I don't understand the concept of veganism
Animals eat other animals, so why can they and can't we ?
I don't understand the concept of veganism
You can, and most people do.
So... boyz... the Human World is the Mirror of Animal World. We have predators and victims too.
Some humans eat and rape children, run other people like cows or sheeps, like livestock.
because animals are in a game of live or die when they hunt we're not. you get your meat from a slaughterhouse where the animals are beatan to death and spat on.
What do vegans think would happen to the countless billions of pigs, cows, sheeps, chickens and cows if everyone was suddenly vegan?
>Anarchist flag
>thinks he is just an animal
Checks out.
>because animals are in a game of live or die when they hunt we're not
humans are not herbivores, but omnivores, you need B12 to stay healthy that you get from meat unlike herbivores who can get it from veggies
you do realize you can get b 12 from a variety of plant and non meat sources right? There is no need to eat meat in the 21st century.
As I understand it, we can get all our nutrition from non animal sources, but we don't. We choose to kill and exploit billions of lifeforms a year because it is more easy, and that inflict unnecessary suffering which is wrong. It's a philosophy as much as it is a diet.
>you can get b 12 from a variety of plant
no you can"t, it's not enough
you either need meat or medication
>you need B12 to stay healthy that you get from meat
Just sip
>rational thought
Petrol is vegan, huff away.
are you dumb? you can get it from eggs and dairy as well as nutritional yeast. We're not in the days of old do don't give me the "well in the wild" bullshit either.
Only recently have humans started eating the amount of meat that we do.
It was always a luxury before. Cows and goats were needed for milk, Sheep for wool, chickens for eggs. Of course we did eat meat, but the amount of red meat we eat in this day and age is particularly unhealthy.
Helps with the dreamtime
What? There are plenty of non-plant non-meat products that can give you that, like milk and eggs. You're thinking of vegans which are pants on head retarded.
Shiitake too, senpai.
I have a pregnant vegan colleague. The amount of supplements and doctor visits she has to put up with just to be able to signal her vegan virtue is mind blowing. Meanwhile, 2 normal preggos are simply doing their jobs, living their lives. Naturally. Any diet plan/philosophy that requires constant addition of supplements and medical attention seems really ... silly. Nature made us omnivorous, no matter what you identify as. Can't reassign that.
>eggs and dairy
>What is a vegan
>he thinks I'm the dumb here ...
Were supposed to be better than animals
At least kill the type of animals you eat
Of course we can. Veganism is for fags.
t. Former vegan of 11 years
we are over eating meat
Mods are awake.
That is all
So eat meat from animals that actually got to live a life (grass fed organic free range etc) or kill it yourself. I'm pretty much a meat eater, But I agree it's got to be put under control.
Vegans just want cows/pigs/chickens to go extinct because they're hateful beings
Vegans will argue people are not animals, but I beg to differ, non the less Vegan ideology would exterminate 90% of human kind to archive their goals, to transform humanity into cow like state. Or sheep I'd argue, where central powers would determine even what food you can eat, but since that's like some type of dystopia without freedom to do anything outside of whatever is allowed, it's designed to transform humanity into some devolved species. Veganism is basically dysgenic agenda but at the same time irrelevant since humans are hard wired to be omnivores which they were for like, forever. Reason why MSM focus is not on not centered on that agenda yet, since it's far fetched designation they will eventually argue about. Reason why it fails is cause main argument is about hurting other animals, but whether that encompasses insects or not is beyond the scope and since research proves pants have feelings and life as well, it totally debunks their own narcissistic view that only hot/cold blooded animals are living beings. And also since farmed animals wouldn't even be exist to serve their purpose, argument about required killing of those animals for the meat is also flawed and releasing them would create natural imbalance that's definitely not "natural" especially since those breeds aren't used to living on their own and wouldn't survive. Basically from the start whole ideology is flawed, together with their flawed "what is healthy" to eat argument which is put in absolutes, and yet ignores healthy side of eating meat and healthy unprocessed fats. So anything that "ideology" pushes is basically nonsense and to simply put an "absolutist" world view. We all know those that think in absolutes are idiots, reasons require no explanation.
Just eat meat. They always complain about some shit anyway.
We invented tools for the sole purpose of being able to catch and eat meat more effectively. If our ancestors were all vegans and shit wed still be naked foraging for berries and dying in our thirties.
Yeah full vegan does require some diet gymnastics sometimes but general reduction of meat/dairy is good. Make sure that shit come from decent sources or kill the animals yourself.
>What is a vegan
A retard. And something that has nothing to do with your point: you said you can only get B12 from meat which is patently untrue.
You dont have to justify yourself to people on the internet.
I'll give you the 100% truth and you won't like it.
