Metal 3D printing and guns

Americans, isn’t it a problem that Antifa can now print a million AR-15s for the socialist revolution... legally?

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No you fucking kike.

We need to provide guns to all poor and disenfranchised.

What happens when they run out of ink?

Look up the word hyperbole and then shove it up your ass.

I believe Antifa is dumb enough to print off guns they could buy legally when they could just as easily print off guns that they would have to buy illegally
they're just that stupid

I wish they would. there are already plenty of them in circulation tho

>Implying they won't simply explode

Can't print ammo bucko, also.

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Jewish slide thread.

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Distribute faulty designs. They won't know the difference.

>antifa faggots owning 3d printers

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This would drive the price of guns down, as well as the equipment needed to 3d print, causing a boom in prototyping technology, allowing millions of entrepreneurs to flood the market with innovation.

I see nothing wrong. They have shit trigger discipline anyway.

call me crazy but I don't see antifa faggots as the type of folks good at solving technical problems

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You can't.
You still need a registered reciever dumbfuck.
You can even make the barrel yourself and everything else but you need to have a stamp reciever with a serial number and register it.

>as they flew past my face
Wait, wut?

metal, not ink? You use these small metal grains and metal powder - thet are cheap and plentiful. With advances in 3D printing techniques the strength of the parts are getting close to forged and welded or stamped parts.

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>You still need a registered reciever dumbfuck.

kek, no.

You can build your own firearms in the USA you just can't sell them without an FFL.

But ammo can be bought unrestricted. Millions of rounds, no questions asked. Delivered by amazon.

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3D printed guns are and always will be a meme. Why spend all that money when you can build a firearm out of basic materials like steel pipe and bolts?

I suggest you at least learn basic Jow Forums knowlege idiot.

You can use a CNC and Lathe to build a complete firearm but you need a stamped reciever or else it's not legal.

If it was legal then a pipegun would be legal too.

1. hook up 3D printer

2. fill metal sand and metal grains buckets

3. download designs

4. select designs

5. press “start”


>but you need a stamped reciever

Unconstitutional as fuck and that’s the next hurdle to fall


Its legal to produce pipe guns, illegal to sell. 80% lowers exist for this reason. Regarding specific states, this could be true but federally there is no law stating that a homemade firearm requires a serial number if there is no intent to sell.

>but you need a stamped reciever or else it's not legal.

pipe guns ARE legal, retard. Assuming they comply with all federal regulations and are otherwise legal for you to own.

The only reason you might need to engrave a serial number on it are in order to sell it.

Intent is the key to the law, you cannot manufacture firearms TO SELL THEM if you do not have an FFL (license to sell firearms). You can however, sell firearms that you have manufactured FOR YOURSELF if you get tired of them. Volume would play a large part in this determination.

Firearm registries are federally illegal, so state laws in some shitty areas (like Commifornia) might have some retarded law like that that no one follows, but for the rest of the free world there is no issue, and no registry.

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It's not a problem until they can print non-cucks who can fire a gun without crying

While I agree it doesn't change the fact that hillbillies get serious jail time from self built firearms (even for private use)

metal 3d printers are still million dollar machines though, maybe in 50 years they will be $25,000 machines.

Because individual antifa has millions of dollars and enough free time to protest 24/7.

Want to know how I know you are descended from russian rape post 1944?

Until they learn how to aim the projectiles, guns are irrelevant. They're all terrified of them as a concept anyway

I agree. It’s not like a microwave ready made system.

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You're speaking out of your ass.
It's never been defended in court and there's countless people who have had the exact opposite happen.

>Revolution happens
>By some miracle they succeed.
>Insurgency begins
>Socialism fails.... again
>cycle begins again
We have seen this movie before we know what happens.

I actually own a 3d printer, theyre under $200 now for kits.

Metal PLA is very expensive ($200/kg) but its electrically conductive, and can be sintered in a kilm like pottery to evaporate the 11% plastic, so you have to make your part about 11% bigger, but it will be 3d printed metal.
An easier way is like lost wax casting.

A laser sintering 3d printer is about one million dollars right now, but its abilities are impressive
It can make everything but the spring, the barrels lasted over 4000 rounds

>Assuming they comply with all federal regulations and are otherwise legal for you to own.

So they aren't legal in a blanket form like suggested.

