Indiana is one of 5 states left with no "hate crime" laws. Was this stunt to get IN (((in line))) or did some dumbfuck really think this would wake up the goyim?
Indiana is one of 5 states left with no "hate crime" laws. Was this stunt to get IN (((in line))) or did some dumbfuck really think this would wake up the goyim?
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At least the swastika is facing the right way this time
>they actually got the swastika sort of right this time
Probably teenager that don't even understand what it is exactly
Ehhhh, probably a rabbi that knows exactly what he’s doing
They've really been pushing for that law to change in Indiana. I'm sure it's yet another hoax, just like the fake KKK flyers and basically anything else that jews claim has happened. This really is strictly about zogging out the liberals even harder and getting them to push for more censorship and heavier chains of oppression.
To the Jews credit, they did a really good job on this one. It must have taken some time to get the drawings so neat, compared to the Hail Hortler fiascos that they usually do. I see they've taken the constructive criticism to heart to improve their hoaxing.
>Got the Swastika right
Holy shit boys, this one might be real!
It was obviously done by some Jew or nigger. Every time I see a story like this on Twitter I reply "in 2-4 days it'll come out that they did it themselves". Every time people freak out and call me an idiot. And every time I'm right.
The last one was that stupid story a few days ago where someone wrote "I don't tip terrorists" on a receipt. Such fucking outrage, and even more when I called bullshit and said he did it for online donations. Well what the fuck do you know, he was caught and said he did it for online donations to pay for college.
Well at least they got the pinwheel of peace right this time for once.
literally my 1st thought, this actually might be legit instead of some false flag.
howdy hortler
Fuck facing the right way. The thing is fucking made correctly. That's like some kind of vandalism miracle.
if you look up carmel indiana it's 90+% white and rich.
this is obviously jewish false flag tricks.
>this actually might be legit instead of some false flag.
Nice work
Ah, so the jews finally figured out how to draw a swastica right, huh?
that only took them, 70 years.
This transsexual negress. Don't ask how I know. Her penis is small and feminine. Don't ask how I know.
This transexual negress lives there *
Odds that a Jew did this = 99%
1% chance that it is a nigger
I'm betting 2 months down the road we'll figure out a jew is behind this
Just think... the perpetrators could potentially be caught in cases such as this if security camera footage existed.
>more hate crime laws
This country is pretty close to being how it was depicted in The Turner Diaries.
>white men have no balls
>theres no way they could have done this
Why not just own it and be proud? You claim to want to gas Jews but you don't have the balls to draw a swastika on a synogogue?
Oy vey! The Nazis must have hacked the cameras, too! All of them were shut off that night!
Holy shit, it looks like they got so buttmad that pol kept calling them out for drawing swastikas wrong that the literally stenciled them on.
>Go commit vandalism for no reason. What are you, a pussy?
Hello CIA.
Discord deleted my account and i lost all my pics of her, unfortunately. She had a nice booty.
Isn't that the guy the media was kvetching about once Trump got into office, and they were inconstantly asking him to condemn it?
Don't they get 24/7 publicly funded security guards as well? Where were they?
>the CIA encourages citizens to commit crimes
Are you people retarded or something? You think the CIA wants to bait you into a minor crime like vandalism? They don't waste their time. The CIA wouldn't just tell people to go out and kill people or something cause that's not a sting. That's just asking citizens to kill people whivh would make them liable. You people are retarded
why are hate crimes even a thing? why is it worse if I beat somebody up because he's a dirty kike than if I beat someone bup because I don't like his haircut?
Kek, sometimes I think this place is a thinktank for them to do opposition research.
>Our badly drawn Swastikas aren't fooling the goyim anymore, call your nephew Hymie at art school to work up a stencil for us!
The use of the Iron Cross is nonsensical. Whoever drew those had no appreciation for the historical significance of those symbols.
That's what my first thought was as well. I think this story will blow up here and the call for hate crime laws will intensify.
I'm not saying that no Jews do falseflags. All I'm saying is that whitr guys have definitely done swastika graffiti before and you're retarded if you think it never happens.
