What triggered your racism? Was it jealousy?

What triggered your racism? Was it jealousy?

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All the niggers acting like subhuman apes caused it

I bet that one on the right is such a braaaaap hoggg

fuck you dude!

>same id

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my survival instict

How fucking new are you?

No, it was immigration and it's results. Like everyone else here. I like the self-criticism though, it just reinforces how correct we are.

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Racism doesn't exist.
But if you wanted to play the lefty game.
Uncivilized behaviour (Ignoring social rules, obnoxious volume, etc.)
Excessive crime representation of them
Their regular antics

The same sentiment you would have if i an my entire town go to saudi arabia larpin as cristians

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It depends what you mean with 'racism'.

Racial differences such as averaging differences of IQ are facts of nature and phenotype and genotype are two sides of the same coin. If accepting this is 'racist' then yes, anyone who is not delusional is racist.

*Picture of Han Women Wrapped in Tibetan Flag*

>What triggered your racism [Tibetan]? Was it jealousy?

disdain for 3rd worlders

going to the zoo everyday aka public school

Moshe read your briefings better

turkish immigrants

Black Racism is caused by Jealousy,
Whyte Racism is caused by dislike.

I'm a realist, but that qualifies as a racist in today's society

Funny how they are allowed to culturally appropriate our flags, our history, our homelands, our technology, our institutions.... and the (((media))) praises them

Wanted for my people to be left alone.
I'm openly racist...
I think that racists like me aren't "the bad guys"... I don't want to enslave anymore, nor beat the shit out people of different races for the sake of it. Usually, we racists ask nothing more than being left alone. And thus, have the right to exist...Have a countrt of our own. Which also implies freedom of assocation. THAT'S IT !

But that's ot what we currently have in my country. We're being invaded by people whom we ave to subsidize at gun point. (if you don't, toe government will put you in jail)... Worst of all, our own government and of course our media are doing everything in their power to demonize, dehumanize us, in the name of tolerance, human rights,equality (ironically)...

And so, they're not only importing people of different races and cultures (and religion).. + they brainwash these people into blaming all their problems and failures on indigenous europeans who don't to be genetically destroyed and becoming a minority in the land of their own ancestors...
And then liberals wonder why people like me exist. But they have created all the conditions needed for people like me to exist.

I wouldn't be racist if i had a country of my own. If my race wasn't threatened by massive invasion of third worlders....

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Maybe I'm getting US legislation wrong

>enslave anymore

of course it was look how shredded these fuckers are

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I used to date a westernised Asian. A few months after dating I introduced her to my mother over dinner this cunt called my mother a fascist slut because she said Work for the dole was wrong.
I literallu frogmarched her out of the restaurant and threatened to blind her if she ever came near me again.
My mother was more shocked than appalled and sat me down after and told me how some women and angry and brainwashed.
My mum isn’t racist but I’ve disliked western Asians ever since

Foreigners are not entitled to the great standard of life we built in our own countries with the hard work of our forebears. They seem to think they are.

I can't wait for the violence to start against these people.


Went to France once and saw a nigger.


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The smug attitude of faggots like you lol

Blacks chimping out.
Gipsies stealing and inbreeding.
Muslims exploding.

No, I'm "racist" because I don't want to share my homeland with Niggers and Spics for the same reason I wouldn't want a tribe of rabid baboons roaming my streets.
Then there is the endless Anti-White racism; with Niggers, Spics and Kikes openly discussing "White extinction" and "White Genocide" I propose that ANYTHING Whites do to prevent such is fully justifiable and an act of self-defense, even if it results in the complete and total eradication of the other parties.

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When I was young I had to go near a refugee centre to get to school and I started associating the bad smell there with the ethnic people. Sort of like Pavlovs dog theory but with black refugees. I'm not really racist anymore though I only believe that the government should spend more money in order to provide more cleaning products to refugees in order to have clean ethnics.

no, it's my blatant sexism, xenophobia and fear of change

It was noticing that I wasn’t supposed to notice.

Why hasn't it started already, and if the reasons it has not started continue to be a factor, why would you that that violence will ever start?

Couldn't get a gf so I became racist to cope.

Nah, looking at my country turning to complete shit and seeing how fucking awful most migrants are did that.

they kept telling me white people can't not be racist

so I did what they wanted (what they actually wanted not what they say they want) and became racist

diversity quotas

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No one is jealous of niggers chang.

Is it Don King after a boxing match?

Getting threatened by an immigrant whom have been in your country for 12 years and don’t speak a word of your language or English so you can’t expalin he got the wrong guy really does wonders for your racism.

contrarism, Jow Forums is contrarian site, the moment nationalism and racism becomes main narrative, you will se diffrent kind of posts here

It was niggers acting like niggers and poos flooding into my countries job market fucking my generation over.


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i had to batter nearly all the immigrant kids in my school, because they kept testing me, and only i was ever written up for it.
everyone is w-w-wacis but only we are expected to be sorry for it. WE'RE NOT SORREH!!!

Name one person in the world who doesn't have in group preference or suppressed in group preference.

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Everyone except white people?

It depends on what you define as racism. It seems that term is used very loosely these days. I am a National Socialist but I don't see myself as a racist. Rockwell himself said that you should not persecute or hurt a man just because of his race because he cannot control that. I follow this moral outlook so I see racism for the sake of it being stupid.

However I do believe that white countries and communities have a right to exist and by force if necessary. If a struggle must be had then by every means necessary we will fight this struggle. This in turn will shed the blood of innocents because non-whites feel entitled to access to white people and their communities and infrastructure.

What triggered these thoughts in me is your question though so I'll attempt to answer. My generation has a nihilistic view on our country. Everythings shit, this sucks, etc. I never questioned why though I just took the side of "Yeah, everything sucks and we're fucked".

Not until I realized why it was fucked did I actually wake up. I started browsing Jow Forums in 2006 at the ripe age of 13. I've been here since /new/ was around and I never became a National Socialist until around 2015. The reason was I was young and enjoyed shitposting more than actually thinking. As I matured I began engaging in conversations and learning more.

Things like the Trayvon shooting made me realize how the media was one sided and how it lies. I see people around me repeating the bullshit they spouted and I wondered why the media would be so blatant about it. I started to learn about Jewish power and the history of the Jews. I learned about all the nations they have swindled and how they weasel their way into the heart of the power structure in countries throughout history.Naturally I began to hate.

I was nihilistic and thought there was no cure for the modern world and then I found National Socialism. It changed my life, gave me meaning. I embraced my heritage, lost weight and now I have meaning in life.

Racism that is justified and not even called racism.

>Went to France once and saw a nigger.
You sure you only saw one ?