand my beliefs!

You gotta learn to look past it all my man. All the things we hate are things that we do not like in ourselves. Yeah maybe there’s gonna be a big ass war and we’re gonna have to do some horrible things, maybe the world will all come together in peace. We’re here playing our individual role in a greater story. No time wasting energy on hate, it’s just a matter of doing what is necessary when the universe puts it in front of you. Real true love is the ability to do terrible things in pursuit of something more beautiful.

When you are black and able to make the difference between blacks and niggers, congratulations. You have woke and freed yourself from cursed eternal circle of niggardly enthrall. Start fresh with black civic nationalism to have better american civilization.

The only way out is Jesus.

All other paths just lead further into the darkness.

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facts do this
it's called reality

you've been brainwashed
you're black!!!

When you realise there is life beyond instant gratification through degenerate means like most niggers partake in, it leads to a hard working black man instead.
Just remember. You're probably better than most other black people, it's your job to help remove niggers and set them on the right path.

Doesn't mean if niggers were magically equal to whites in every social way that I'd be down with race mixing with them, though.

Similar. I hate Jews and I'm a fucking Jew.


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We've been watching you. We'll contact you soon.

We hate thug niggers and (((them niggers))). Normals niggers are fine.I'd take an upstanding nigger over a degenerate faggot white.
I'm on the side of Civic Nationalism.

>uses he phrase newfag
>meme flag
> ...
>summer has been going on for a decade now

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my nigga!

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Oh wow you took (((Jow Forums))) seriously. Congratulations. You're probably a retard.

Sad, but true

only retard here is you faggot

>be white
>feel like larping
>post this

Ye hate niggers but not blacks

Oh wow, you cant swallow the truth. You're a brainwashed coward!

There is only good and evil, right vs wrong.

Picture of your hand with timestamp or GTFO.

Attached: I'm black he says.png (498x498, 369K)

Pic or ur lying lol

We gave you the truth when no one else would.

that's personal preference, comparable to a fetish if it were in a society where niggers were capable as whites

>How did objective reality do this?
Yeah, you're still a nigger

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