You really want anti-Trump protesters to start killing themselves?
Which one of you fucking racists made this?
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This is fucking great you all cunts will e baited and commit suicide kek
lol , awesome
No, we want to kill them legally, with a priority on their children and parents. You know, remove their bloodlines from existence. btw, if Trump becomes a dictator and you flee to Europe, be prepared to see your children be raped
This is the earliest and most effective counter Trump protest. Its just sad that not enough liberals have taken it up. Tips to the artist. Just do it see how fast Trump has to leave office when you are offing yourselves by the hundred.
That is properly funny.
You know how many would do it? 0 NOT ONE libtards are scared from words not fucking suicide
Ha thats the best ive seen in a while
Almost as good as its ok to be white...
bullshit trannies kill themselves daily
NO! do not kill yourself leftypol that would make us very upset. We would feel too guilty and that would probably be then end of the alt right
Nah, we'd just push Trump supporters off buildings.
Lurk more ffs.
What kind of new shilling is this?
>my sides explode
>can no longer focus on real threads
shut your face cunt
Yes, do it
Some of these people are mentally ill enough to actually do it. Thank you for this public service user
This meme is about 18 months old, what's going on itt?
I've been here for over 3 years and I don't remember seeing it unless I just forgot about it
cute bunny pic though
Yeah that would be great
Jesus this is early 2016 material
I shouldn't judge. The amount of time spent on Jow Forums inversely correlates to how well one's life is going, and I want my fellow Jow Forumsacks to succeed.
you're alright Aussie fren
>so many fresh-off-the-boat newfags here
I don't want to kill the anti trump protestors. I want to kill the jews that control them
We could give them capes as incentive.
>I’ve been here for over three years
Leave. Now. It’s for your own good. Probably too late. But get. Out.
Nice. I'm totally gonna do this. That'll show racist bigots like Trump.
Why didn't we do cut for trump or wet your pants for trump or something? It worked for beiber and freebleeding.
This is the only way to show Trump what you really think of him!
Trump has helped to make us all Ameribros. I've only been on this board since Brexit desu. Jow Forums is garbage of course, but it's also awesome.
This shit makes me want to #JumpAgainstJPEG
Are van halen and iron maiden /our/ guys?
It saves ammo and effort, so yes.
I love how this ridiculous dead nigger has become a meme so fast. What an awful culture and mindset that does that to their dead kids. It's beyond awful, it's utterly ridiculous and all about sub humans asking favours of humans.
I like this.
Daily reminder that kool Keith is the only based black man
It's too late. I've tried so many times. I'm here forever with the rest of you.
The bread was fucking hilarious.
Welcome home user, to the place you wished you never lived.
HoP were Boston Irish.
>Postmodernism will destroy us all
"Postmodernism is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late-20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism and that marked a departure from modernism. The term has also more generally been applied to the historical era following modernity and the tendencies of this era.
While encompassing a wide variety of approaches, postmodernism is generally defined by an attitude of skepticism, irony, or rejection toward the meta-narratives and ideologies of modernism, often calling into question various assumptions of Enlightenment rationality. Consequently, common targets of postmodern critique include universalist notions of objective reality, morality, truth, human nature, reason, language, and social progress. Postmodern thinkers frequently call attention to the contingent or socially-conditioned nature of knowledge claims and value systems, situating them as products of particular political, historical, or cultural discourses and hierarchies. Accordingly, postmodern thought is broadly characterized by tendencies to self-referentiality, epistemological and moral relativism, pluralism, subjectivism, and irreverence.
Postmodern critical approaches gained purchase in the 1980s and 1990s, and have been adopted in a variety of academic and theoretical disciplines, including cultural studies, philosophy of science, economics, linguistics, architecture, feminist theory, and literary criticism, as well as art movements in fields such as literature and music. Postmodernism is often associated with schools of thought such as deconstruction and post-structuralism, as well as philosophers such as Jean-François Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, and Fredric Jameson, though many so-labeled thinkers have criticized the term"
Cut 4 Hillary