Out of all the shills they thrown at us

This fagget is the most disgusting, most repulsive, punchable faggot gatekeeping shill degen of them all. And it's not just cause he's a fucking canadian (what the fuck is up with all the speech impediment canadians and (((alt right))) - stefan lisp molyneux, gavin lisp mcguiness, lauren lisp southern, jordan faggot voice peterson...??)

It's just that he's so fucking...disgusting. Now, for example, take your average semi-average mutt /pollack here that claims to be "woke" aka Trump's not perfect but he's the best we have or in full translation - yeah I don't mind Trump waging wars for Israel, if Hillary waged wars for Israel that would be stupid because she's a stupid leftist hurr durr but when Trump does it it's maga.

So - that kind of average mutt /pollack will probably have his dose of Jordan Faggot Peterson (have to have 3 names, the legendary kike trick stemming back from serial killer era) because Peterson talks in big words and kinda sounds that he's, cringe, /ourguy. Right?

He's /ourguy because he's against stupid ess-jay-dubyas, right? Those stupid ess-jay-dubyas, they're not edgy as /pol bros! Am I rite? Mutt /polbro sits on /pol the entire day, collects dank memes and makes fashy threads on Adolf oooo too edgy right there bro, meme war veteran, pepe kek!

Alex Jones is considered (by some) to be a zionist shill, right? Using silly words such as GLOBALIST, CHYCOMS and BANKERS, refusing to name the jew kike responsible for literally everything foul on this planet. So he's dumb! But Jordan Faggot Peterson is WOKE, right?



Fucking faggot. I just saw that he was on kike channel h3h3 or whatever. That's your Peterson for ya and you got duped again, woke /pollacks. You're totally not the_donald + hitler memes. Definitely not.

Attached: clean-room.jpg (308x163, 10K)

In that pic his hair transplant looks good and natural - yet in recent ones it is obviously a transplant - i wonder if he was using a concealer or make up?

>his hair transplant

What? The bucko wears a rug? Never knew about that. LOL...he really stuck it to the post-modernist marxist beast.

Not a rug - he had at least one transplant, maybe more.

It isn't a bad job but sometimes in harsh light you can see it

He went from this

Attached: jp before 2.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

To this

Attached: jp after.jpg (885x516, 41K)

AAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH so all the profound knowledge of saving fathers from marxists idealogues abyss didn't help him overcome vanity of appearance? Ahahahah.....no wonder he's so popular on /pol

Never noticed it before really...but god damn such a vapid vane little frog voiced shill gatekeeping crying kike faggot.

Speaking of wigs and transplants, that reminds me of another Mutt idol - because OF COURSE these types of people make it big and succeed in a cesspool of Mutts known as America - the good ole definitely-not-a-gatekeeping-government-shill Joe Rogan.

When I was dumb enough to watch him he had his transplanted hair and on some podcast episodes when they were sitting on some musty couch that shit would look like fucking ant legs glued to the scalp.

Peterson had much better hair job! Looks like those pubic hairs grew out nicely - thanks Patreon money, thanks kekistani meme war generals with no father figure, thanks for the neetbux.


Attached: 1532600346684.png (828x756, 164K)

In fairness to him just open your eyes next time you watch TV - almost every actor, news presenter, "TV academic", singer, "daytime TV" presenter... will have a full head of hair whether he is 22 or 65...

The compare to real life.

I think until recently most used wigs and concealer but more and more are having hair transplants. Some like Peterson, Joe Biden, Gordon Ramsay etc try to hide it, others are willing to be open about it.

I reckon soon enough it will be like having braces on your teeth or laser eye surgery, just something a lot of men do if they start losing their hair.

And who can forget Elon?

If you look closely you can see it's a transplant but frankly he looks a hundred times better than bald.

Tech is improving rapidly now in terms of allowing careful selection and placement of finer hairs to better mimic a natural hairline

In about 20 years the only bald men you'll see will be either those too poor to get it fixed or those who just don't care and are having getting buzzed - some chads look good with a shaved head so don't care

Attached: elon.jpg (602x441, 43K)

To be honest, on the after pic it looks kinda...the texture or something...is off...weird. Can't explain it, but it looks not natural.

