The EU is a good thing

The EU is a good thing.

Prove me wrong.

You can't.

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Prove your point right. Protip you can't

It generally is a good thing, but it also has very big problems including

A. a complete lack of direct democratic accountability (Commission is appointed rather than directly elected, Council is made up of governments rather than elected and the Parliament members aren't representing districts but rather party lists)

B. a fucked up bureaucracy fetish making the EU one of the biggest red tape monsters in the universe

C. liberal beyond belief on issues that aren't helping anyone in Europe for no good reason at all including asylum, the EU borders, policing, deportations, Islam etc.

Fix A, B and C, and you might end up with a good organization.

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1. Prevents wars
2. Produces great scientific projects like the European Space Agency
3. Unites Europe
4. Provides protection for unique regional cultural products of Europe, like French champagne, or Melton Mowbray pork pies
5. Is the world's biggest single market
6. Makes its countries richer and more prosperous
7. Allows its citizens to go live and work in any other EU country

Just some of the things that makes the EU great.

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EU could be good thing but it turned to disaster worst than world wars. Thanks god we never accepted Eurp currency.

It is a good thing in that it will eventually be the continents undoing. And what a firey, bloody undoing it will be.

EU is a bad thing
NATO is a good thing

It would be good if they don't try to destroy everything.

>lack of direct democratic accountability
I agree the EU needs to be more transparent and accountable to the electorate.

>Commission is appointed rather than directly elected
That's the same as a cabinet government though.

>Parliament members aren't representing districts
But they do, at least in our country they do (pic related).

>a fucked up bureaucracy fetish making the EU one of the biggest red tape monsters in the universe
But those rules protect consumers.

>liberal beyond belief on issues that aren't helping anyone in Europe for no good reason at all including asylum, the EU borders, policing, deportations, Islam etc.
I think that's changing. Austria now has the Presidency of the Council of the EU, and Sebastian Kurz (centre-right Austrian Chancellor) gave a speech in the EU Parliament the other day, highlighting immigration as something which the EU needs to sort out.

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>1. Prevents wars
>2. Produces great scientific projects like the European Space Agency
>3. Unites Europe
if anything, it shows the divides and makes them worse by pouncing on them constantly
>4. Provides protection for unique regional cultural products of Europe, like French champagne, or Melton Mowbray pork pies
in other words, a huge mess of regulations and extras for countries to oppress others with huge export numbers
>5. Is the world's biggest single market
and not even close to being as relevant as the UK or the US or China, because of a fuckton of economic protectionism (which it condems America for btw)
>6. Makes its countries richer and more prosperous
Worked out great for greece and italy and spain etc...(remember, the EU didn't rescue them, the IWF and the World Bank did)
>7. Allows its citizens to go live and work in any other EU country
could be seen as a negative in a lot of countries

>non-elected government operating under the guise of democracy
>Commission is a cronyists dream
>Parliament has no backing in the population because of corruption
>market allows tax fraud by the biggest companies in the world, stealing billions in funds from the taxpayer (this is why your income tax is so high and why your taxes and regulations and prices will only increase)
>forcing nations to replace populations with foreign monkeys at the bidding of (((NGO)))s
>enforcing internet censorship and the end of free speech

All false

Reasons to leave:
(1) CAP and CFP have devastated British communities while tripling the price of food.
(2) Britain is a massive net contributor to the EU while getting the least EU spending in return.
(3) TARIC has led to a massive rise in the price of imports from outside the EU which, since the UK does 57% of its trade outside the EU, is very bad for us.
(4) The EU's global share of GDP is collapsing, from 36% in 1973 when we joined to 13% today; the EU is, in fact, the only trading bloc whose market is shrinking and has the lowest the rate of growth of any continent except Antarctica.
(5) Every economy in the EU except Germany's is in full-on recession and cannot afford to buy the goods we produce.
(6) Since 2009 Britain has created more jobs in its economy than the rest of the EU combined. Think about that for a minute.
(7) Britain's booming economy is attracting massive numbers of immigrants from Eastern Europe who have effectively doubled our crime rate overnight as well as placing unsustainable strain on schools, hospitals and public services.
(8) We cannot retain our sovereignty and tradition of democratic rule in a political union that routinely ignores the rule of law and is treated by Germany as an extension of the German state.
(9) The EU is, by any objective standard, collapsing. There is no logic in remaining part of a union that is being torn apart by its own contradictions.
(10) Switzerland and Norway seem to be doing awfully well outside the EU.
(11) The EU is not a single market; it is a customs union. That means that, although we import massively from outside the EU, we must tax those imports at a rate that suits the other EU members. This increases the cost of goods in the UK by between 30% and 70% on average.

So, you tell me, cunt, exactly what is the benefit for us to remain in the European Union, an organisation that is avowedly anti-white?

