"Daddy, why won't Republicans let us have free health care like every other civilized nation in the world...

"Daddy, why won't Republicans let us have free health care like every other civilized nation in the world? Last week when you took me to the doctor for my checkup, it cost $15,000. If we lived in Canada, it would be free."

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Move to Canada.

Don't worry, baby. The licking game will always make you feel better.

>meme flag

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Sweetie Canadians are bad people like the Grinch

Because we gotta give the rich more tax cuts you retard
Who the hell are you anyway I don’t have a daughter wtf

*Me, an intellectual, bursts in the room*
Well, if you knew how fucking taxing worked!...

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Because their tribal instincts tell them not to share stuff with people that they don't consider part of themselves, and a national public healthcare system, for all its immense benefits over the current system, would absolutely include doing that.

What you should ask for is state-by-state healthcare. A 50 payer system, while not as strong as single payer, is still better than a 300 million payer system.

Niggers. Can’t have open borders and a welfare state. Can’t have diversity and democracy.

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Even better, the checkup would be done by a doctor who doesn’t speak English, misdiagnoses cancer as gout and prescribes ground tiger penis.

That's because with all the money we save from taxation we pay that and much more with the extra benefit of not getting raided by foreign barbarians.
If we went to Canada the free health care also comes with free genital mutilation for women now that the muslims took over so don't be a little brat smart ass and eat your vegetables.


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Diagnosis: OP is retarded faggot

canada is way less densely populated than the us

around 15x less

clinic waits are already 3-7 hours

imagine universal healthcare in dc or la or ny

"Your mother is a a slut, don't listen to her sweetheart."

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>high taxes
>shitty healthcare
>death panels

More like
>Daddy thank you for working full time so we get health insurance benefits :3 now we only pay twenty dollars to see the doctor
You're going to have to post better bait next time.

If we lived in Canada I could divorce your mother and marry the dog. Is that what you want?

Stupid bitch. It was 15 dollars not 15k.

when you complain about high taxes and then complain how healthcare isnt free

sadly that is true

more around 50

money, dumbass
insurance companies are fleecing americans out of their hard earned pay checks

It would be horrible.
For instance I use VA healthcare (and I have private insurance).
The VA healthcare has a 6 month wait list, so I see them for things like MRIs and what not that would cost me out of pocket. Once you see the doctor you tell them everything you possibly can. Once its in the system they call you back to schedule things further and you're good.

For small stuff I use the private insurance.
I get it from work, cost me next to nothing, pays for my kid mostly.

Universal healthcare of 300 million+ would destroy this country. We have nowhere near the amount of doctors for this. It would put people in year long wait list and would lower the quality of said doctors visits which are already pretty low quality.

You see sweetie,
Daddy does some thing liberal retards don't do and that is work at a good job that gives daddy and you healthcare and dental.
You see liberal lazy faggots work wagecuck jobs for $8 a hour because thy are lazy Andy just want to sit home all day and smoke pot and be lazy and want daddy to support their lazy ass with his tax dollars.

>"If we lived in Canada, it would be free on the caveat that everyone including you pay high taxes on comparably more expensive items and then even taxes on taxes..."
>" And being on a waitlist for 6-12 months or more for anything more advanced than dentist/optometrist appointment."

Because if you had cancer youd die in line waiting behind every fuck with a cold. Theres a reason why theres canadians running to america for their sick .

jesus fucking christ Sally how many fucking times do I have to remind you to finish swallowing before you talk?

We pay for our medical unlike the bull Shit meme of free healthcare that is spread around. In fact after going over our taxes and assorted government fees the government ends up with half the money a Canadian makes. We work half the week for a group of faggots in Ottawa that are hell bent on replacing us. Our medical system is really getting bad and I would gladly pay if we were legally allowed to have that option. The government has total control and monopoly of healthcare here and you can all imagine any government run organizations effectiveness

So working yourself into early grave by sitting in an office 12 hours a day to pay twice for healthcare while paying taxes is fucking smart??

Your the mindless wageslave here

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No it didn't, sweetie. Our insurance covered most of your checkup, because Daddy has a real job.

Said no little girl ever

I work 40 hours a week
My health care and dental is free
I got 240k in profile sharing
And almost a million in 401k
Get back to burger flipping retard bevause what you just demonstrated is that's all you are qualified to ever do.

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>somebody paid for it
Are you mentally handicapped?

Check-ups are like $150-200 in the US, also plenty of Canadians come to the US for surgery every year because of how shitty their "free" bullshit is up there. Fuck off.

>Universal healthcare of 300 million+ would destroy this country.

We could probably get away with a modified version.

First, deny any and all healthcare to anyone with a BMI over 30, with an exception for those with a low body fat, but they get checked for PEDs and, if positive, fuck off.

Second, give some legal protection to Fire/EMS to deny transport to the hospital via ambulance for non-emergencies.

From there we can make some tweaks.

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Shut up and keep on working, girl. Those burgers won’t flip themselves!

I just had a neurosurgeon work on my spine and the total costs of diagnosis, the hospital fees, the anesthesiologist, the surgeon, follow ups, and physical therapy cost me under $3,000.

Get real fucking insurance. They paid the other $35,000 for me.

because you touch yourself whore.


>Twitter's woke 5-year-olds: the thread

>When your this bitchy about not getting free healthcare
>Mean while family farms are struggling due to fags like OP wanting to tax the shit out of them.

