Trump will pull the wildcard

2nd term election. If there is any doubt of winning whatsoever, the absolute madman pulls the out the wildcard. He guarantees 100% student loan debt forgiveness
The total hit would be 1.5 Trillion if lost "potential " revenue. The upside would be a booming housing market and GDP of over 5% sustainably.

This alone would propel Trump into the history books as the greatest president to hold office.
Meme this, faggots!!!

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Should I take $50,000 in student loans so I can reap the benefits?


Nah, never mind I'm too old at 35 for that. Maybe if I was 15 years younger.

Easier just to legalize weed and secure the entire black vote while also making violent nogs more peaceful

Shut up slave get back to Schlomo's bidding

>He guarantees 100% student loan debt forgiveness
Not only would this tank any hope of a second term, it would literally start a civil war resulting in every single person who attempts to have their student loan debt forgiven brutally murdered.

Do it

Would people get this mad over hyperinflation and devaluing of the US dollar worldwide??

That will never happen. Other things that will never happen include you ever owning a house, ever being able to afford to get married or have children, and throwing off the yolk of Jewish debt slavery. You fell for the college Jew kid. It's a shame but you basically knocked yourself out of the game before it even started. Meanwhile, that kid Jimmy who had 75 detentions a year in high school and barely graduated will have a 9/10 qt tradwife, 6 kids, and make $300,000+ / year from his landscaping business.

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>implying the mass genocide of (((progressive social science))) students / graduates isn't a bad thing

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Legalize the weed, that way when the hospitals are privatized, not only are you providing an exuberant amount of customers inside your borders, add that atop of the Exports.


I think u are wrong

Normally, I wouldn't agree but this debt slavery act of financial terrorism on the young people of our country must be rectified. AS long as he explains that it was indeed predatory lending and not a handout.

That would be pretty dank

Pfft fuck your fantasies faggot.



>150k in student loan
>200k house loan

thinks he "owns" something.
Welcome to Mr. Shekelstein's Hamster Wheel kid. Remember you're here for life.

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Try it, watch what happens.

>Would people get this mad
Already mad, already on the edge. Forgiving the debt of morons who signed up knowing the debt couldn't ever be forgiven would be quite the final straw.

So your advice is to ... what? I'm confused.
Just that you win and I lose because you are an edgelord? Ok, you win. Feel better?

>2nd term election. If there is any doubt of winning whatsoever, the absolute madman pulls the out the wildcard. He guarantees 100% student loan debt forgiveness
>The total hit would be 1.5 Trillion if lost "potential " revenue. The upside would be a booming housing market and GDP of over 5% sustainably.
>This alone would propel Trump into the history books as the greatest president to hold office.


In second term Trump will forgive all student loan debt and all the milenials will VOTE republican the rest of their lives.

The DUMBOCRATS are finished! Kaputt!

The dumbocrats are the open borders communists now...they will be REJECTED!

TRUMP 2020 and Beyond!
Keep America Great!

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He means that the bank already owns the home and the homes are going unused so they essentially lease them to morons with high student loans knowing they will eventually default but still technically qualify (because of the nature of the red tape, your student loan can't be used against you in this situation). You default, they still own the property and now they kept your down payment and rent. Sell it to the next retard, rinse repeat.

>Take on the weaknesses of your enemies to win because it's not as if they lost because of those very weaknesses in the first place.

Nigger please.

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>milenials will VOTE republican the rest of their lives
There's no reason to let them live if they're not paying down their loans.

My loan debt was factored in... the reason I was approved for only 200k. Try again.

Buying a house and getting an education aren't necessarily bad loans to get. It's when you start playing with credit card debt and buying more car than you can afford that you run into problems. A mortgage is no different than paying rent.

Lookie this jealousy over here! What a jealous faggot. I love your misery

Who the fuck would care about forgiving college debt? You're just afraid some of them will be BLACK. Yep. So suck my black cock, you racist fool.

