"Mike Pence – Holy Terror"

New book "exposes" Mike Pence as "a bigot. Also a liar. Also cruel."

New explosive exposé of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence by Michael D'Antonio and Jewish journalist Peter Eisner promises to blow the lid off of "likable" V.P. Mike Pence.

>There are problems with impeaching Donald Trump. A big one is the holy terror waiting in the wings.

>To that brimming potpourri he adds two ingredients that Trump doesn’t genuinely possess: the conviction that he’s on a mission from God and a determination to mold the entire nation in the shape of his own faith, a regressive, repressive version of Christianity. Trade Trump for Pence and you go from kleptocracy to theocracy.

>Beyond the perceived terror of President Donald Trump lies the threat of a full-blown Christian theocracy at the helm of current Vice President Mike Pence, a man one step away from institutionalized anti-Semitism, death penalty for abortion, and state persecution of LGBTQ people.

>In Pence’s view, any bite marks in his tongue are divinely ordained. Trump wouldn’t be president if God didn’t want that; Pence wouldn’t be vice president if he weren’t supposed to sanctify Trump. And his obsequiousness is his own best route to the Oval Office, which may very well be God’s grand plan.

>“People don’t understand what Pence is,” D’Antonio told me. Which is? “A religious zealot.”

>According to D’Antonio’s book, Pence sees himself and fellow Christian warriors as a blessed but oppressed group, and his “hope for the future resided in his faith that, as chosen people, conservative evangelicals would eventually be served by a leader whom God would enable to defeat their enemies and create a Christian nation.”


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mfw I hope Pence takes over and rules with a rod of iron.

Oh look it's another Shareblue Character Assassination. Is there anything in this book about the gorilla channel?

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Michael D'Antonio is the same guy who wrote the "exposé" about Trump, lol.

He's cashing in on this administration apparently.

Pence has always been Trump's insurance policy.

No one who doesn't already hate Trump will buy this.

I unironically support the death penalty for abortion and banning birth control once we get rid of welfare desu. Too much dysgenic fertility, and oversexed societies are docile ones. Sweden is instructive. I used to think these were eugenic policies but they seem to have mostly backfired.

The only reason I like Pence is because he is a bigot. otherwise, he sucks.

Mike "Electric" Pence
Mike "Shock Away The Gay" Pence
Mike "Sodomite Sizzler" Pence
Mike "Faggot Fryer" Pence

"Death penalty for abortion", lmao. Women are just clumps of cells. What's the difference? Hahahahahahaha

keep trying to impeach Trump, that way, you can have a bigot as pres. so many of you dumb idiots think that KKKillery will immediately become pres if Trump was impeached LAMO!

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I absolutely believe that if Pence is ever elected, it would be the single biggest "EAT SHIT" to the LBGTQ movement in America like nothing else would. It would possibly be the next best thing this nation could do besides electing Donald Trump again. The collective "REEEEEE" would be heard across the galaxy; it could possibly be used to contact aliens.

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Mike "No Homo" Pence
Mike "Dick Defense" Pence

>Fiercely opposed to abortion, Pence once spoke positively on the House floor about historical figures who “actually placed it beyond doubt that the offense of abortion was a capital offense, punishable even by death.” He seemed to back federal funds for anti-gay conversion therapy. He promoted a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

>Antithetical to the progressive movement, as odd as it may sound, Mike Pence might be the worst nightmare for progressive America.

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>institutionalized anti-Semitism

Clearly this guy knows something about Pence that I don't. American Fuhrer when?

Holy shit,I hope trump gets impeached

It was a genius move of Trump to choose Pence for VP.

What bothers me about Pence is that he was a bigger whore for Israel before Trump came out of the closet. Also during the debates his stance on the Russian hacking and Syria was no different than the neo-cons. He is a Zionist Christian through and through.

>The collective "REEEEEE" would be heard across the galaxy; it could possibly be used to contact aliens.

Ive met Mike Pence at a rally he is actually a great person who cares about this country and the people in it unlike your side, its a shame you leftys have to resort to name calling bully tactics just because you are threatened by a

>mike pence
>religious fanatic
he folded faster than superman on laundry day on gay marriage.

>conservative evangelicals would eventually be served by a leader whom God would enable to defeat their enemies and create a Christian nation.”

It’s going to happen

Mike “If you like cocks, you’re going to get a shock” Pence

Pence 2024