I am a Korean who came to university in Toronto. The last time I came here was 2009. Downtown, there was a druggie or alcoholic every 150ft. Some of them tryed to talk to me. Shitty roads, no whites, smelly indians(Do they bathe?) Also, a lot of empty houses, houses with a couple BMWs with 3ft tall grass, wtf
Why is Toronto a shithole now. I am disgusted
Toronto is a shithole
I agree, Toronto is a dump and should be nuked but
Literally shittiest Asian ethnicity. Go eat dogs and be butthurt about Japs somewhere else.
You have no right to access Whites. You get shitskins and gooks.
You're not special. You are not above the other foreigners. You are part of the problem. South Korea has 50% more people than Canada and is 1/100th the size. Why do you leave your hive?
Why are Indians everywhere? They're like little termites tearing down and rebuilding all the the houses in my neighborhood.
Then fuck off.
OP here, well, it's true I am a lowey asian, but hey, I'm not as lowey as those chinks. Hehe
>living in Ontario
don't listen to them OP
koreans are bro-tier
well, sorta. It is true that most Koreans are trash and get butthurt about japs.