Donald Trump's Star will remain despite fears of causing a civil war

>Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the LAPD has met with the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, and both orgs realize they're between a rock and a hard place. They know by keeping Trump's star front and center on the famed Blvd., it will be at the center of what has become a civil war between raging Trump and anti-Trump factions.
>Here's the problem ... the Chamber and LAPD both agree it would be even worse to remove the star because that would embolden people to deface the stars of celebs they dislike.
>So, the decision has been made to keep Trump's star in its place, knowing it will probably be destroyed again, and possibly again ... and again ... and again. Even worse, the Chamber and LAPD are keenly aware the warring factions will be using the star as a battleground.
>As we reported, violence erupted Thursday night where protesters punched, kicked and otherwise abused their opponents.
>And, the star has been destroyed twice ... most recently this week when a Trump foe went at it with a pickax.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We know the place where it all started.

>Add 4k multi-angle video surveillance.
>enforce the law
If leftists want to continue to pay to destroy his star let them. Nothing lost. If they want to attack Trump supports there or anywhere else for that matter I hope they pick a concealed carry one and we get more webm's to enjoy.

Deal with it, faggot shitlibs.

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>Donald Trump's Star will remain despite fears of causing a civil war
an inanimate it won't be the cause of a civil war
crybaby leftists who can't sit the fuck down and accept that trump is prez will be the cause
then they'll all get flattened because they're scared of guns

Just like that terrible internet video which caused the attack on the embassy in Benghazi, the inanimate Hollywood star will be the root cause of civil war 2.0.

I say we make it man-height, a solid steel bollard. Maybe a as deep in the ground as it is above. Reinforced.

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Make the new star from Tungsten steel. Then we can watch the videos of pic axes shattering.

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All they're doing is giving him a brand new star every week. Let them.

And wrists

Do these people realize that Trump does not own that star?
The people they piss off when they vandalize it is the $12/hr illegal immigrant who has to clean it.

Is that also paint resistant?


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Why wouldn't it?

I think they should take all the stars off. Would be hilarious.

Cant they just sink the star a little deeper and add an inch or two of plexiglass over it. The again, california tards arent very bright

Simply looking at Donald Trump's name triggers leftists in such a massive rage. This has gone beyond Trump Derangement Syndrome. Any clue as to what this illness turned into?

This. Arrest them for vandalism and throw them in prison, this is why the law exists isn't it, to disincentivize bad behaviour? If you just stop enforcing the law the law exists for absolutely no reason, that doesn't solve anything at all.

The last guy who destroyed Trump’s star got hit with a $10,000 fine, a felony charge, and several years in jail.

In the end his actions only emboldened Trump supporters.

You know, there are a lot of blank filler stars on Hollywood boulevard.

It would be funny to make a sticker that matched the look of Trump’s star with his name on it. Then late one night a small team puts these stickers on every blank star, making them all Trump stars

I hope some brave anons do this

>civil war over a piece of tile

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last one was over farm equipment

A cult

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It's called being a liberal. I've watched most of my family succumb to this disease. There is no cure. Very sad.

Laws be racist and classist
Fuck society and fuck civilization even though we be fucking dead in the dirt within a week without welfare
Fuck sense and logic

Kek, that's a good one.

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Many such cases!


Leftists are hardcore fananics, obviously they are complete retards.

>raging Trump and anti-Trump factions
No, this is a raging anti-Trump issue. One side is causing all the bullshit. Being a raging Trump supporter would cause what? Pictures and a celebration? Oh wow that's terrible!

took me a second

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>last one was over farm equipment

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Jews are trying to spark a civil war by hiring junkies to fight each other under the guise of "Patriot Prayer Rallies"

Why can't they just put a fucking bulletproof plexiglass cube on top of it? Why has nobody thought of this? How can I contact the Chamber of Commerce or the LAPD with this genius idea?

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lefties will just sticker it over

It's too bad that billboards are so expensive but putting up posters of Trump everywhere would be pretty fun. They don't even have to be political or inflammatory, they can be like those "it's ok to be white" posters and they'd still cause massive rage.


