Musings of a racist Jap

Alright, let's start. As we all know, races can be broadly painted as three main catagories: Caucasian, asian, and negroid. All three of them have distinct traits, and are rather unique. But which would be best suited in the far future. Let's rank them.

1st. Caucasians. For the most part, Nordics have a good balance between intelligence and physical strength. Best of all, however, is their unique sense of curiosity. Innovation, brought by curiosity, is the driving force of progress, and whites in general have a lot of it. For example, Steven Hawking and Leonardo Da Vinci are whites who are both intelligent and curious, and they contributed greatly to society. However, white DNA is very variable. Two handsome whites can indeed produce sub-par children. However, we can get around this problem in the future with genetic engineering, so I don't see this as being a problem.

2nd. Asians. Asians have the highest stock IQ. An asian is essentially a biological calculator, but this doesn't make them the master race. With the advent of computers there isn't a need for a biological calculator or strategist in the future.
An interesting note to make is that many Chinese seem to lack empathy.

3rd. Negros. Blacks start off with the lowest intelligence, with an average IQ of only 70-90. It is even lower among native Africans. They also seem to be more inherently destructive than any other race. However, I have indeed met a few good black people when I go to America, and they all have one thing in common. Their parents care for them. This isn't shown in most blacks because most blacks have one absent parent, with the other only using them for free food stamps. Abuse is often prevalent in these relationships, which further stumps mental growth.

4. The Jews. Jews can be intelligent, but they also suffer from a lack of empathy. Many Jews are inherently evil, and most of the Jews I see and talk to are degenerates, openly trying to destroy white people.

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nobody cares nip

Thanks for the post Japanon, it was very coherent.
>Two handsome whites can indeed produce sub-par children
The same goes in reverse, I have two average-looking parents and I turned out reasonably well-off.
>many Chinese seem to lack empathy
I strongly believe this is partly due to cultural influences, i.e. the sweatshop mentality. There may be a significant genetic component, but at this point in time I'm unsure.
>Their parents care for them.
To me, this is the greatest change necessary that would fix much of my country's problems. Our government has, for decades, incentivized single mothers. It's time to reverse that, not via reparations, but by repealing the old legislation and incentivizing cohesive families. Also, increase police presence in very poor ghettos, and declare martial law where necessary.
>da joos
They're genetically predisposed to a number of problems that are currently waging war on their society. Plus they're the only group now that still practices nepotism to a great degree, which encourages in-group preferences much more than the other cultures. I believe these two factors, plus a little bit of nuance, causes much of the (((problems))) we face today.
Here's a bump

Gotta feelbad. Makes post praising whites (mostly), tries to be honourary aryan once again. Immediately hit with a 'nobody cares nip'.

Pearl Harbour still being felt today.


You're just upset you got #4 on the list.
We see you.
Every. Single. Time

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What about the black jews?

Very well put,
> Nods of approval

You need to add, numbers of main groups, with it being percentage of population

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You are right OP. asians and white are the best ethnicities in the world, we literality constructed the civilized world but liberals and nigger begin to destroyed and put down our congress like humans

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OP is white you know

we japanese

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Very good post.

they don’t think it be like it is, but it desu

why do we need to fight each other? you don't notice that we are the only relevant humans in the world.

>An interesting note to make is that many Chinese seem to lack empathy.

They lack empathy because of muh religion. The bible gives us morals. Without a bible, we wouldn't know raping a child and killing is wrong right user? I mean that's what the Great Crusades were for. We had to rape and kill through all of Europe and Asia to sanitize the infidels!!! We were bringing them morals by raping their asses!

The Japs are so empathetic that they raped, pillaged, and wreaked havoc across all SE Asia. Today, their best ally is a country that nuked them twice. Think about that for a second.

Today, the Japs produce the most disturbing porn and normalizes pedophilia. Last time I checked the age of consent is 13. Congrats! You're only one step above the jungle asians in the Philippines which has their's at 12!

You must be proud!

The ranking goes like this

1) White colored people (whites/asians)
2) Brown people (Indians, blacks, darkie asians)

Why? Because for thousands of years, colored people have been discriminated against. If you're born brown/black, you're automatically considered lower status in many if not most countries

die shittyskin

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1. ) Germanics
2. ) other non slavic whites / non hispanics whites
3. ) Chinks
4.) Spics
5.) Niggers
6.) Slavs
7.) Kikes

That's pretty much the same list as mine.

Whities on top. Darkies on bottom. With the exception of the Jews.

You're wrong about the Jews. They will continue dominating the near future as they have for the last couple of hundred of years. Just because you hate them doesn't make them inferior

In America, Jews/asians have the highest median income. They are hard working and industrious. They're definitely more crafty but who's to complain when they are rich as fuck.

Also Jews have just as high IQs, if not higher, than most asians.

Don't believe me? Up to 2015, 200 people had received a Nobel prize in physics. ~50 out of 200 are (or were) Jewish or of Jewish descent, or about 25%. (For comparison, there are about 14 million Jews in the world, out of 7.4 billion people, or 0.2%)

You cucks hate the Jews because to them you're niggers.
> lower iq
> poorer
> whines like fags about how the world is so unfair

>the age of consent is 13
all prefectural AoCs are 16-18, no one approves of sex with children here

the general japanese attitude is that as long as it remains a fantasy, it's okay. similar to the way they deal with homosexuality: by keeping it out of the public space. keep your strange feelings to private spaces like weird porn books and don't let it damage public morality.

the chinese are narcissistic sociopaths because a) their whole society is based around the premise that they're the literal centre of the world and everyone else is a barbarian b) they are the original bugpeople and following their fling with communism they have reverted to their traditional bureaucratic mandarinate, a system in which dark triad traits make you very successful, unlike, for example, a feudal system that rewards martial prowess. in their case something like catholicism might do them good, i guess.

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