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All of this is accomplished through trade which would work better without the EU fucking things up. Also they wouldnt need the upcoming war to expel the caliphate.

>>Commission is appointed rather than directly elected
>That's the same as a cabinet government though.
It really isn't. A government is appointed by the ruling parties, chosen from the people in most democracies. The comissars are each appointed by their host nation, without input

>>Parliament members aren't representing districts
>But they do, at least in our country they do (pic related).
First past the post voting is never democratic and every country has a different voting system, which makes it even worse

>>a fucked up bureaucracy fetish making the EU one of the biggest red tape monsters in the universe
>But those rules protect consumers.
They really don't. They support crony capitalism as wished by the commission and hinder innovation. It is because of these regulations that starting any non-traditional industry in the EU rather than the US, is an endevour doomed to be bought by a US company or to fail.

>>liberal beyond belief on issues that aren't helping anyone in Europe for no good reason at all including asylum, the EU borders, policing, deportations, Islam etc.
>I think that's changing. Austria now has the Presidency of the Council of the EU, and Sebastian Kurz (centre-right Austrian Chancellor) gave a speech in the EU Parliament the other day, highlighting immigration as something which the EU needs to sort out.
sure, but as i said, these issues aren't decided by voted representatives. They are decided by the ones that profit from higher immigration. This shows the problems in the european system and what will inevitably lead to fracture until it is removed.

It could be a good thing... In many ways, it is
Then it started trying to become a (marxist) country and it all went to shit

In the EU every country in it is a district

This man is going to close Europe's external borders and Make Europe Great Again.

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i wouldve agreed with you until they decided to have open borders which basically wrecked the entire thing permenantly

You literally have no argument, there's nothing to prove, you default to lost argument.

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The EU literally started as a way for big companies to ensure transfer of goods. Yeah...fuck me.
The traveling is nice though, but that wasn't the EU, that is done by Schengen.

>But those rules protect consumers.

How are consumers protected by shutting down the lifestream of a church in Düsseldorf because they cannot comply with the GDPR (you need to get the authorisation for each church goer)?

How does it help consumers to outlaw vacuum cleaner that actual clean because they have more than 700W power?

How does it help consumers to outlaw light bulbs which have warm light just because they use more electricity?

How does it help consumers to require every single website on the internet with European users to pre-censor all posts for any potentially copyright infringing content?

How does it help consumers to require executives of publically traded companies to notify their 3yr old kid in writing of his trading ban in shares, bonds and derivatives during black out periods?

How does it help consumers to translate every last regulation and directive and form etc. into 24 different languages, a service costing over 1 billion per year.

Again, the EU isn’t bad by design, but by execution.

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This man won’t do shit nothing. I am Austrian and I guarantee you, this is an asshole. He has spoken out for internet censorship, against the democratisation of the EU and he has been part of the welcome wagon for illegals (he was “integration minister”).

What do you mean by this? Many countries are divided into several European Parliament constituencies.

Attached: EP-constituencies.svg.png (803x1023, 180K)

I do have an argument, my argument is here:

>How does it help consumers to outlaw vacuum cleaner that actual clean because they have more than 700W power?
>How does it help consumers to outlaw light bulbs which have warm light just because they use more electricity?
These things are necessary to fight global warming.

>mfw all the countries in Europe have to team up just to try to compete with America

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>he has been part of the welcome wagon for illegals (he was “integration minister”).
Yeah I read that he offered free German lessons to immigrants. But he also favours stricter policies on who gets to immigrate in the first place, doesn't he? And claims that he helped close the Balkan immigration route.

And in many ways, we beat you.

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Keep dreaming, ahmed.

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yes, it's infinity niggers policy is working so well

invite starving eastern european countries in just to lower the obesity figures.

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I think you'll find that's the US, Mr. Jorge DeMarcus Shekelstein.

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Unless he closes the border AND kicks out every single non white in the country then he isn't making anything great. If those non whites mix with the whites then you're country will be mixed out've existence.

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>being racist

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Race/ethnicity is the core of any nation. This applies to whites, blacks, browns, and anything in between. You lose your racial homogeneity then you lose your country. It's how all civilizations fall.

America has been racially diverse for the last few hundred years and it's the most successful country on the planet.

Explain that, Einstein.

Sorry for posting twice, Responded to my own post. But race/ethnicity is the core of any nation. This applies to whites, blacks, browns, and anything in between. You lose your racial homogeneity then you lose your country. It's how all civilizations fall.

Diverse for the last few hundred years? This country was 90% white until 1965. They opened the doors with the Hart Cellar Act. It was founded as a white nation and this claim of "we've always been diverse" is romanticizing a history that never existed.

>You lose your racial homogeneity then you lose your country. It's how all civilizations fall.
The sheer level of historical ignorance in this post is astounding.

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Then please give me some historical examples that prove my ignorance.

