Bundle up!

Bundle up!

Attached: EUROPE_weekly_tempAnom_610.jpg (610x474, 191K)

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Notice how Poland and Hungary are spared from heatwave.
Is God trying to tell us all faggots and muslims deserve hell?

Because the jet stream is all fucked up. Things are about to get really, really bad.


Attached: current jet stream.png (602x629, 244K)



Here's what a normal jet stream is supposed to look like: a continuous band around the hemisphere

Attached: normal jetstream.jpg (367x360, 28K)

+9 here

finna crop failure soon

Redpill me

arctic ice melting, fucking up jet streams, fucking up weather, fucking up crop yields, famine


Attached: Yum.png (413x362, 159K)

like this?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-07-29 17-00-28.png (1920x1078, 1.44M)

I was going to make a thread later, but basically if you dont know:
The jet stream is a global wind current that circumnavigates the poles. It not only carries weather systems across the globe, but separates cold polar air from warm sub-tropical air. The position of the jet stream relative to your location determines what kind of weather you will experience. Let's take UK for example. if the jet stream is north of your location, you will be on the same side as Africa, and share the same hot weather as it and the Mediterranean have.
If it's south of you, you will experience colder than usual weather since you are on the polar side of the jet stream. If the jet stream is over head, you will experience wetter and windier weather.
However, when the path of the jet stream undulates too dramatically, it has trouble carrying weather systems efficently and things begin to stagnate. They refer to this as a block. This is caused by warming at the poles, which drive the convection current of the stream.
Now, however, the jet stream has undulated so wildly that it has broken: no longer a continuous band of wind current, it has split into weak strands. The result is that weather will stagnate and the melting of the poles will accelerate because the jet stream is not barricading the sub-tropical air any more.

Basically God is going to burn us like ants with the sun.

Yes that's a totally normal jet stream pattern. It happens to be the strongest variety as the stream passes around the tropics/mid latitudes. It is regular and barely undulates.
Undulating jet streams are normal too, but the warming at the poles has caused it to undulate to much that it broke free and split


It is comfy now, the rain made it drop 13 °C after rain and there is wind too. The temperatures won't get above 30 °C the coming weeks.

Fuhg.. what happens now? In the next 5-10 years I mean.

Faggot if you can’t tell. The Muslim nations are cooler on than the average. Fucking retard

Looks like muh Lebensraum is back on the menu bois

>the first time in years when we don't have entire weeks of 38+ temperatures
If the price for this is western Europe burning I'm okay with it.

You've got it set to the wrong scale. Try 250 hPa.
Cool website though, thanks for sharing.

Rising sea levels, severe drought that leads to famine, scorching heat that kills elderly and other vulnerable... general crankiness.
Actually in all seriousness it could upset the oceanic convection currents which would be like a day after tomorrow scenario, although it wouldn't happen as quickly as in the movie.

Is there no scenario of this jet stream assuming its normal course next year?

It's getting weakened by the poles heating up, causing the jet to meander until it breaks up. I think this is permanent due to what's causing it (poles aren't going to suddenly start getting colder and correct the issue).

Attached: long term.png (1704x177, 34K)

You wish. The heatwave is over, those torturous hot nights are gone. They are gone son, gone.

We got cooler yet tropical nights still, but it's almost 100% moisture so its far worse than with 30 and lower moisture.
Yesterday morning we had lightning strike a tree that fell on our roof.
Good thing it's built like a bunker.

Because the jet moved over your countries now, bringing wet weather. Doesn't negate how significant it is that the polar jet broke up for the first time in... ever.


Are you implying it never ever happened before?

I searched about it and couldn't find anything. A lot of articles from Feb. 2018 when it first happened, and they made it seem like this was a big deal and a major step towards global warming doomsday

>jet stream lacking makes shit hot
>ocean convention dying makes shit cold

Ah so it cancels itself out and everyone will be fine r-right?

That's like saying if you slam heroin and then smoke meth they cancel out and you're sober

If we could reverse climate change would the jet stream go back to normal?

>Western Europe imports africans and arabs
>Temperature now resembles Africa and Middle East

I'd rather it resemble the surface of the sun

Attached: 1529535015311.gif (300x160, 3.8M)

can't reverse it God is pissed

Well, good that we are trying to figure out how to life on mars, we can applie that to earth too soon.
Im rather upset there is no country that decided to start a nationwide prepping programm and look into bunkering in underground or researching arcologys and other hypothethic closed enviroments.

They did but it's not for filthy goyim like us

You mean everyday life in the Balkans isn't prepping?

It could have been the best justification for itself big government ever hoped for along taxcucking for communal survival but naaah its just rich fucks building themselves luxuryholes in new zealand.

(if the total doom scenario of climate change is true and we "simply" wont have to just deal with more catastrophes and shitty african weather you can cheat aour way around if you got the industry necessary.)

Economically literate Ecohoxha when?


speak human i don't understand bugspeak

Attached: Confused.jpg (748x455, 124K)

idk, he was a corrupt commie despot but his idea of wanting a bunker for every fucking shepherd seemed to be genuinly caring.
Wanting to build an emergeny
infrastructure should the enviroment suffer too much for greater swathes of society seems worthwhile.

Non-geographylet here

Do I begin to recycle, cum on my hand instead of wiping with a napkin, throw my piss bottles etc?