What is up with these shill threads

Seriously, I think everyone is tired of these kike shill threads popping up every now and then about a narcissistic jewboy complaining about how "daddy took my foreskin" and at the end of his bullshit video he just starts to beg for money like a typical kike.

Attached: shilled.jpg (494x493, 36K)

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What i don‘t get:
>circumsision robs you of sexual pleasure because 20.000 nerve endings
>circumsision makes you ejaculate earlier

What is it? I feel like that its either takes sexual pleasure or makes you dick so senitive that you come too soon.

Eric Clopper is a hero. He will smash the kikes down. He is our modern day Bobby Fischer

oy vey, i love my chopped up dick!

I don't give a shit about my dick, but faggots shouldn't be endorsing a greedy kike who wants money and attention

He is a kike and he does kikey things, this is true. However, not only does his work open people's eyes to the horrors of circumcision, it also drops a lot of redpills about the Jews. It is overall a net good

Go home, kike.

It robs you of pleasure so you last longer.

It's not fucking fun. Some nights I have my wife for a few hours and cum once. She's happy, I am not.

It does not make you ejaculate earlier if you have routine sex. Only the first few times it will cause this because your dick is completely dried out from being in the open and unprotected from your foreskin. When it finally goes into a fleshy, warm, wet area after God knows how many days, it will be an almost instant ejaculation because your dick isn't accustomed to it.

Those nerve endings were also what helped control release timing

yes, op, they are the real shills, not you

Why not take your flag off?

ur a fag

Guys guys, I know Jews are the enemy and all, and everything they do is carefully designed to humiliate and weaken the west but...I seriously think they were onto something good with circumcision. I mean it's so aesthetic and I can go days without washing my dick and not have to worry about STDs as much when I bareback thots I barely know.

Attached: 1518658937106.png (586x586, 239K)

The most damaging thing about circumcision is what it does to the brain and mind of a young boy.

I believe it's responsible for ADD, mental disorders, and psychopathic tendencies.

Nearly all jews & black guys are circumcised and.......we all know how that goes.

He's got a lot of fan boys on here now, you're asking for trouble. I agree with you that he's a narcisstic jew, but I like that he's getting the message out to normies. Just don't give him money if you don't like that he's being a typical kike about it

Whites are circumcised too, blacks only circumcise themselves because they have a chip on their shoulder.
If you aren't circumcised you aren't white

>imagining believing this
you have the mark of the jew if you're circumcised goy. only subhumans subject their kids to circumcision

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So you think Whites are subhuman? Sorry bud but the only ones who aren't circumcised are the subhumans

they aren't shill threads. this is just the worst board on Jow Forums

really make you wonder why majority of serial killers in the USA were jewish.

Out of all the shill spammimg this past week this is the one you have a problem with? seems you Shills have are shifting their tactics

Most hospitals in australia refuse to circumsize and they are putting forward legislation to ban it entirely.

Circumcision is not a normal practice and thinking its common place is pretty fucking stupid kike

Jow Forums is slowly being co-opted,
notice the increase in blackpill threads

guess how I know you're brand new

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>Believing "white" Americans aren't just mutts
Unless you immigrated here from Europe, you aren't white, and since you think circumcision is for white people, I know you didn't. Good job being a brainwashed goy mutt

He's like Bobby Fischer, at least he calls out jews on their shit

>What is up with these shill threads
Being this new...

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t. Jehuda Goldblatt

He's a mischling so cool it. He's rejected the sabbatean powers.

> narcisstic
based on his presentation and subsequent behavior, he just seems to have a high opinion of himself (not unjustified, tbqh). That's not narcissism at all. If you are a believer, than you may think him arrogant to challenge his religion, but this opinion wouldn't occur to someone who didn't take "the covenant", etc. seriously.

tl;dr-- people who claim he's narcissistic are Hasbara shills.

You can't call other people shills with that meme flag Rabbi. Having a high opinion of yourself is one step short of being a narcissist even if you think it's justified, but that doesn't mean I think he's wrong with anything he says.

>I don't give a shit about my dick
Clearly, you're a good goy

Stop raping babies of their foreskin

Attached: stopcircumcising.jpg (314x296, 27K)

This is now a Clop thread. Clop threads are important because he names the Jew in a way that normeis will care. Normies care about their dicks, when they realize Jews control their dick, they may wonder what else Jews control.

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good representation of typical american roastie mentalities. pretty rage inducing.

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one who had this problem, sometimes I never cum unless I have her on top and grab her hips grinding me.

No, he's just an attention seeking Jew. Get over it.

What is up with cunt that keeps shilling the Gunn timeline thing?
I see it 20x a day.
I don't mind seeing the circumcision threads at all, easy to filter if you don't want to see and it's good that people are talking about it.
It's barbaric.
Also, I bet you're a Jew so your opinion means nothing.
Post your uncircumcised penis to prove otherwise

Eric Clop is doing a fantastic job and all redpilled burgers here would be wise to spread his message. You cannot allow jews to keep on mutilating your dicks, subverting public opinion to make it seem as the norm.
Ignore kikeshills.

They're in overdrive panic mode to distract from the absolute sewage being drudged up about liberals as we approach the midterm elections.

Meanwhile, not to be distracted by anything, President Trump is outjewing the Jew by using Israel's psyop of 9/11 to enforce our borders.


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