(((Sulzberger))) makes plea to Trump

>o-oy vey mr goy- I mean mr President
>p-please stop with the attacks, we are totally not fake news and we have fact checked this
>you're hurting democracy by telling the truth about us
>please stop telling the American people we're liars and refuse to admit that
>please stop rallying the troops against us
>p-please, I just want to keep lying to the public and manipulate them, I am a cornerstone of democracy and free speech and the framers weep when you don't allow me to spread misinformation, fake news and propaganda around the world

>kek you're still fake news, lemme tweet this to remind the world

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Other urls found in this thread:


>media shits on trump
>trump can't shit on the media
why is that?

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rule #4

Then he should fire anyone who uses a phrase like "according to sources who are familiar with what everyone is thinking."

This guy looks like the type to sit at home in front of a mirror, putting red lipstick and eye shadow on, calling himself "naughty"

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The establishment media has always and will always be a subversive force that tries to use it's perceived authority and credibility to steer events in a manner that their controlling interests find agreeable. The first step to a truly free nation to to take steps to make sure that the media is never allowed to elevate itself above the people as their opinions are ultimately just as worthless as the masses and typically a thousand times more destructive.

They're mad that the trust between them and the public has been dissolved and replaced with smaller news sources.
Jow Forums is a better source of news than the media.

Jow Forums is a year ahead of normie news in terms of understanding what's been happening both publicly and behind the scenes. A lot of the times it's not what the news focuses on but what they intentionally ignore and bury.

Nah. Keep the pressure on.

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its never too late to pass the alien and sedition acts. Founding fathers saw this shit coming a mile away

The truth has no bias.

Depends what you consider truth and what aligns with what you want to know. I used to be the same way, expecting things to confirm my ideals. That was when I was left leaning of center.

the FAILING New York Times

Contemporary "journalism" is just confirmation basis based corporate propaganda. NYT, Bezosblog, cnn, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc, fox, pbs, and all the internet sources practice the use of deceptive "news speak" and narrative subscription to attempt to control opinion in coordination with deep state fucks like the cia or the executive to maintain the status quo or start wars or "create conversions" to sow distrust among communities. Absolutely disgusting. Fire is the solution.

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It's truly disconcerting to see friends from back when that was me walking around in a haze. Back then, they knew the MSM was full of shit, but as soon as it took a wild Donald to show the world how weak and terrible they are, they all wigged out and are sucking Mockingbird's dick for another sip of something...anything that reassures them that they world they know isn't a lie.
It's truly depressing to witness.

So funny how the modern media thinks itself like the Medieval/Renaissance Catholic church.

The politicians gotta maintain the facade that the media is sacrosanct and beyond reproach or corruption.

Fuck the media. It needs to have its power checked.

What exactly is "a conservative" (to these people and in general)? It seems like being a punching bag to the left, especially with the Nikki Haley comments on "Don't Own the Libs".

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>we define truth goyim, snopes says so

All main stream media lies to make money. The truth is mundane. Mundane does not translate into dollars.
President Trump just asks for the truth to be presented by the MSM. MSM just keeps on lying.

>if Humpty Dumpty was jewish

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I think they control the media just as much as the next poster here, but Drudge Report is an aggregate. Their has literally never been an op ed piece written there. How anyone gets bent out of shape over that site is beyond me, and quite honestly, a good deal of articles that lead to good discussion on here are linked from there. He posts everything, and for 20 years running has been extremely critical of the left. He posts out there stuff too, like weird space theories, kennedy dox, etc.
Tell me why to hate drudge, I'm all ears, but to me it will always be a solid, go-to site to see what is actually HAPPENING in the world--not to be force fed an opinion.

t, oh i must be drudge himself or a jew right, fuck you, just answer my question

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>A lot of the times it's not what the news focuses on but what they intentionally ignore and bury.

this. racemixing is a euphism for raceless, not half/half anything. only such a creature can be a socialist and believe in the magic goobernment man turning the water into mountain dew and/or brawndo.

Most of it isn't even journalism. It's advertisements disguised as news pieces. They're so desperate for money that they will publish op-ed advertisements as important news.
>This new product is changing lives!
>turns out to be some stupid mani-pedi dildo that doubles as a phone charger
I was amazed to see people who once distrusted the government and media suddenly trust them again. I think they were never truly awake or hungry for the truth, they are essentially people who enjoy the chase but hate the reward. They truly thought that being gatekeepers of the truth came with a guarantee that they'd stay in power for x amount of years. It's all fallen apart and people now seek the news from other sources. The best thing to do is just continue ignoring them and tell others to ignore them. That's what Trump is doing aside from humiliating them.
I personally don't trust Matt Drudge. He ignored Putin telling the world that Hillary took 400 million, among many other important news stories. I let him and his idiots find articles for me to analyze fake news. I read the fake news just to keep myself sharp.

