Tfw you realize that nihilism is the ultimate red pill

>tfw you realize that nihilism is the ultimate red pill

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you misspelled blackpill

t. 16 year old

Nihilism is the pit you drag yourself out of

Nihilism leads nowhere but suicide.

T. Former nihilist fag trying to recover

when nothing has meaning, significance, nor importance... destroying it is equally meaningless.

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Nihilism is a redpill, but the ability to rise up and create your own purpose beyond the realization that all is for naught is the true blackpill.

>rise up and create your own purpose
also known as delusion

You're not wrong though, so how are you going to deal with it?

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I see you are yet to swallow the black pill

nihilism is easy to start, hard to finish.

the ultimate redpill is self-interest which negates the issue with nihilism

I don't need meaning to enjoy fulfilling my desires

If that was true you would of kys by now

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Also sage

The only way to save Europeans is to contribute to the end of (((civilization)))

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Do you know what the washington times told me?

Moral relativism doesn't work.

The biological will to survive is the strongest drive within a human being, it's been honed over generations of organisms that no matter what, just refused to die.
Few but the truly deluded kill themselves lightly.

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So there you go.

Do you know why moral relativism doesn't work?

A literally thing called harmonics.

You think God is going to let you shit up the choir?

You're mistaken.

>hur dur look at me I'm a nihilist
Nihilists are such attention seeking faggots. If they were actually nihilists they would be dead already.

But it's not. It's calvinism combined with a heavy dose of Christian existentialism.

R E A D. E C C L E S I A S T E S


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>everything is pointless
>I'll die
>you'll die
>the universe'll die
>guess there's no point in anything
Nihilism is just an excuse for people to be indifferent and be lazy as fuck.

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Telling yourself that life has purpose is lying to yourself. You can't create a purpose if the concept of purpose doesn't ezist to begin with

Doesnt mean its wrong.


If you're a nihilist why haven't you killed yourself?

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You dont recover, ypu just find times when you dont feel terrible, and hope.they convince you to stick around for some more.
>Dont forget, youre here forever!

it is, and it isn't a blackpill either, it's the best pill.

the main thing is knowing that once you're dead, it's all over; there is no afterlife eternal consequence, or to be born again, maybe as an ant or some lost mutt in the dystopian future.

you're free in all regards, how is that supposed to be depressing? all those embarrassing moments or the fuck ups you've done means nothing at all, it's just you and your feelings, it's just your ego that is bringing the bad feels. It gets better with psychedelics.

>killing yourself is so easy hurrr all nihilists do it
It's really not you fucking brainlets
Eking out a living on the offchance there'll be an experience that might change your viewpoint is a lot easier then forcing death down your own throat. And if you get really lucky, you'll die in a freak accident.
The only people who commit suicide are in great amounts of pain either physical or mental. Nobody kills themselves out of boredom or "gee well nihilism means there's nothing better to do."

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it's the same logic christcucks use and say shit like WELL IF U DONT FOLLOW RELIGION WHAT STOPPING YOU FROM GOING ON A SHOOTING SPREE? honestly it scares me when they say such things, as if it's their religion holding them back from actually doing something as such.