This picture brought to you by the normalization of mental illness and degeneracy within our culture

this picture brought to you by the normalization of mental illness and degeneracy within our culture
it seems to be everywhere nowadays. I'm a part of tech twitter and I also use twitter to keep up with what my favorite artists/netlabels are releasing. but every so often, I'll see an anti-white political post by a musician (almost always by a white musician as well), or some tier 1 technician guy retweet some transgender oppression bullshit about trannies in the IT industry.
it's inescapable, and it doesn't look like it's going to get better.

Attached: disgusting.png (592x719, 621K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Well you keep a list and archive them. Then you tell everyone else on who to avoid and then create an alternative to them. Easy.

that nose tho oy vey

it's so funny how these dudes dont even try to pass as women. "keeping under wraps for awhile" but the hair isnt even past eyebrows? WTF?

What is a TERF?

Good lord that thing is ugly

>trannies in the IT industry
this is true. i go to defcon in vegas every year and there are LOTS of mentally ill fags and dykes attending.

trans exclusionary radical feminist

trans exclusionary radical feminist. basically it's a radical third wave feminist who doesn't believe that trans women's opinions are valid because they didn't experience oppression while growing up due to being a biological man

Thank you for the explanation. I already regret asking that question.

H O T hot

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>american flag
>would fuck anything that has hole
not even surprised

atleast he is taking himself out of the gene pool. We should be pushing for jews to become trans

>implying if she was bent over begging for you to show her what a real man is like you wouldnt

No, the women are actually right. It’s insane to think that a man can get fake tits and get a second asshole and he’s a woman. Those things don’t make you a woman and they don’t think like them.

90% of the time, these are jews

Attached: bob-filner-official-portrait.jpg (675x825, 324K)

>bent over would make you instafuck him
literally toddler tier weakness of mind

>that fucking chin

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The fuck is terf?

I've seen these freaks use this a few times and I don't get these made up lefty words

Get that bogdon the fuck out of here.

Ok fuck never mind other user already explained it

you have gay tendencies and are trying to normalize it by pretending all guys are as gay as you are and would have sex with this monstrosity

lmao that gif

This was a recent retweet of that makeup dude.

Her gofundme is "screwdysphoria". I keked

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I seriously want to try making a fake account saying Im tea scabs broke or something and seeing if I can get these idiots to "donate" to me

discord gg/RJSRPHE

add a .

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This is written on its gofundme:
This campaign is trending!
Magdalene's Transition Fund
$5,513 of $20,000 goal
Raised by 117 people in 26 days
Donate Now
Share on Facebook

Magdalene Visaggio

Magdalene Visaggio here. I'm the writer and creator of Kim & Kim, Eternity Girl, and a bunch of other stuff. If you're here, odds are you're a fan of my work and/or follow me on twitter. I appreciate you taking the time to read this.

As you are probably horrifyingly aware, I'm trans. I talk about it a lot. It's actually pretty cool a lot of the time, but desu a bunch of it really sucks? Like, it can get mad expensive, and I mean, I'm pretty over that. I transitioned relatively late, which means there's a lot of expensive-ass surgeries I need to get if I wanna get my transition to a point where my dysphoria has thoroughly fucked off.

And surgery is pretty goddamn expensive.

The thing is that my insurance, Aetna, is very restrictive about trans care; it will fund precisely two things: hormones and bottom surgery, and even then the hormone coverage sucks. So, first, I am 100% not asking for help with bottom surgery. I can do that with insurance. But everything else?

I mean, FFS is gonna be $16k minimum. Breast augmentation? Another $5 grand at least. Hip augmentation? That's another few grand. Vocal surgery? Six thou down the drain.

As you can see, it gets expensive, and I can't begin to fund all that on my own, so I would really appreciate your help.

Here's my plan:

I am only going to use this money for things I cannot get with insurance. I will cover my insurance copays out of pocket.

The $20k figure is a guesstimate of a rough ballpark figure of a number that would really help.

And I'll post a ton of gross surgery photos here for you if you want.

Anyway! Thanks for your time."

Raised 5k so far.

>come home to a clean house and the smell of dinner being made
>sissy comes running up to you, visibly excited you’re home, gets on her knees and stars taking off your pants to give you your welcome home kiss
>in bed she does everything she can to make you happy, your affection is the only thing she cares about
>she begs you to take her hard like a little whore and try to put babies in her
>when it doesnt work she gets sad, you kiss her neck and tell her maybe itll work tomorrow
>and I’M the fag
LMAOing @ ur life

Attached: 7EB1B080-D037-47A9-A4EE-119A63AB87A2.png (272x343, 80K)

Who are your favorite netlabels op? You sound like a fag yourself.

how do they send MTF people to mens prisons?
if I change my gender on paper will I be sent to a womens prison?

how can they send women to a mens prison?
like is there lawsuits fighting this yet?
I really will change my gender if it means Im sent to a womens prison for getting rid of (((them)))

Attached: some day...... some day...jpg (600x551, 215K)

>Gender confirmation surgeries
Gotta love newspeak

mens prison.
No ones cares because no one cares about trannies and they care even less for prisoners.

all the women will laugh at you while they bang the 6'6, black body builder guard.