The difference in paying mortgage is the equity that is built over the years. Even through housing bubble collapse, people still were gaining equity 5 years later. It the actual American dream.

It'll be DACA amnesty

Home equity is one of the few ways the middle class builds any sort of net worth in their lives, desu.

>100% student loan debt forgiveness

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You really are a mindless and jealous whiteturd, aren't you! You literally can't help yourself from fagging out on dicksucking!

We agree

Dude Betsy devos is our secretary of education, she doesn’t give a fuck and neither does your billionaire president.

This would also have to be appropriated by Congress in their budget. You’ll have to vote for DSA candidates this fall and get the socialists in there because congressional democrats will not support this either

Elections are coming, sperger.

Where do you get such an idea ? This won’t happen


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So milenials are like niggers?

Give dem dats and they will always vote for you?

LOL jealous of what faggot.
The fact I have zero debt and still managed to get a job in an industry where a degree is supposedly required?

My advice? Live in your mom's basement for the next six years. Work 60 hours a week, 40 for the Jew, 20 for you. Spend absolutely no money by developing an iron discipline for depriving yourself. Forget about roasties.
Forget about going to bars with those losers you hang around with. Your new hobbies are lifting weights and reading. Throw off Shekelstien's chains of debt so you have a fucking chance in life. Invest & start your own business. Then buy a house and get married once you have some tangible assets. Have children and live free with a loving wife who adores you.
Be the weak faggot that you are. "It's too hard". "I want X NOW". The Jew counts on exploiting you through your weakness and stupidity. You go ahead and buy that house. Marry some roastie. You'll be working day and night to pay for it all to have NOTHING left at the end of the month. At first,your wife will work too. Then her biological clock will go off and she'll start pressuring for kids. You're weak, so even though can't afford them you'll say yes. Now, she's not working anymore and you have even less than nothing left over at the end of the month. Then, she'll become "unhappy". Then, she leaves you, takes the kids, and now you have to work 60 hours a week to pay child support and eat Ramen in a one bedroom shithole apartment while she fucks Tyrone in your house while he beats your kids. KYS game over faggot.
t. some fucking boomer on the interwebs.

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Whoah based god emperor didn't initiate 4-d chess yet but TRUST ME GOYS if you vote for him for another 4 years he'll totally MAGA those jews. It's totally not a jewish plan to placate the growing right for 8 years when it'll be too late to do anything.

No one is jealous of losers who do not want honor their debts.

As long as he can cut taxes too. I'm sure none of our sovereign debt holders will mind if we go another 20 trillion in the red.

You confederate faggot I wasn't replying to you.

The point stands regardless of who your sorry ass was replying too.

My situation..

Went all in on STEM meme. Have multiple degrees. Work as a Scientist. Have 150k in loan debt but make about 70k/year in a very low cost state. If absolved of this insanely unfair tuition debt, I would pour it all into real estate and commerce. America would be better as a whole. Of course the blacks and women with worthless humanities degree would contribute less with their absolved debt but they would contribute SOMETHING. I see no reason to not do this.

>He guarantees 100% student loan debt forgiveness

Fuck off, the public is not paying off your private debts. Thank yourself for your position, and your poor choice of a major.

>If absolved of this insanely unfair tuition debt,

How the fuck is it unfair?

You have your precious status symbol and are superior, how much do you think that is worth?

yeah a booming housing market made up of people who need "debt forgiveness" sounds wonderful

>Silicon valley merchants abuse H1B visas so they can have a revolving door of cheap labor from India
>i-it's your fault you're getting screwed!!!

just wow.

>totally not mad that I don't have a degree
Congratulations on "managing to get a job in an industry". Let me guess, you've hit a ceiling where you can't promote without a degree?

This and he will legalize weed.
Dems blown out forever

>Trump adopts the Democrat platform to win re-election
>Democrats proceed to tear apart the absurdity in their own platform

it's genius

Yeah those gender studies bachelor's aren't gonna pay themselves.

yes, but also take on credit cards and mortgages, Trump will probably end the fed and blank out all debt

All he would have to do is offer substantial tax breaks to corporations that pay student debt off for employees. Like starbucks or walmart for instance.