A lot of meat eating is a false emotional enjoyment. It's like porn. It's a trap. It makes you feel good but only temporarily and with no real gain or change in your life. It is transient unlike developing yourself, having life experiences, and going out and doing what it is you're put on this earth to do. Same with smoking, all drugs, most empty social pursuits. All of that is transient, it's a free feeling of wellbeing, but it comes at a cost. That's why a lot of artists are vegan. Not just because of 'moral' reasons, but they realise food is a distraction and would rather have a clean 'soul', so to speak, that is free from distractions from divining the one true god (the only source of art and pure love and all that shit).
Why do you think most people who eat a shit ton of meat are also fat, lazy, useless, and probably no lifers with no real achievement.
tl;dr eating meat makes you feel good when you don't. When you're a vegan and living in harmony with your soul you feel as good as you would eating meat but all the time. You feel even better from eating actually healthy shit.
Eating less meat is still a good thing
Quality > Quantity
Make sure the animal got to live a decent life too
That's excessive but partially true
Some of us are predator/hunter and just need to put our killing where out mouths are/eat more responsible meat.
If we are better than animals then we can eat them. If we are equal to animals then we can eat them. See how this works?
ayo I be sippin' til the day that I die
Gayest shit outside of Mardi gras.
We eat meat coz it tastes good and its nutritious. Some veggies taste good too. We hunted for a long time and now we focus on other shit and let some poor cunts faux hunt for us so we can still eat that deliciousness and not turn into you.
Just eat some steak and harden the fuck up you limp wristed sheep fucking cum stain.
Thats genuinely stupid. Do some charity work if you need to improve. Veganism has got to be the laziest way to feel morally superior.
Sitting around on your cunt all day doesnt require much energy. Cool, go do hard labor and eat your leaves.
L-methionine too
Vegans are basically flat earthers. You can't argue with them freaks mate.
Theyre high on the smell of their own farts and riding the wave of smugess that comes with their only protein source being shot up their asses and in their hair.
if animal jumped off the bridge would you too ?
This, also only works on idiots or actual rare tiny percent of people who's organism cannot genuinely hand meat. But that's like arguing about gays or transgenders, minority should never ever determine the future of mankind. Rather majority should if time comes to it, like these days, squash those dysgenic motherfuckers, their world view is sick it's mutated unnatural consequence, and should never be adopted as a norm. This is perfect example of marxist relativist view intended to deconstruct the reality of a human being in it's natural state of being.
When you actually get more in tune with your soul it won't feel good, you'll actually feel sick. You can even feel the emotion of the animal when you eat it.
I've probably eaten more steak than you have in your entire life before I turned vegan. I used to eat about half a kg of meat each day and 2-3 litres of milk, 12 eggs, was over 100kg 10% bodyfat.
Again, you're not dissecting my point which is that it's an emotional stasis, a stop-gap on the journey of self-fulfillment.
I dont think understand people at all when you try to equate eating food with addictions.
Can someone explain me the zero monster meme?
it's a yummy little tasty drink
Eating an animal does not make you above it spiritually, it simply means your group is stronger than it's group and feeds off the energy of other animals.
Eating meat responsibly is the way forward of being both spiritually and technologically superior to an animal.
Think of yourself as a God and start acting more like it or get killed by a superior God.
Just because you have the power to slaughter and eat does not mean you should abuse it like a nigger.
Use the power of a God, don't abuse it. This goes for both killing and creating. You shouldn't just fuck as many kids out of as many waman as you can, be responsible with the power.
Its 0 calories, its basicly like drinking water?
I remember when I was this dumb
Eat more responsibly and stop submitting to the demon of hunger. Save meat for like once a day and special occasions like a challenge. Fasting increases willpower.
If I needed to keep jumping off bridges to survive and remain healthy I sure would.
Veganism is just excessive, but cutting back on meat is a good thing.
>implying that is a bad thing
natural order my friend.
equality is a myth.
>Not just sippin the poison and takin a ride on koolaid town yourself
It's the 30 year old boomer way to smoke cigs you know are unhealthy as shit.
Do it while working out for bonus meme points.
There is no such thing as spirits m8. Its a mental illness believing in that stuff.
No wonder you felt shit you fucken faggot idiot.
Just eat like a normal person. Stop going to extremes to overcompensate and then preaching like a faggot to people who know youll get over it and look back at how annoying and silly you were.
Just eat a balanced fucken diet like a normal person you bloodied up cuntrag that won't flush.
You don't get Vitamin B from water. You don't get an energy boost from water.
Humans cannot digest plants.
>Like drinking water
I recommend you chug one as fast as you can and try to walk straight
I try to not eat processed shite. Just clean identifiable cuts along with plenty of veg. I am worried about bowel cancer.
your pineal is merely clogged with chlorine my fellow nordic alien
>we use toilet paper, why can we and they can't?
Show flag, murrican
Thats exactly what I've been saying you fat greasy mutt fucking minority.
What is choice. If a tiger does not kill it dies. Most people do not kill and they live, yet they choose to have animals killed because they taste good with ketchup.