>pipeguns are legal..... if you adhere to federal law :^) DURRR

>maybe in 50 years they will be $25,000 machines.

Plastic and metal 3D printing isn’t that different really. And there are metal 3D printers for below 100k. Antifa with their goal to take over the US would need millions of commie “gofundme” money for their efforts anyway.

Grizzly? Neat.

Here's the current state of 3d metal printers:

Thought that machine exists as a concept, and I believe it requires a vacuum to actually work.

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Anteefer is already dead.

>thinking that Antifa could possibly get a million people to fight for them

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There are around 10 million Antifas in America, mostly loaded college students who can all spare 20 bucks for the cause.

kek they are completely legal with no serial number if you do not sell it.

If you want to sell it, I believe it is suggested to engrave or otherwise add a serial number to it, though this is not a hard requirement.

This time around socialism will use tech, just like capitalism uses tech. It is much easier to hold your people in check if you manage to keep the food supply going and have everyone be obese like America does with capitalism right now.

Amazon knows exactly who you are and they have a cozy relationship with the intel agencies

It's not that hard to make a gun at home. There's plans for fully automatic weapons that are made from stuff you can buy at Home Depot. You can make a shotgun out of two pipes and a nail. They're not good guns, but they'll do in a pinch. And honestly I'd take a zipgun over a tec-9 any day of the week. Yet where are they? Why is it a problem to 3D print a gun when you can build one in a couple days?

Antifa are afraid of guns. Otherwise they'd be buying them. There's just a handful of leftists who are LARPing as real revolutionaries, and they just embarrass themselves at every turn. Hell, one of them is probably going to be the reason James Fields is acquitted. All because he had to run his mouth instead of just doing what he was there to do.

10 million at least. And those antifa commies don’t see capitalists as true humans.

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So? Stock piling ammo is legal, is it not?

>the cause
I too enjoy not working for a living, damaging property and demanding other people's belongings. Homeless couch surfing part-time working completely useless debt pigs of the world unite!

>Mostly loaded college students
With no discipline, zero effective training, no resistance to shock (as seen in all videos where people retaliate) which means they can print a m1 abrams and still be overpowered by a small group of hardened individuals.

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Amazon doesn't sell ammo.

Bust most people I know who has guns has at least a few thousand rounds. And some of us manufacturer our own ammo. I know some guys who get powder or cases or whatever on sale and could probably prepare or reload 50k+ rounds.

But obviously none of those guys are leftists.

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You are a retarded faggot and incorrect, you do not need to register home made weapons

Even good tech can't save socialists from themselves. You can already see it happening in Europe. Once they're comfortable, they start seeking to provide for the whole world. Pathological altruism is the socialist's fatal flaw.

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Building a pipe shotgun is easy, building a reliable semi-auto or full-auto firearm takes some technical prowess or experience.

Niggers can't build their own guns, and most criminals are incredibly incompetent (because otherwise they wouldn't be criminals).

The problem is designing regulations lumping everyone else in with said groups.

>If it was legal then a pipegun would be legal too.
thank god for all the gun buy backs that don't ask questions about dozens of hastily made pipe shotguns being traded in for gift cards

>Why is it a problem to 3D print a gun when you can build one in a couple days?

With metal 3D printers you will be ablr to build a million guns with just a few dozen volunteers putting together the parts over a year. And with advances in metal printing, these rifles will come close to original forged parts rifles.

Go crazy antifags... do your worst and enjoy your freedom.

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They will be fighting the people who already have stockpiles of completed 80% guns. Aside from that what a lot of people don’t realize is that the right wing types are not afraid of Antifa at all. They fantasize about a commie revolution where they can go out and put down the retards but don’t as they are orderly law abiding citizens. Antifa is a club used against the Champaign socialists more so than any threat against the right wingers. The rich liberals that love to signal how progressive they are don’t actually want their wealth redistributed by some greasy looking quasi homeless revolutionaries.

user please, having women in their fucking COMBAT team would be bad enough.

*posts pic of sad guy with combat gear wishing for communist revolution*

Niggers are an exception to almost every rule. Give them a fully functioning Glock, and within a year it'll be rusted and gummed up with god knows what. I'm not even convinced that they know how to clean guns. There's a video of one of them showing off a stolen AR-15 with a snap cap in it, and he tries to convince the cameraman that it's a purple bullet. Specifically a "purple paralyzer" that paralyzes anyone it shoots. They don't know how guns work.