And if Elon Mu$k can't pay for invisible transplant, that means we're 50 years away from the balding problem solution.

In the meantime we'll have to deal with a lot of marxist idealogues and beasts!!




What's the fuckin difference between reddit and Jow Forums? Moderation? That's about it I think, the core audience is identical. There's no real intrinsic difference between /pol and the_donald.

Yes his isn't perfect though he had it done quite a few years ago and the tech is now improving every 12 months

Also the pic on the elft shows he was already very bald at a young age. Frnakly I am impressed they managed to get him any kind of hairline

It's a bit like thinking what sort of computer did a billionaire have in the 1990s? Still much slower than a basic one today - and all tech is improvng but hair traansplants have started going mainstream now, costs have tumbled, and some celebs are being open about it.

James Franco is another one who had a transplant very recently though i believe he hasn't admitted it yet.

Attached: transplant.jpg (1072x751, 84K)

>hair traansplants have started going mainstream now, costs have tumbled, and some celebs are being open about it.

It's a retarded procedure in the first place. They take hair from hairy place and glue it into hairless place? LOL

Why don't they make something better, some kind of permanent wig, instead of glueing your pubes on your head, glue Karthik's hair on you.

It's one of the 2 things that will save the world, according to my theory. If the medicine focused strictly on hair regrowth and dick size world would be paradise. Everyone would walk around with 12 inch schlongs with hairline as straight as an arrow. Who the fuck would go to war in that situation?

I see what you mean but really, just like using lasers on eyes or using the bodys own immune system for vaccines, hair transplants are the ebst way - they take the human hair and just move it and it is therefore totally natural

Maybe one dya somethign artifical will replace it but not for a long tim

as costs and techniques fall hair transplants wil become veyr common at least in the west - imagine every guy not having to worry about being bald in his 30s and 40s and able to enjoy life

wow dude you got a lot of internalized anger... Maybe cleaning your room might help you relax...

What's going on your little Croatian life, big guy?
Upset the Jews made you a loser?
Upset the big popular guy isn't attacking le Jews like you want him?

Clean your country.

Whiter than u Muhammad

>Clean your country.

The absolute state of jewish Mutt slaves. Hello from 99% huwhyte country, faggot. Go get killed by niggers or spics or gooks or jews or whoever, fagget.

>Upset the Jews made you a loser?

KEK, my fellow Mutt. Go caress your little circumcised jew-marked dick of yours.

>Upset the big popular guy isn't attacking le Jews like you want him?

He's a jewish psyop yeah, why would I like him Ariel?

You uhh, know all this alt-right jew hating stuff is just a meme right?

I'm starting to think that you think it's not a meme.

Except Alex Jones is literally retarded talking about conspiratorial nonsense

while Jordan Peterson is an academic and regularly BTFO's leftists on a daily basis

the only people who think that are cucks and summerfaggots

early Jow Forums and /new/ was legit





That's academic! And Alex Jones hick hillbilly no education style is BANKERS, GLOBALISTS AND CHYCOMS.

Wow what an astounding difference.

>99% white
A fucking slav think he's white.

Attached: cagelaugh.jpg.CROP_.promo-mediumlarge.jpg (625x446, 74K)

He actually uses reasoned arguments

unlike your all caps sperg rage

100% shill on shill thread. Remember to sage when you mock these retards.

>He actually uses reasoned arguments




op is a faggot shill

> /pol
Seriously what the fuck
>reddit spacing
Leave now

Attached: 6D8C3A68-F849-4339-86BC-72BC093F49E6-4255-000006A41F8F6355.png (866x475, 78K)

Is that you the autistic demented son of Jordan? Did you fight some dragons today? Slay the dragons! Don't let those marxist idealogues defeat you, bucko!

You are the reason I'm going to beat my kids.