I became vegan because I wanted to see what it was like, I'm a year into it and I don't see any reason to go back to meat. Healthier than ever, saved a ton of money on groceries and feel more mentally alert. I suggest you try to change your diet often just so that you are aware of what you are eating, often people just eat what ever is in front of them without considering that there are other options.
There is such thing as a subconscious and feeling things vs thinking them you fool. Call it whatever you want, but spirit realm is just a term that everyone can vaguely picture when chatting on teh 4chinz
Anime is like artistic representations of the 2D spirit dimension if you like physics.
Fuck off Im not buying it you kike
Depends how much youve been eating in the first place.
Just do what the good book says and dont eat it on Fridays.
please nigga i water my lawn with Monster
its got what plants crave
Balance is the key
Use nature(eat meat in moderation), don't abuse nature(eating like a fat pignigger enslaved by the subconscious demon of gluttony)
There are too many faggy teens larping on Jow Forums. Fuck off.
Go fuck an abbo m8, I'm just spelling things out for the kids
Only shitty meats taste good with ketchup.
Rock salt and pepper is really all you need.
Uh huh. Now go tell starving hunters in Africa how wrong their way of life is and lmao just plant some berries.
Better yet go sentinel island and tell them hey guys dont you know you all are naturally vegans?
>Afraid of takin a sip
The absolute state of pussy ass bitches on Jow Forums
>Rock salt and pepper is really all you need.
Christianity is the problem, Goyim, not Satanism!
Good book would also say eat responsible meat, not processed tortured trash, which is most meat.
>Not feeding your plants nitroturbosip
Why tho? Your junk science based on feels?
There is no science proving meat to be bad. None that holds any weight. Kill yourself if you think veganism is good, it’s dogshit for joggers and fags who live by emotion over logic, and anyone falling for it should die immediately for their own fucking good.
>Pro-vegetarian arguments in one of the least vegetarian friendly countries in the world
I love that the Japanese know that vegetarianism is stupid as fuck.
Did you ever think about how, like, sexual, eating meat is? You're putting another animal's body in your mouth and swallowing it. That's some next level fetish shit right there.
>There are too many faggy teens larping on Jow Forums
Do you know where you are?
If you're not a faggy teen LARPing as a 30 year old boomer or a 30 year old boomer LARPing as a faggy memeteen, wtf are you doing on Jow Forums at this hour?
for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.
Bible manly says though we shouldn't be arguing about this. And its the fucken vegans who always start these threads.
Goddamn vegan satanists testing our faith.
If you have to use ketchup to make your meat taste good, eat rice and don't buy it while saving up for some better meat.
Again, tiger eats meat because it needs to. Starving hunters in Africa are in the same boat, and sentinel islanders probably couldn't survive sans fish.
My point is, I do not need meat to live. Me personally, not you, not them. Me. I am no way saying that anyone other than myself should be vegan. But I do suggest that if you are capable of changing your diet that you try it for a week.
this country is far more suited to a borderline pescitarian diet everyone here understand the value of healthy eating. now if we could just get rid of smoking and this damn clear everything fad.
Stop fucken agreeing in a disagreeing tone with me you hollow boned mason cuck.
Seriously everyone in the world except the US knows to eat like a normal person and not stuff your face all day long.
I'm a vegan for health reasons I don't give a fuck about animals, I lost 80 pounds and regained my sanity and social life by quitting all meat and sugars
Feels are not realz but feels are an important part of existence friendo.
Memes are connected to feels and draw power from the infinite spirit realm where imagination exists.
Inventions are merely ideas borrowed from the infinite spirit realm translated into the material reality through technology/science/whatever.
Do not underestimate the subconscious or your heart will malfunction and you will be laughed at for your arrogance.
Let fish grow big and strong for good sushi, but when is time for sushi, cut that mother fucker up with a samurai sword and enjoy him.
The way we obtain and eat meat differs greatly from that of animals.
I would say much of veganism is about protesting the mass production of meat and the problems associated with it.
Cruelty or indifference towards animals, enviromental problems and resource overuse e.g water. Them there's problems with overuse of anti-biotics.
Yes but you say it without actually knowing anyone's diet you fucken Bernie supporter. Youre just assuming everyone's diet based on your own inflated sense of self.
Can't you see veganism has turned you into a sanctimonious assuming asshole?
I have over 70kg of meat and fish in the freezer I have hunted myself and a garden full of vegetables, yet have had vegans tell me my lifestyle is wrong - fuck those idiots.
They are just a pendulum swung too far
The true path forward is to use nature, not abuse it. Eat meat when you should, and just man up when you have no reason other than YAY DOPAMINE AND PROTEENZ.
If you're eating meat because it just feels good, you're probably wasting. Make it feel good and be responsible and have a purpose.
Increase your quality, reduce your quantity of consumption.
The rise of food allergies is literally due to people imposing bad diets upon themselves
Eat a little of everything like your body needs or live on suppliment pills.
We are the world m8
I like this aussie cunt