You're the one who made the claim that 'all civilizations' fall because they lost their racial homogeneity you fucking mong.

I suppose that's true, BUT America has hardly lost its status since the 60s has it? If anything, America is now MORE powerful, especially since the fall of the Soviet Union.

No, they are not. If you want to fight global warming, let’s plant trees on a few million km2 and also stop fucking buying oil from Saudi Arabia, invest in the e-car infrastructure and build nuclear power plants like no tomorrow.

Fuck the EU we are not part of it so we don't care. And you people do realize that the EU was the brainchild of the almighty Hitler himself don't you?

Civilizations such as Rome, Greece, and Egypt all fell because they imported huge numbers of non white slaves. So many that eventually they made themselves into a minority in their own country. If the founding stock of nation becomes a minority then their civilization disappears with them.

When talking about why civilizations fall some bring up bad politics, economics, war, decadence, or low morals. If these things were what brought down civilizations then Europe shouldn't even exist anymore. As long as you maintain racial/ethnic homogeneity then a country can rebuild. If that is replaced then there is no coming back from it.

and we have a great leader as well!!!

>Civilizations such as Rome, Greece, and Egypt all fell because they imported huge numbers of non white slaves
>some bring up the actual reasons why these civilizations fell but they don't matter because
Source for your ridiculous, misinformed, woefully ignorant claims?

Also how does 'Europe shouldn't even exist anymore' logically follow from Rome and Greece falling because of bad politics, economics, war, decadence and low morals?

>1. Prevents wars
Current wars involving EU/NATO:
- Iraqi Civil War
- Operation Active Fence
- Central African Republic conflict
- War in Afghanistan
- Boko Haram insurgency
- Resolute Support Mission
- Northern Mali conflict
- War on Terror
- Operation Shader
- Insurgency in the Maghreb
- Military intervention against ISIL
- War in Somalia
- Opération Chammal

>2. Produces great scientific projects like the European Space Agency
European Space Agency is a good project after people stop losing land/property/race to niggers
First we need ownership over land/property/race, then space.

>3. Unites Europe
Unites corporations who destroy native food, imports foreigner cheap labor and GMO crap.

>4. Provides protection for unique regional cultural products of Europe, like French champagne, or Melton Mowbray pork pies
Tries to destroy all European grape wines and places huge taxes to sell grape or wine in supermarket, not a single authentic grape type in supermarkets, not a single out of thousands. Pork literally imported from nobody knows where and placed a native stamp on it.

>5. Is the world's biggest single market
Yes, niggers opening bank accounts, coporations buying native industry and destroying native companies generates GDP for them. Loans and renting also generates GDP, unlike me owning a house.

>6. Makes its countries richer and more prosperous
Literally made them poorer: more crime, less lasting marriages, less race purity, less nature purity. less homeownership, less native products, less buyer's power.

>7. Allows its citizens to go live and work in any other EU country
Work for USA and Germany. Why would this be beneficial? Every town and village needs work and every country needs own computer industry, own music industry, own film industry, own food industry and so on. Migration is totally pointless idiotic nonsense that generates cash for selected few who don't even live where they shit.

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This link talks about Egypt. The beginning gives a basic introduction to Egypt but as you scroll down it's starts getting into race and how this impacted Egypt.

>NATO and EU are the same thing

Yes, totally, since both NATO and EU were created by USA after WW2. Third brother is UN. And if you want fourth brother then IMF. All American organizations who's aim is to totally destroy race, production and culture of Europe.
And btw all those wars i listed contain countries of EU, not a single conflict i listed doesn't contains countries of EU.

I don`t recall Germany partaking in Afghanistan.

I'm not saying Greece and Rome fell because of those things. I'm saying Europe historically has been wracked by bad politics, poverty, intertribal warfare, periods of famine/disease, and royalty that at times was decadent and had low morals. Things such as these things are sometimes brought up when talking about why civilizations disappear.

France is a good example. Possibly has the bloodiest history of all European countries and times of political and social instability. They were always able to rebuild though and come back from any problems they had (no matter how serious) because they maintained their ethnic homogeneity. The people remained so their civilization can remain with them. What France will not come back from is the immigration replacing them in their own country.


Yes, paedophiles like the EU as it grants them certain protections

France is in most those wars and France comes after Germany. Literally every French caricature illustrator has a picture of German Merkel and French president lap dog. France is also one of original founding members of EU and have bigger private banking than Germany, but through Germany American dollar flows, since dollar is the only international money in EU.


where are the proofs?

So now you`re switching goalposts, very nice arguments there.

To easy.

The EU thought preserving the shine on the Euro was more important than the lives of 11 million people in Greece.

That is how little the EU values actual real people, they are just goyim for the meat grinder.

Prove me wrong.
Protip: you cant.