Great post! You seem like a fun guy!!

That's how you harness them.

>>Silicon valley IT merchants abuse H1B visas so they can have a revolving door of cheap labor from India
>>i-it's your fault you're getting screwed!!!


Trump supporters like to talk about the 1950s as their last time America was great, but Trump is basically a '90s Dem - i.e. Clinton (of course, Clinton won because he was more conservative than the previous democrats that put working class protections at the fore). It wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump sped up the process of "catching up to" democrat platforms and basically ran a Bernie+Borders type campaign in 2020. I'd support it if I didn't know he was just lying to get young votes - Trump will always be a captive of the neo-cons.

>1 post by this ID.

no, go big . get a 150k loan cmon dont be a fagot

Since race and gender are now social constructs you should apply for one of those 0% loans that the Hmong or Somalis can get. Throw that shit into some CD or bonds and use the interest to pay off the loan.

OP clearly has a mental illness. I am glad OP can use Jow Forums as an outlet. Much better than shooting up a school or a concert area.

lol, the US debt is way more than just student loans too.
I looked to see what I could get and apparently an unemployed, never had a job, did not finish high school, with mental problems, can get a government back small business loan.

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its hilarious to suggest a conservative ever doing something for the good of the average person.

OP here. I contribute to society with my profession and tax paying. I also am a veteran and have fought in war zones for your right to be a complete faggot.
So how am I about to shoot up a school?? You really are a fucking piece of shit.

>2nd term election. If there is any doubt of winning whatsoever, the absolute madman pulls the out the wildcard. He guarantees 100% student loan debt forgiveness
>The total hit would be 1.5 Trillion if lost "potential " revenue. The upside would be a booming housing market and GDP of over 5% sustainably.
>This alone would propel Trump into the history books as the greatest president to hold office.
>Meme this, faggots!!!
Support Sanders, Ocasio-cortez for an outcome this stupid.

>You really are a mindless and jealous whiteturd, aren't you! You literally can't help yourself from fagging out on dicksucking!
Just pay your bills Chiam.

the only way this works is if there is a system to dismantle and re-organize humanities in the college/university system that accept government funds.

>OP here. I contribute to society with my profession and tax paying. I also am a veteran and have fought in war zones for your right to be a complete faggot.
>So how am I about to shoot up a school?? You really are a fucking piece of shit.
Then pay your bills and shut up because the military paid for your college or university just like they did me.

Yes, what could possibly go wrong, goy?

I'm not a worthless piece of shit and paid down all my debt as quickly as I could. Will I be reimbursed for not being a societal leach?


No takesies backsies. Only the poor and irresponsible will be rewarded.

What's the matter with Hebrew eggs?

>I'm not a worthless piece of shit and paid down all my debt as quickly as I could. Will I be reimbursed for not being a societal leach?
You got what you paid for. Transaction is complete.

What matters is November, the mid terms are the key to a second term.

If Dems win big in November they will block everything and push to impeach. These things will make a 2nd term much harder.

Vote like your balls are on the fire and the voting booth is full of water!

What about home loan forgiveness?
Or auto loan forgiveness?
How about paying for me to go an vacation that I can't afford?

These indoctrinated Marxist fucks will surely flock to Trump after this. Check mate democraps!

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Fuck it, unlimited credit for every american. Can't pay it just write it off. What's the worst that can happen??

gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet

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>you must be fun at parties

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I think if trump wants to win in 2020, he should make weed legal.
And this is coming from a guy who doesn’t even smoke weed. I just think it would be a surefire way to get those normie votes.

It's unfair because of predatory inflationary and lending practices instituted decades before any of us were born.
We're forced to pay for a degree that's price has been hyperinflated by the govt and because of Jamal and laqueeeesha getting their humanities degrees for free the value of a degree has never been lower.