I hate this country so fucking much

What the fuck is your problem?!

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swedish women are for italian bvlls

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When I was a small lad I used to research about Sweden and how I thought it was literally perfect but now I look at it in disgust, Sven ruined my dream and I will never forgive him.

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go gas yourself with stinky nordic girl feet

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I love Sweden. Here are the best countries:

1. Canada
2. Sweden
3. Malta
4. Belgium
5. Germany
6. France
7. Spain
8. Denmark
9. Finland
10. New Zealand

dumbass commie

They didn’t have any problems so they had to go and create some

Wtf you probably didnt even know Malta was a country 2 days ago

my list is better

cringe thread.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out, faggot.

Success breeds jealousy and all that.
You're free to stop by anytime to see how great it is.

I think they're cool.
STFU cunt.

Maybe I will.

Things I like about Sweden:
>Ingmar Bergman

That's it.

Humans seem incapable of enjoying normalcy. Either things are at war or they are at peace, and in either case there is chaos.

t. vegemite anglo


Australian caring about country on other side of,earth, what's your problem


Its like Melbourne is trying to outdo Sweden though on its own

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No way that must be fake news he a goo boy he look jus like his mama

Don't forget the only way he can come here is to claim asylum yet no problem with having a holiday where he had to escape from.
I want to line up these leftist cunts that are destroying our way of life and fucking execute every last one of them.

At least I'm not a filthy Kike.

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Shut up paki

America has a lower % white population then all European countries


>soon minority in your own country
Whatever you say Sven.

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When I was a teenager, my aunt got 2 Swedish girls to move in with her, like exchange students, called them Op'hares or something. They got to live in her house if they cleaned and stuff. By the time they left, they had fucked every male on the entire block and left marriages in shambles. I only met them a couple times and I thought they were fooling around at being so flirty and promiscuous, but I could have probably had both at the same time, curse my young self. Really not sure what to think of the whole hing.

And we still have more white people

but they have more white people than all euro countries cuck

Let the race mixing begin

Third world country dont talk to me

What the fuck, South Africa is the best, it's here where the race wars will be, wtf guys? CANADA? The fuck?

God bring apartheid back

Having a race war with blacks in Africa sounds like a lot of work. I really wish you guys would get the hell out of there.

What the fuck, dying slotting floppies is the greatest thing a white man can achieve, this is our Jihad you commies, come home.