Say what you want about Peterson what you will but at the end of the day he's a guy who went through a job pipeline that demands total conformism and obidience to the status quo. He's lapdog of the powers that be who's been given some leash in order to generate the illusion of intellectual autonomy and freedom. He thinks though that psychopaths in the dominance hierarchy aren't an issue, says there aren't any conspiracies going on (besides cultural marxism which is a legit conspiracy), and doesn't speak up about pedos.

Clean your room, bucko.


No one here defends Peterson

99.97% of reddit is retarded. Only 93.24% of Jow Forums is retarded.
Learn the difference.

reddit shill faggot sage

alex jones zionist shill argument people need to realize is 50/50
if you are in the media for 2 decades it will be impossible for you, the media man, to NOT have a jew on your phone. its going to be at least one jew. obviously in his case its probably a bit more than one lol

He's not just here to keep larping imbeciles without father figure chasing their tails for even longer. He's their savior! Arguments! Philosophy! Silly marxsist idealogues!

Attached: the-bucko-matrix.png (2143x1569, 590K)



>character assassination thread #8457

Beware of the cultural marxists, don't mind the man behind the curtain.

you still talk like plebit you fucktard, stop trying so hard

Limey britbongstan mudslime mayor faggot throwing race percentages to me. Oh how low has your faggot (((empire))) fallen you faggot. I'll report you to the fuckin council for posting on pol you faggot, you'll get the visit, don't test me. I don't make friends like a faggot based on skin color, just because you're white like me doesn't make me have any preference towards you. I would probably sick you to muslems - oh wait I don't have to, they're already there doing gods work raping your british girls. Good on them. No muslems here, faggot. Bye bye, Britannia.

My next thread will be character assassination of, in this order;

- Milo
- Richard Spencer
- Varg
- Sargon
- Joe Rogan
- Alex Jones

I'm going all out full bore shill against the dangerous & fashy alt right.

You need to get laid.

Jesus fuck, take your meds man how the fuck is anyone supposed to take this serious you massive faggot

Targets acquired. Beware alt right, the regressive leftist ideologue is coming at you!

Attached: 1532639874948.jpg (1117x1117, 460K)

Come home, opie

nigger you are cringey as fuck

No seriously man listen, you talk like a faggot, and your shit's all fucked up.

Kek. He looks like Andrew Breitbart.

Aw shiiiiiet nigga I'm sorry skrrrr skrrr whoop

>Be a shill
>Complain about people who call out the mentality of your handlers

>I'm going all out full bore shill against the dangerous & fashy alt right.
Too bad you're just spinning your autistic wheels in the mud.

I thought eastern Europeans were supposed to have the wisdom of Buddha and the strength of a bear, but this one's acting like Chris Chan.

>be me.
>28 year old alcoholic with failing marriage, one kid, one more on the way, but wife about to leave.
>start listening to Peterson.
>start cleaning my room.
>start going to AA.
>leave shifty job, start own business
>find that taking on more and more responsibility really has given my life more meaning.
>marriage is now better than ever.
>have third kid now and planning on fourth.
>just got back from taking my beautiful white family to church.
>about to take my beautiful white family to country club for brunch, because I can afford that now
>all because I stumbled upon some Peterson vids

Yeah, truly some subversive shit OP.

"Pressure relief". You were supposed to wait until your life went to complete shit and then go on a shooting spree you kike puppet!

You sound very deranged, calm down. But yes, JBP is there to prevent white men from radicalizing and taking back their countries. He worked in a globalist UN think tank connected to Soros.

Your church only lasts 15 minutes?

I can see your time zone, liar.

Attached: commiefuck.jpg (950x634, 320K)

Wtf are you talking about? My Parish has mass at 8 AM, 9:45, and 11:30... we went to 8 AM today.

I think you are drunk.

Why did this post give me a boner? Why do I have a longing for Croat dick now?

Shills and newfags are out in full force today. SAGE

I think jordan peterson was sort of the "bargain" in the stages of grief (of the system seeing racial awakening of the whites).

Attached: new-understanding-the-stages-of-grief-1.png (1200x901, 63K)

He also got a nosejob it seems

Whatever dude.