Fuck you OP.

Daddy why do you bump an obvious slide thread where op only has 1 post by id? Are you stuuuupid?

You would also still be in line to get evaluated, honey. Shut the fuck up before Daddy hits you again.

Have you seen the nigger and el goblolinos rioting honey? We're no longer a 1st world country. This is why we can't have nice things

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It doesn't work in America unless you want us to stop policing the world. State health care countries don't have to worry about defense, have larger tax rates, and smaller landmass.

There are 313 hospitals in Switzerland. There are 5,534 hospitals in the US.

Pleeeeeease please please please stop the faggotry on this page. I swear to god. Stop replying to this trash.

No u


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Nah all you'd have to do is fund ambulances and any emergency treatment they give on scene to stabilize a patient once transported to hospital and stable the patient or the family can make the decision to go through with treatment then and there

God I wish that were me.

There is no free healthcare, only subsidized healthcare.

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Honey you should have been aborted like the rest of the jungle apes.

No it didn't because your daddy isn't a lazy democrat and has a job. It cost a $30 copay.

You and your retarde children need to be exterminated now, kike. Suck a dick and kill yourself.

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I'll give you a "shot" girly
*unzips dick*

+1 to the meme flag poster

>free health
It aint free nigger.

>high taxes
ummm... sweetie

That girl would look great bouncing up and down on a BBC.

Sweetie, in the aftermath of WWII, there was a conference called Breton Woods where all the developed western nations got together and agreed to let the US run global security, keeping sea lanes safe and ensuring open global export and import markets for all the countries who signed up.
This was a good deal because after WWII, every developed nation on earth, except the United States, had been completely destroyed and their economies smashed.
Now, because the US shouldered the lion's share of responsibility for global security, we didn't have the money to put into these kinds of healthcare programs. But because other nations were able to recover faster, suddenly they had extra money that they didn't need to spend on defense, because we were providing it for them.
So they started experimenting with social programs like healthcare and old age pensions, because they had the spare money to do this, and also because they had such a population explosion after the war that they were sure they would be able to fund these programs forever.
What they didn't count on, however, was that the population explosion was temporary. When the replacement population stopped being there, They were suddenly left with a huge bill for their socialism efforts, and not enough working age people to pay it.
You see, dear, that is what we call a Ponzi Scheme. One person needs at least two others to pay his way. Once there are more people relying on the work of others than there are people working, it falls apart.
And that's why those countries with so called free healthcare are importing niggers by the millions.

The military needs a bit of work Gotta do the globalism conquest thing first.. Then comes america.

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Germany has 2000 hospitals and only has a GPD of US$MM 3,684,816

because daddy is too stupid to vote for his own best interests.

Because they don't want you to die from something absolutely preventable, only because doctors are now standard government-bureaucrats too lazy to move and the equipment is standard government equipment that never gets upgraded since the 1970s.


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>Der Thot
It's "Die Thot". Thot is feminine.

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h-honey... this is not an appropriate conversation to have while i’m fucking you! huuh..uhh uh...go back to saying the naughty words sweetheart

ok, daddy

fuck my preteen whore cunt daddy. fuck your daughter...kyaaaa. cum..in...side...me...dadddy!!!

que pasa gringo? isnt ur flag incorrect to discuss the topic? ur flag must be correct US flag as mine for example
add.info im ethnically uzbek


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Gayest. Thread. Ever.


>free healthcare
this is a meme, I pay out of the ass for healthcare in the EU and I don't even use it. I haven't been to the doctor in like 5 or 6 years and I pay monthly out of my paycheck AND an additional insurance because if I didn't pay I would have to cover every single thing out of pocket if anything happened to me.
why are you americans so fucking stupid?

>free healthcare
When will this meme die ?

also, I cant opt out of paying the part that comes out of my paycheck monthly. it's mandatory and pretty fucking expensive. I pay about 70€ every month. add that up over the course of 8 years i've been working and do the math on how many niggers and abduls I paid for.

Healthcare is fraud. I've been to the doctors twice in the past 25 years. If you need more than that than fucking pay for it yourself.

Get out of that dress.

Squat over my face.

And blow a hot, long fart into my beard.

Maybe he should have died. He for real looks like the anti christ.

>Hello, free doctor!
>Hello, incurable patient!
Anyone who values their life goes and pays private clinics anyway.


It is curious. For every other service people purchase the first question they ask is what is the cost. For some reason when it comes to their healthcare no one ever asks what it costs.

If we lived in Canada, you'd need medical checkups every other day, sweetie

Because the Democrats already make us pay for poor kid's healthcare, and there's so many in real terms we can't have free healthcare so if you don't reply to this thread your mother will die in her sleep sweetie. There's no immunity because daddy can't afford the co-pay.

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Because niggers and illegals would abuse it, just like they abuse everything that's free.
Eventually, they would ruin it to the point of absurdity.


"Dear, we have to spend 700 billion a year to protect Israel and those TBTF Wall Street banks. And to protect those Afghan CIA poppy fields, so that's why the govt can't spend money on Americans."

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You cant have open borders and welfare state. You must choose one, and one only.

>Paying for the health care of country of a country of obese, sedentary alcoholics.

If you lived in Canada, you'd still be in the waiting room, cunt.


Free costs freedom. Freedom ain't free.