But neo-fascists don't use old symbols anymore. Not to mention they are fascists--meaning non-degenerate, true ones don't break laws like drawing graffitti or harassing others based on ethnicity or race. Only leftists feel compelled to break laws to get their way.
this is actually very well done, so i think it quite possibly could have been done by an actual skinhead. usually the graffiti is terrible, squiggles with nigger spelled wrong and it ends up being an inside job of some sort, but this one here is pretty impressive. 9 of 10 for style and aesthetic
It was called the Lolocaust you bigot.
Except for the iron crosses on the side were two different sizes.
so, get the counter-narrative out, then
Looks like a girl did this.
Rabbi got it right for once.
Every Jew building is loaded with security shit. They always hire their Israeli buddies to do it because they are the best. That is why these anti-Jew incidents are always bullshit.
t. Worked for Jews for a while
With the amount Jews false flag swastikas, the real ones become justified
Bullshit. Stop suggesting that. No one said anything about hate crime laws. You are the one calling for hate crime laws right noe vause you're a megacuck. Learn about the power of suggesyion you pathetic faggot retard.
Did Trump do this with is pro-Israel policies?
i'm willing to forgive this small thing. as time goes on and the artist gets better, i imagine these technical issues will become less and less obvious.
What are you doing Rabbi..?
Yeah, (((coincidentally))) those KKK flyers showed up downtown a couple of days after they failed to pass the stronger hate crime legislation. This is just the latest in a string of hoaxy stuff that always ends with a reminder that (((we))) need more laws.
It's all about the the MO. A white man would round up and expel or kill jews for the benefit of his nation or the preservation of his history and culture, whereas a jew would call in a bomb threat or deface his own property for his own personal or tribal gain.
You have to start somewhere, dumbass.
What about a 16 year old antisemitic white kid?
Compared to
What better place than hereWhat better time than now?
Kek, I am from Carmel. Funny I first hear about this on Jow Forums. The carmel police force is extremely active and they have literally nothing to do ever since crime rates are so low so it isn't really necessary to hire 24/7 security guards. This is also located on the west part of town which is mostly just neighborhoods so theres not any business traffic. Pretty much anyone could go do this at night and get away with it.
>No one is calling for hate crime laws
>Didn't even look at the links
Nice iPhone post, you child-raping kike
Not sure if even one of these I’ve ever seen has turned out to be real. We know for sure that dozens if not hundreds of them have been false flags, but most normans seem to have no idea and get offended that you would even suggest such a thing. The media really is the enemy of the people.
california? doing something bigotted? no way
California used to have some balls before thr nigger/cuck propaganda Jew hyperwave.
Hey rabbi
God, false flagging is so dishonest.
But this looks kind of legit. At least they did it right. What I seriously don't get is, why do we (((need))) hate crime laws anyhow? Did anyone see on the news a couple weeks ago that guy who was yelling at that lady wearing a Puerto Rican flag t-shirt? He got charged with 2 FELONY hate crimes if I'm correct.
A fucking FELONY.
Sure, he was being kind of a dick, but he didn't do anything illegal I don't think.
And that gay boy whose death sparked early hate crime laws? Well, there was more to that story as
The more I look into it, the more I see hate crime laws as an attempt to criminalize speech. If someone commits a crime against someone, that should be punished of course, but their motive should only factor into figuring out whether or not they did it. Vandalism, whether burning a cross on someone's property or something like this, should be prosecuted as property destruction and nothing more.
I'm pretty sure hate crime laws are kike bullshit. Anyone know if the supreme court is involved in pushing them?
They really should have killed all of the Jew.
Great numbers for the rabbi.
This is obvious enough I have no idea why we're discussing it
all races should love each other not hate
You're right.
Hopefully we can all learn to love eachother as much as Jewish women love black men.
I wonder how much they got paid for this news piece?
Heil Herzl!
Isael is small country with very small population
it cannot accept refugees
Sweden opens their doors and they are just as small. There is no excuse for bigotry. We are all the same.
Don't be a bigot.
you first
why isn't countries like estonia opening its borders
Jewish women + black cock = true love
Our borders are already open. Now it's your turn. Diversity is our strength.
As God's chosen people us Jews need to lead the way. Open borders for Israel.
They should hate you, Jew bastard.