Why are Americans so FUCKING COOL. Literally so Fucking COOL that even when you say Americans you don't refer to Mexicans or Brazilians and everyone automatically assumes USA. WOW
Americans are so fucking Cool, they gave us Internet, Computer, Space technology, Satellites, Nuclear energy all modern entertainment which inspired whole world to strive for better.
Unlike YuroPoors Americans drive BIG FUCKING GAS GUZZLING CARS and they don't give shit if it burns a lot and thats because they have enough of it, not like in Commie/Socialist Europe where we have tiny winny shitty Cars and where everything is over regulated how big or strong it can be. Also they tax shit out of us that even Gas is double the price than in US. Like literally THEY GAVE US INTERNET AND FREE SPEECH. Where would you be now if you couldn't express yourself anonymously over this site? Half of you would go to jail for saying things you say here. Really USA changed my whole mindset to STRIVE for FREEDOM and GLORY.
>uGh USA is shit Fuck off you lying scum if you would be given opportunity you would sell your mother to live in USA. Why does everyone want to emigrate to USA if they don't like it?huh Strange isn't it.
Americans can literally own fire arms once they turn 18 HOW FUCKING COOL IS THAT, in YuroPoor we are convinced that weapons are only good in hands of Government and we eat that bullshit. Man I admire AMERICA
Also American president Swears and insults people over national television without giving crap.
When would we ever be able to see something like that in Europe where leaders don't give shit about being politically correct and not always having this fake over professional performance.
Matthew Ross
If you've seen the despicable shit they do in Mexico you'll love america
Dylan Taylor
Blake Howard
>Bobby Ramirez Imaging >Ramirez
Thomas Fisher
I can't believe you forgot to mention our delicious American hamburgers, now the most popular cuisine in the world, you degenerate commies.
I still can't believe how easily they got punched on 9/11, but yeah shit happens, hope they don't loose their sense of freedom, what if the goverment really did it/encouraged it to invade these shitholes?
also please, build second tower, terrorists are dead, let's celebrate
Ryan Gutierrez
We basically got really fucking lucky and found a bunch of silicon, we also stole a bunch of nazi shit to use in our weapons and military strategy.
I think If the Nazis won they would basically be as big as America.
Ryder Nguyen
>also please, build second tower They did, it's just in a different style than the last set.
Christopher Long
no, not one, bring back Twin Towers-like image.
WTC2 construction is about to be started THIS will be the final fuck you to the cowards
which is why we want to preserve it and not get fucked by communists and shitskins. its hard to watch a great country fall right in front of your eyes.
We were in debt to the house of saud. They wanted us to destabilize Iraq so it would distract Iran right on their border.
So they pulled us into a war with a saudi man named bin laden, who took responsibility for 9/11.
The funny thing is we also needed to cover up that 2.3 trillion dollars was missing so we hit the accounting department in the pentagon.
No one knows where the money went to this day.
We will go to war with Iran next, but it will start WW3 because Russia needs their oil and weapon purchases. They also need the port in Syria. Which is currently controlled by Bashar al-Assad, who is backed by Iran and Russia.
They're so cool they bombed the shit out of us. We eurofags should always be grateful for the bombs they dropped on us and the pain they inflicted to our fellow countrymen.
Ayden Reyes
America is God so if it had bombed you it had good reason to do so.
Your country is any way commie/socialist shit hole that needs to be throughly shaked to wake up. Stop sucking bureaucratic cocks and start worshiping freedom.
Ayden Sanders
Thanks Eurobro. We still love Our ancestors over across the pond. Even when people say that "All great empires die eventually" it may be true for the Great ones in the past, but, everyone knows deep down inside, that America, The U.S. of A will NEVER truely die. The USA will be cemented for eternity, and will live and be in the foundation of every Empire to come. Im seriously fucking blessed to be born in this AMAZING FUCKING COUNTRY! I mean where the fuck else can you be 300 plus pounds and literally lose half the weight, get botox, get plastic surgery, become a 10, and all with a annual income of 15, 000 or less? Only in fucking THE US of A!! American Capitalism is the best and is the reason for the materialism you are talking about. And anyone who says they wouldn't want it, are fucking miserable, lying shit bags. These commie Americans larping that they want something else like shitty socialism or commie bullshit, are high af and dont know what the fuck they are talkong about. Im fucking so grateful I was born here in the USA!!! No matter what happens in the future, America will never be forgotten and will always be the foundation for any great empire to come. With the industrial revolution and autonomy, there is no stopping the machine, and there will be no stopping Capitalism and free market. Technology has its down falls, but because the U.S. has its constitution and independence, we will always come out on top and the best! AMERICA FUCK YEAH! !!
I live in the US and it's pretty fucking great. I would never even consider living anywhere else.
Henry Watson
This morning I tore down the .556 and the G43, all tidy now. Met my buddies on the bayliner out at the lake. Cruised around, dropped a line. Had a few. Came back and took the lady out to texas roadhouse and a little shopping. Finished it off by rolling out to hoover and sneaking in a few runs with the coyote. 150 shot, radials, bitch is snappy. Walked a trailblazer SS, and an ST on 30lbs. Sheriff rolled by with his side lamp on, said it's time to head home. Waved and back to the house for homemade brews. Not a day go's by I pray and give thanks for this country. I'd die for it in a heartbeat.
Caleb Murphy