Drudge is a jew and a neocon. Basic enemy type.

I can't wait to hear about the upcoming layoffs at NYT!

The (((news media))) lost their relevance in the days/months/years following 9/11, by using their bias and power to be complicit in the cover up/lack of investigating the true cause of the events of that day. People who wanted the truth were labeled as "truthers", the enemy was decided as the event was still unfolding, and the stories like Atta's passport being found on the rubble went to press when the ruins were still smoldering. It opened the eyes of lots of people, and no matter what happened after the fact--like their "opposition" to the Iraq war, they were still instrumental in getting the bombs dropped in the first place.
Now you have an arm of society that is unwilling to objectively report facts, such as the web of spies and government officials that colluded to spy against the president. Whether or not it's true (it is) there is as much (there's more) evidence for THAT being a story then there is about Russia, yet and still, every day we're greeted with not news, but op ed pieces, about Trump.
What is there to "trust"? In all honesty, they don't report anything--they simply write op ed pieces. I'm under no more obligation to trust them than I am any other joe schmoe with an opinion.

Also there's this new trend happening since the left can't meme organically.

>Shills invent new shitty meme. Incel for example.
>Shills get the mods to filter the word soiboy on Jow Forums
>Start flooding this site with incel bullshit
>(((Journalists))) start writing story after story about incels
>Rinse and repeat

Now they're on to the boomer meme.

Mr President please stop calling us fake news. We had a whore fucking a guy 3 times her age and got that info fair and square.

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Stelter isn't ethnically Jewish, but he is married to one.

>to know who rules over you, look at who you can't criticize

He's a fucking kike.

The boomer meme is another piece of shit. Parts of it are funny when actual Jow Forumsacks get ahold of it, but the initial meme itself was clearly milhouse-tier forced meme
Personally I'd suggest to continue making pepe and wojak memes since they tend to be the most organic ones. Here is one I found on a PTG thread in response to boomerposters. What the fuck happened to moonman? Nobody posts him anymore. Some anons get too comfortable and just don't care.
He sure balds like a kike.

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He's begging for Trump not to hit back after the nationally ruinous crap the media spills daily for decades. The reply should be-
Damn right it's dangerous what they're doing. It will likely be fatal for many when people find out the extent of it.

I'm so happy were in the Trump timeline where the caustic influence of corporate media has finally weaned. Society can actually improve from now on without the evil influence of these demons. Sure, it's quite possible media groups will still exist but never again will they have that level of unquestionable influence they had back in the 80s and 90s, and it's all thanks to Trump and social media.

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Here's Trumps recent thoughts on the kike media

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Everyone I talk to, even elderly folks say that the media can't be trusted. The only step now is getting them to dump it entirely. What's sad is many still turn on the TV at night knowing they're liars.

You sure about this? sure looks like one to me.

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Start paying attention to what Drudge thinks is important or interesting and you'll start to understand why Drudge is (((drudge)))

This requires patience and time, and a brain that notices patterns. He's not helping trump. He's helping the jew media. He defends netanyahu

This. Sadly I thought Matt was a cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything, but he turned out to be subversive around the time the media pushed the Russia narrative. For someone who is supposed to be an unhinged critic of the media, he sure is restrained.

Womp womp

Thread theme

Incel is pretty bad. I can't see anyone except the most drippy, droopy cunt uttering that.
The boomer meme, however has absolutely backfired. That character was intended to be ridiculed for supporting Trump, lacking social awareness, and lacking in particularly lofty aspirations. But in the hands of anons, he comes across as someone really content with the simple things in life.
The biggest issue with those who still trust media is that they can't approach the most pedestrian of topics without considering it a social movement or some kind or another. They want trust and reputability, but not at the cost of some kind of personal reassurance and the time it takes to cross-reference things. This is why normie advice is always the empty words of, "just be yourself, bro".
These are privileged people, said at the risk of sounding like a libtard. You fall into that line of thinking because the proclamation that one can "be whatever they want to be" refers specifically to them, but probably not a great number of other people. They'll turn around fight for the whole paper-push because that rubber stamp legitimizes, in their mind, whatever the fuck it is they're larping as. Honestly, how many city dwelling, (((white-passing))) individuals do you know actually do good, productive work.
That is to say their brains are so scrambled by modernity, that the world without a bureaucracy approving of anything and everything makes them sick to their stomach. They can't comprehend why anyone would ever think words like "Pulitzer" and "Nobel" would register in someone else's ear as a punchline.
This whole thing is showing them that this big web of everybody lying to each burns away the minute just one man starts to raise his own standards. He probably doesn't even have to include anybody else.