I dont want to but I have to ask, what is bottom surgery?

the vagina surgery

I'm a db dev here in vegas and get to go to most of the cons that are here
it's not rly surprising to see so many trannies in the tech industry, men are much more analytical and more likely to be interested in IT in the first place. even if they transition, they're still male. also, tech companies really dont care about your gender and they pay pretty well, with good benefits. tech is a magnet for trannies because it's a well paying and stable job.

That's genius.

Fuck off faggot and fuck off with the honeypot. Is also very telling that server bans people who uses redpills.

it isn't a honeypot, we simply don't allow heterosexuals


This guy needs a job. I'll bet you'll get serious brownie points for helping recruit an oppressed minority; and he qualifies for several.

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It's great when they take their own medicine

That chin knocking on my balls would make it feel gay


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thats a double bagger. one bag to put over "her" head and one to put over yours

>that face
>those feet
just... just no...

Twitter is not reality. Go outside my guy.

They still blame everything on men, even when progressive mothers chemically castrate their sons.

this picture brought to you by the normalization of mental illness and degeneracy within our culture

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it burns!

you wouldn't gas her, would you?

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>Anime picture
>Pseudo-porn fantasies
Checks out.

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burn it

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I don't care about your thread.

Man, Andy Sandberg's transition isn't going too well.

Successfully transitioned trans girls like her look so weird in photos taken pre-transition. Like the first picture looks like an effeminate man or like a girl in boy's clothing.

actually better looking as a girl
I would date a female that looked like right photo

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Jesus christ that dude looks like they could be my cousin


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I'm American, and I find that thing repulsive


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wasn't that one on Dr. Phil?

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Obviously being ironic/sarcastic, but I guess you missed it. What a moron. It's a Pepe pic for fuck sake.


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lmaooooooo it can't even do its lipstick properly

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Proving our point with that degenerate picture faggot now fuck off with the honeypot.

If you think the person on the left and the persons on the right are the same person, you are a fucking moron. Look at the shape of the nose, nostrils and the shape of the eyes. Retards!


Attached: 1531114878327.jpg (3024x3281, 861K)

Oh, I get it, you posted a picture on Jow Forums, no stronger evidence in the world than that.

I find it hard to believe that this is the same person.

look at the shoulders you retarded nigger
or perhaps learn to reverse image search

Oh, now you've convinced me. Still wrong. Stings doesn't it.

The question you should be asking yourself is: Why do you want so badly for this to be true?

>second asshole
Made me kek, but this is also true. The doctors that create those fake rotting cunts in the mentally ill should be phineas gage'ed.

good luck on your transition

that is an ugly man.

That showed me. Wow. I guess you put me in my place.

Still wrong, still no proof of what you claim.

aka based but still crazy

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Oh honey. BB cream is not makeup.

this is pic of traps before and after hormone replacement fuckery.

how does that prove any point?

I'm honestly not worried about trannies. Eventually, once being non-binary is normal, people will realise that their "gender" is basically just a one or tww word descripion of their personality. This will become more apparent as genders become more abstract (like that one tumblard that identified as anxiety-gender).
Everyone will have their own unique gender. They will realise they need a more efficient way of classifying people. By this point, cisgender won't even be a thing and they will take no offence to it. They will start referring to people based on their genitals again (but probably won't use the terms "man" and "woman") and will also notice that certain traits are far more likely depending on your genitals. Eventually, the non-binary gender idea will be phase out and everything will go back to normal.

Potentially, this may end up cycling back again after a while. It depends on how this transgender bullshit ramped up so much in the first place.

I mean I'll resist it sure, because trannies ultimately only end up hurting themselves and others with this shit, but I'm not worried for society in the long-term (i.e. 100-200 years from now).

Attached: thunk.jpg (519x442, 28K)

No fucking way they're the same person.

fuck it, lets just send him some messages of "support"

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>non-binary is normal
We gonna kill trannies before that ever happens, faggot.

gosh i love white bois so much

lol they post on /lgbt/ all the time. They're still boymode with their family and they haven't had FFS.
They started HRT at 18.

Its not tranners pushing that its the jews! were such a small fraction of a per cent of the population we couldnt do that, and most of us dont even like non binary stuff. we literally dindu nuffin

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I hate this guy,hes one of the reasons i ain't enjoyed a marvel comic since the early 2000s.

just be decent to other human, leave them, it's not like they are going to live to their late 40' or reproduce ... why do you care ? and they are right about "muh opression" tough, people are beeign dicks to them for no reason