>there will be a civil war if you dont let us destroy shit

Fuck yeah.

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Lol, you buy this as a t-shirt at BASED RedBubble.

>Destroys a Billionare's property and expecting that he won't be able to replace it.

We're dealing with 200 IQ Commies here.

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Nice one less person to impede MAGA

id lurk a "SATURDAY NIGHT TRUMP STAR WATCH THREAD". we need an earthcam stream

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Disease Of Trump Rage
or DOTR for short.

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Lol it's not even his. I think the city pays for upkeep and they're considered tourist attractions. All they accomplish is spending more taxpayer dollars

*county taxpayer money. the taxes are locally collected

It's a funny kind of "civil war" where just one side carries out the violent destruction.

Trump is giving the mexican American tradesmen extra business, is there nothing this man can't provide?


Every time the Trump star is destroyed, we need to retaliate by smashing ten stars of liberal celebrities.

>advocating that upstanding pillars of the community behave like leftist barbarians

I wonder (((who))))

well they are painting streets white to reflect the suns heat back up saving us all

>Promoting vandalism
My (((Senses))) are tingling.

How's that even a fucking discussion?
That's the left's strategy, stage violent riots against anything they don't like and then get it banned because "it causes violence". It's fucking retarded and the book should be thrown increasingly hard at those who try to use violence to silence their opposition. That's the only way to deal with situations like this, even if it means having an armed guard standing in the vicinity to stop vandals.

Whatcha doin rabbi?


God, I wish Trump was a Nazi.

FPBP Who knew we would be able to pinpoint exactly where the 2nd civil war will start.
>antifa mayor tells police to stand down
>Trump/anti-Trump factions fight
>gradual escalation until a Rubicon is past
>a rogue punch/weapon/bullet hurts the innocent
>total BANANAS
it begins

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Don't paint it.
Forget the Teflon Don,
The Tungsten President.

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put me in the screenshot

Why do they hate him so much?

WTF is going on?

it's a new pvp battleground


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Replace Trump star with presidential seal.

Just a reminder that he got that star by selling his soul to satan and banging children for a shitty tv show


>banging children

And you know this because you are one of them. I'd say get fucked but you've had your fill.


>Trump's star is vandalised continually
>Bill Cosby and Kevin Spacey's stars untouched

This is the left.

Add razor sharp edges as well

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Electrify the whole thing, remind them what happens if they impeach him and Pence gets to run the show.

I'd rather crowdfund a "Shit on a Star" campaign. Have people shit on a star, record the deuce droppage, and post online. More lulziness.

>Spics break star
>Spics pay for new star via LA county sales tax
>New star is more shiny than the rest
4D chess.

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uhhh guys

what does it mean

Holy shit

Imagine being triggered by a slab of fucking concrete.

it is the prophecy.
duckduckgo, a.k.a. the best google, is your friend.

They should just put sentry guns around the whole thing that immediately shoot anyone who tries to touch it

t. pedo

severely underrated


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>this will cause civil war
Oh for fucks sake get on with it already I have blue balls from stocking up on ammo

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have your (you)

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old joke; new crowd

It would only cost 80k a year to have an armed guard there year round 24/7. If it gets destroyed 1 more time it would have been cheaper to just protect the star with armed security.

They aren't going to start a civil war that you'll WIN, dumbass.

The civil war's already here, and they're fighting while you're sitting here on a mongolian throat yodeling simulator doing nothing. You're already losing the civil war, just for this one reason alone - because you think it can only be fought with direct violence and bullets and it's impossible for it to happen any other way. By the time the libs are done, if there's any direct violence at all, it'll be you killing yourself because of how bad the world is.

The more you sit there like an invalid while the left actually DOES SHIT, the more you lose the currently active civil war.

Spending $$ to protect a non-monument is the best use of time for the LAPD. Criminals don’t have time to be stopped by cops anyway

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