>According to the media, the media shouldn't be criticized
The media being the cornerstone of democracy, you'd think it would be obvious how important it is to be critical of the media.

This NY faggot should have the pedo bullseye pinned on his back for trying to cover up all the bullshit and having the gall to tell trump to back off with his truth bombs.

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John Mearsheimer's take on Classical Liberal vs Progressive Liberal is important here.
Dems are definitely progressive liberals, so Republicans should be Classical Liberals, and so should oppose all forms of social engineering, but both Republicans and Democrats actively promote it.
That's why the GOPE wouldn't get rid of Obama Policies when they had the chance.

What's truly amazing about all of this is that (((sulzberger))) follows rules for radicals in his talk with Trump, trying to get Trump to follow rules they ignore.
The one rule Alinsky forgot to leave out was that once the enemy knows your tactics, its time to flee the country.
Now what's left is a bunch of billionaires that will leave the country and their lower level minions will be the ones who get the punishment, all because the people who had the ability to make a difference were too busy worrying about themselves, or too busy worrying about what to do with the money they got to ignore it.
The last part is essentially what darkies do to each other. They ridicule each other the moment anyone shows initiative or a desire to learn more.
>ayo nigga you trying to be smart an sheit? look at this nerdy mothafucka
essentially is the same as
>You seriously support Trump? You must be another angry white male who doesn't want brown people to invade his country.
What's funny is the AP article makes it seem like the talk was productive and they actually made valid points to Trump. He ignored them and continued to call NYT failing. He truly is /ourPresident/

>That's why the GOPE wouldn't get rid of Obama Policies when they had the chance.
Yeah. Didn't McCain vote against repealing Obamacare and say "let's see him (Trump) make America great again now"

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Pretty much anyone who is a globalist calls themselves (D) or (R) for the sake of manipulating people who trust one party.
The goal of this board is dissolving the two party system. George Washington believed in one party, the American party. He was right, just like Jow Forums.

It's just rich having a friend, living off his trust fund, essentially, telling me that the rises in tension occurring at the US-Mexico border started when Donald Trump decided to play his hand. It's such a ridiculous way to think. Marxism just entrenches and formalizes that do-nothing, think-nothing, be-nothing attitude as a power to be respected. They're closer to the people they claim to hate than they'll admit, but they do understand their professed "Marxism" is an expression of self-hatred.
It would be less frustrating if people like this believed what they're saying enough to put the things they love on the line to stop it. But that's just the proof that they don't even believe it. That, and the grimaces their faces make when they've been backed into a logical corner.
Black peoples' crabs-in-a-barrel mentality is a very unique dynamic. If white people were successfully exterminated, the 'minority' communities would have about a year to get their economies up and running before people start pointing fingers again.


These fucking english majors pushing their lies as journalism deserve every thing coming their way.

>not Sulzberger makes ploy to goy

What's the turning point? There is a turning point before every expulsion.

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yeah i found this odd too. he seems like a spoiled naive kid, meeting with the president of the united states and asking him to be nice while they probably have 3 fake news hitjobs in the works

Wrong > Trump has success
Media can’t handle that
Shits on trump
Shills like you can’t bother being informed otherwise so scoop it up like the shit shovelers they are


The turning point is rapidly approaching. I personally think it's something that we would least expect, and something akin to the story of david and goliath.
What you really need to watch for is shills calling normal people jewish. They now want to shed their negative attributes and will try to rebrand themselves.

>alien and sedition acts
>restricts speech critical of the government


No thanks

>shills calling normal people jewish
That's already happening. But they do prefer saying "kike" because it provides license to strawman "antisemitism".

It's just like communism rebranding itself as socialism, then democratic socialism to give the appearance that democracy will be preserved under socialism. People really need to realize the meanings behind the stuff that our enemies say.

>Rule 8 Please Trump
Rule 8.

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A big part of the reason Trump is president is because he echoed the public's distrust of the media.

It's like Saul wanted his people to fail.

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Which newspaper publisher had the reporter that slept with someone from congress again?

What we have now/had was one party masquerading as two.