>The West’s Darkest Hour
>Love is murdering the white race
>March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race
>Arthur Kemp
I can't quite put my finger on it, something tells me this source might be biased. The way he refers specifically to Classical Rome lasting a few hundred years, rather than Roman civilisation as a whole which lasted for two thousand years from the founding of Rome to the capture of Constantinople. Referring to 'Greece' in the way he does as if there was any sort of united Hellenic civilisation is also just absurd. Please cite some credible historians, not random quacks.

>I'm not saying Greece and Rome fell because of those things
But you are saying that if they did, Europe shouldn't exist. Why is that so?

It's really no surprise that the French would wanna be ruled by the Germans.

Powerful economically? Sure. Much of the world relies on America. We're in a transition time though and there's major demographic changes going on in America. Allowing people of various races/ethnicities/cultures into a country leads to major divisions and long term instability.


Don’t WEW me or your wife’s lad ever again.

Greece would not have any form of economy without their tourism industry that would surely drop if EU ever dissolved. 140 million tourists have been estimated to leave the market since prices for plain and train tickets would skyrocket without the centralized markets we have today. Not to mention the exchange for individual currencies and how inter-european tourists would be forced to buy healthcare insurance at higher prices since without European health insurance card those prices would go to freefall.

This is not to mention all the individual visas and license fees that border crossings would cost.

Every high supreme commander of NATO is an American and was always an American. We are forced to buy NATO equipment so American military industry can have profit. Poland, France and Spain are part of those wars i mentioned, not just France, Italy too. EU and NATO go like butter and milk. They produce weapons based on instructions in USA, they get order in USA when they can use those weapons, then countries of EU just randomly get selected. German(American NATO) military industry sells even to Turks, they sell everywhere like capitalists do. They provide both sides, since they have military business running, then they steal oil and also import cheap labor. They create military industry, they steal oil and they import people by bombing them. Perfect economy in the eyes of USA and minime Germany would be exactly like Matrix, all workers in the world being plugged into Matrix in Berlin and New York. I just don't understand where they would spend all that money, that doesn't matters, since they don't think that far into future.

All that seems like a small price to pay to not be ruled by the Germans. It won't be long now and the gold statue of Hitler will be going up in every major city in Europe.

>I suppose that's true, BUT America has hardly lost its status since the 60s has it? If anything, America is now MORE powerful, especially since the fall of the Soviet Union.

America might be more "powerful" globally but only because America was the only major industrialized nation left untouched after the war. Soviets falling later was an added plus leaving us the only superpower.

We are rotting flesh of materialistic drones and shameless feminist sluts still able to keep going entirely because of our past glory and achievements.

Citing modern achievements when all the heavy lifting has been done when we were almost entierly homogeneous build the nation up isn't impressive

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>implying war is inevitable without a large supranational organisation
>sure, there is good science research going on but that should be a separate thing that any country can sign up for provided they contribute the cash
>so does NATO, your point?
>great, I have to pay £5 for a tiny slice of parmesan cheese while Americans can get cheap imitation parmesan
>Do you really think Italians would stop buying German cars or French nuclear technology if they left the EU? Besides, setting up a framework like NAFTA without deeper political integration is an option
>with sensible leadership most countries get richer and more prosperous over time anyway
>As someone with a UK passport I technically can work in the US. I need to get a visa beforehand but if I have the genuine desire to work in the US, I can find a job, get sponsorship and work in the US

As per the problems
1 - Currency - screwed over the greeks, Portuguese and Irish
2 - Clear desire for centralised power - certain things are mandated by the EU and your local elected government can't do anything about it
3 - immigration - different nations should be able to set their own policies on who may people of what origin they bring in. With the EU it's simply not doable.

Where are the proofs for this?

Whichever government body keeps Europe white and Christian is good. So clearly, the EU is not a good thing.

Next you’ll be telling me that huffing paint and drinking gasoline is a good thing.

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The single market is a good thing.
The free traffic of highly skilled migrants such as university students and personnel of international corporations and institutions without the need for visa applications is a good thing.

Dictating social, cultural and immigration policy is complete bullshit that nobody wants.

>Where are the proofs for this?

Open a history book. Any book on antiquity empires.

Civic nationalism doesn't work because all you get are different ethnic groups all each fighting for their tribes interest instead of the nation.

Ethnic ties are just too hard to break especially when civics start to view themselves the same as ethnics which doesn't work as ethnics actually are indigenous to the land and have a ancestral bond to their culture.

Do you trust the Germans? The French? If one of them were to blow their cash and fall towards doom, would YOU be willing to pick up the slack to the detriment of your own countrymen? If your economy was spiraling and your people were losing major benefits, would you be happy to take on the burden of hundreds of thousands of new refugees? Do you like having unelected officials that aren't even your nationality in charge of major economic decisions.
If you answered "no" to any of these, or even paused to think, than it doesn't work.