Great, a powder gun.
One shot and it turns to dust in your hands


great bantz britain

shut up dude

3D printing is quite intricate, despite how it was hailed as something you can do at home. I'd imagine 3D metal printing isn't easier.

Just learn how to mill you soft fucking millenials. Push a button get a gun faggots. Mill your lowers and quit being little bitches.

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The cause is to bring down capitalism and establish a communist society run by local communities called the consumer cooperatives (пoтpeбитeльcкaя кooпepaция).

they will and it will be splendid when they will
america will be america once again over night

>being scared of some worthless fuckheads getting armed
all it does is justify what comes after they hurt or kill innocent people with said arms. the commie act will be enforced again, commies will see 10+ years in prison, and the pieces of shit who were willing to step over the line will see life in prison or get rekt by police or even the few law-abiding people who had to defend themselves from armed antifa. it also creates precedent to make new laws that will have journalists and lawmakers see prison for supporting antifa


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With metal 3D printers, you'll still need to get your hands on quality metals. Guns rely on high quality steel to remain functional. Most barrels nowadays are inspected with high tech equipment to make sure they're not going to malfunction. You can't 3D print a barrel, for instance.

You can 3D print a lower receiver though, and buy all the requisite parts online.

This. They have zero real-world training and even less cohesion.

Antifa is the very definition of a paper tiger.

You a machinist also? I ways looking into a 3D printer about 2 years ago just to play with and have some exposure to. I’ve seen adds popping up online for me advertising metal 3D prints but it’s pretty specialized stuff you would need to do vs the reality of production work or jobber shop work. Maybe for aerospace prototypes or something along those lines I guess

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antifa fails at the simplest of things, let me remind you

>But obviously none of those guys are leftists.

They are probably common people and easily be converted to the socialist cause through brain washing.

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not true nigga

Antifa is the very definition of right wing scare mongering.

A blow-back sub machine gun is one of the easiest guns in the world to make. It's a ridiculously simple design.

stfu germany

Gun Keurig

no nigger

>Being this autistic
That you're a sauerkraut makes it even better

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>socialist revolution
>implying cucks whose only goal in life is to get free government money would be willing to put in enough effort to leave their parents' basement


They're all pretty hostile to anything leftist. You know, because they like guns.

Look at the GDP of capitalist countries and their stock markets. It produces more each year than you could ever hope to destroy or attempt to bring down. You can not stop late stage capitalism.

>With metal 3D printers, you'll still need to get your hands on quality metals. Guns rely on high quality steel to remain functional. Most barrels nowadays are inspected with high tech equipment to make sure they're not going to malfunction. You can't 3D print a barrel, for instance.

The problem with 3D printing the receiver and barrel today is, as you say, functionality despite high stress on these parts. If you look into metal 3D printing, you’ll see that originally the big problem was that you could only print metal parts which were structurally sound in one dimension (because metal was build in layers on top of each other and pressure 90 degrees from the layers caused them to break).

But advanced 3D printing does interlocking printing allowing for structural integrity like forged parts and in the future integrity even beyond forged parts.

P.S. the quality of the “metal sand” or “metal grains” isn’t really the issue really.

Funny enough, I see very little 'scare-mongering' coming from rightwing media about Antifa. I see a lot of ridicule and debate about how to react to them, but practically nothing about how they're a legitimate threat to anything but their families reputations.

not yet.
but 10 years ago you couldn't 3d print shit. look at us now. you never know what crazy things might be invented in another 10-20 years time.

without parts kits we are fucked

but some smart ass nibba will supply us with parts kits dont' worry, we just need to have access to a smart ass nibba

otherwise, where is your regular weapon? and your back up weapon? and your backup back up weapon nigger?

oh shit, you got abducted by the deep state? welp, sorry bro.....

>They're all pretty hostile to anything leftist. You know, because they like guns.

You just tell them the cause is to topple the tyrannical government to reestablish the functioning of patriotic America. They’ll line up for the cause in high numbers.

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3d printer is the future, fuck these niggers who thing 2d is superior. 2d is not greater than 3d noobs

Been around this site much? They are Satan and Obama wrapped around Hillary dipped in a Soros candy coating. They're gonna get cha! Boo.

and they will all die cuz noob

>10 million Antifas in America
lol my ass

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