Christopher Hitchens?

What's your opinion on this man? Can you imagine if he had lived up to the current year? What do you think he'd be saying?

Some classic Hitchens videos for any zoomers who don't understand:



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atheist nigger crybaby

How was Hitchens a crybaby?

He was smart and witty but also a socialist and atheist.

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Hitchens was the bad boy of Vanity Fair before it hated straight men like all magazines, including GQ. He was right about a lot but ultimately wrong about God. Luckily Peter is the superior Hitchens, and he's still sneering at the demise of Britain for all of us.

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I liked him a few years ago, but I've sort of moved on since then. I imagine if he'd lived on he would occupy a position somewhere between Jordan Peterson and Ben Harris. His bantz would have been appreciated, and he certainly would have punched left, but he would never have been a true ally. Still, we could have used him.

don't forget he's also a jew

>Condescending attitude about pretty much everything
>Reduced Religion down to only it's negative aspects and "muh celestial dictator"
>Actively works against the only thing keeping Islam from buttfucking us while decrying Islam creeping into the west

I used to love him too, but he was a useful idiot.

>What's your opinion on this man?
Hubris. His brother is better.

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He quit a lot of that towards the last decade or so, he wasn't consistent politically though either IMO. In any case he was a defender of western civilisation above all.

>Belief without evidence just because muh book
>Implying this is somehow good

Hitchens was right about religion 100% and the failings of his brother Peter Hitchens are probably due to his fundie ways, I also wouldn't be surprised if Peter Hitchens became increasingly religious due to his brother not being as they didn't like each other for many years (thankfully they somewhat made up towards the end though).

Peter Hitchens thinks that the EU referendum should never have happened and that staying in a Norway like position is better than leaving. He's a smart man and has made some good points on some issues and he's also completely wrong on other ones.

Hitchens was constantly ranting about Islam and the west so how does that make any sense?

Really a perfect comment. Hitchens belonged to that snooty while male liberal elite that's pretty much been genocided by the far left over the past decade.

Two more are Morrissey and Richard Dawkins. The British Left tore Morrissey to shreds when he got it into his head to defend native British culture against Islam, and Dawkins was also attacked once he figured out that the left had used him as a useful idiot that destroyed British Christian culture so that Islam could move in.

It's good that Hitchens died, because this entire demographic of white men have no place left to go. The Right hates them for the traitors that they are, while the left hate them for being white male oppressors who have outlived their usefulness and are being purged as a consquence.

Reading comprehension. I said he was decrying Islam whilst attempting dismantle Christianity. Without Christianity, the West is a few generations off of Islamic rule. It's already over for the pagans of Europe and the U.S. is already on the way, too. Thanks Hitch! You owned those Christcucks!

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The things about popular atheist figures that really grind my gears are that
>they almost exclusively attack christianity, and to be accurate, the kind of simplified, superficial christianity burgers believe in, not religions as a whole
>they portray the concept of religion in general through materialistic lenses, and attack whatever comes out
>they attack people and institutions representing a certain religion rather than the religion itself
I'm not even Christian, by the way. There is A LOT to be criticized about Christianity, but the criticism most atheists give is very poor and usually based on first portraying it as something it isn't.

He despised Hillary Clinton and had some epic polemics against her. But he would have loathed Trump as well.

hes a self-proclaimed marxist
all arguments against ns were ad hom
believed poverty is a result of womens subjugation

however he

argued for germany against ally war crimes
self-proclaimed contrarian
babys first redpill

neither love or hate him

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Great debater and rhetoritician. He was right about a lot of things and could very persuasively make his case, whatever it was. That said he was a leftist sympathizer, a neocons and a ferocious of religion whose career and publicity was greatly advanced by fedorathink and the Jew Media. Plus he was Jewish himself.

>Actively works against the only thing keeping Islam from buttfucking us
>implying christians aren't the majority of people advocating for migrants
>implying the fucking pope hasn't told everyone to throw aside security concerns and let them in

To add to that, just to give you some examples, you won't find any creationist or evolution denier here in Italy, even among deeply Christian people.
Even the catholic church officially recognizes evolution, so discussing it is pretty much pointless. Yet most atheists keep using it as a point.

Was a socialist he abandonned the ideology.
Also you cant help being an atheist, what are you supposed to do lie to yourself until you believe something you dont??

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Seemed like an alright guy, but spent far too long fighting a fight that was already LONG over, Christianity was already dead and he died before he could put much effort into fighting any living religions that are actual threats.

Could have done something useful, but squandered his time on wasted and self indulgent theatrics.

He's a fucking faggot

>Mmmm ladies and gentleman, look at how bad fascism is ... how it is disgusting and how horrible it is


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Hitchens would be part of those who are labelled today ''intellectual dark web''. The closest who resembles to him today is Sam Harris.

>this entire demographic of white men have no place left to go
How long does Bill Maher have left?

isn't he Jewish?

Yes, but he's a liberal who "talks tough." He's perpetually a #metoo tweet away from total destruction

Edge lord that affirms god on deathbed. Witty fellow but he became a stereotype. Certainly an achievement. I think he cared deeply, but maybe more about memes and drinking than himself.