Anitfa explains white privilege

Anitfa explains white privilege.

Attached: white privilege explained 1.png (585x716, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: white privilege explained 2.png (583x710, 28K)

>I am white

In this piece, blacks explain how we can use white privilege to benefit them.

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An explanation on why we should use our white privilege.

Attached: use your white privilege.jpg (856x1456, 468K)

The same person now explaining how to do that.

Attached: how to use your white privilege.jpg (890x1598, 487K)

This game demonstrates how easy it is for a black person to call you a racist.

Attached: Racism Bingo.jpg (494x640, 105K)

Here's a variant of that game.

Attached: Derailment Bingo.jpg (400x523, 188K)

so basically what you're saying is diversity makes a nation weaker, yes I agree.

I thought white privilege just meant that one was capable of surviving on their own merits without relying on handouts from others..

Man, the Jews are on full shoah defcon1 today.

>Recognize you're still a racist, no matter what

Well at least we are on the same page with that one. From now til forever.

fuck antifags. portland is going DOWN SOON, armored van just delivered.

Aye Patriot prayer are going to have a battle with them next week. It’ll be great.

>antifa explains
Stopped reading. If I wanted to hear what a bunch of faggoty larping jews had to say I'd read a holocaust book.

Tfw you are called a racist for decades, despite actively not being racist. Now I just say fuck kikes, niggers, spics, and mudslimes....

>being white makes me lucky

I'm so lucky to have an entire system in place "educating" the children as to how the existence of people with the same skin color as me is detrimental to everyone else.

Boy howdy I sure am glad I get passed over for promotions I deserve and have worked long hours for just because another candidate was brown and had a vagina.

So lucky!

I was following the analogy up to 7.
That's where he goes off track into a pile of magical racist garbage.

I'm starting to think that White Privilege is actually a psyop to make non racist whites racist. Everything ends with "No matter what, you're still racist." This is literally a mantra that indoctrinates you into embracing racism.

>short privilge
short people don't bang their heads on everything
they don't get fuckwits coming up to you "gee you're tall" as if you don't know that you're tall
You stand out wherever you go, no hiding from anyone you dislike in public
buses are like children's seats
don't get me started on airplanes
hard to find pants and jackets long enough

I could go on all day.

if black lives matter than we should get on the topic of blacks murderd by blacks.

>no matter what

time to stop caring then. why bother

>"you have advantages"
>no examples
>terrible analogy in its place


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>Never invite people of color to the table...
Done, and done.

I'll explain white privilege: white privilege is living in a New York or LA studio apartment on a trust fund daddy set up for you, wasting 3 years of your life on a gender studies degree then driving daddy's Merc to the antifa rally (stopping off at Starbucks first, of course) where you pretend to give a shit about "omg punch de nahtzees" who are simply working class people who disagree with you, and all so you can feel better about being a bottom-feeding urchin.

ANTIFA fuck rabbits, goats, little boys, niggers, and frogs.

Exactly. It was around 2007 I started just calling myself a racist. 'Racism is normal, we all do it. It's natural.' Cut right to the heart of the issue

You're right, I am lucky to be apart of the master race and I'm proud of that.

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The 10 SJW Commandments.jpg

So what you're saying is that white people are genetic superiors to every other race on this planet!

So it the tall guys fault he hits his head on doorframes and exit signs till he gets a brain bleed. Also the Manlet beside him asking him to grab that for him cause he’s taller.
>so fucking dumb it’s not even bait. Thanks again for proving that not only you can’t meme but even trying to make a point is beyond you.

privilege: at the least, they retreat and call superiority "luck"
having better, taller genes, having better, more attractive genes, being better, being superior, is called "LUCK", so they can make you acknowledge your "LUCK" as if that's a thing, as if that's what they are really saying
they aren't
but that's the fake line they are selling, this is as much as they can water down their truth aims

>Take up minimal space during anti-racism dialogues and protests.
I can do that.

number 10 is why I became racist. I hope they keep pushing this shit. People are waking up

>associating with blacks

Sounds like a bad idea. They are never further than a stone's throw away from chimping out and murdering you

The concept of being white is dumb. I'm Italian and Spanish by heritage. I have my own culture and heritage different from other Europeans. I enjoy and respect other Euro cultures but mine is what I was raised in and makes me who I am. Remember your ancestral achievements and be proud of them.

No, I splain someting to you mang!
I splain someting to U!

#6 wow I should totally advocate violence! The ones that don't attack people in the street for a perceived sleight are abhorrent and wrong. VIOLENCE FOR ALL!!

It's all about genetics. They know being white is the best thing because genetics. Right? White power.

It’s missing “Fuck you. You bore me.”

“White privilege” is a 100% Marxist idea.

it's all so... tireso...

Pretty much this. If the kikes planned on creating a racially aware white race they have succeeded more then any white nationalist could have dreamed. The fire rises


lol even racist whites understand that power and privilege are something granted by the wealthy and you certainly aren't guaranteed this by white skin
>mfw leftists are more racist than the KKK

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honestly I was against racism until they forced me to see how the sausage is made

they brought my prejudice onto themselves

I didn't give a shit about them before

It doesn’t count when you put it that way user only when it’s meant to ostracize and disenfranchise whites. Black crime doesn’t matter in the post modern world because it isn’t cukturally palpable

He's literally fine until he gets to 7. That's when he gets into logical fallacy. Nothing follows from the rest. The entire thing to that point reasonable is and phrased nicely only to lube you up and make you let down your guard.

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The thing is that they still can't actually explain what white privilege is; instead they just keep trying to argue that you have it, like they think you were born with a White Person Rewards Card because blacks in the 50s couldn't get a good mortgage, and it's silly to deny that you have it in your pocket.

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>he didn't get his White Person Rewards Card
nobody tell him he's not white

Only works if your heritage is so well-defined.
White mutts are forced into a state of ethnic rootlessness. It's the only real "systemic" racism that exists in America today.

>shut up and sit down
>we will stay hate you after you do this

lmao I hope they keep pushing this

If only they knew how many americans "whites" are actually Mutts they couldn't use the race card...

maybe we should inflate the mutt statistics in response to their claims of historic oppression, point out that many "whites" (mutts) had a recently "oppressed" great grandmother or father

mutts might be useful for us just yet

I unironically think the first politician to say nigger on TV is going to be a landslide victor with the silent majority. Just have some "grab em by the pussy" shit leak saying something like "I'm just impossibly tired of niggers." Boom. President forever, fucking bet me.

Yes, we won the genetic lottery. Now don't call me racist when I don't want to live near you and all the gang members your race seems to produce.

white privilege is an inherently racist ideology.

I don't care how politely Omar Ismail explains it. What it boils down to is rounding up all the white people and categorizing them a certain way. You're privileged (because you're white) and you need to be punished to balance things out.

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Black people further stratify in the absence of whites, ironically with light skinned blacks as both leaders and a hated overclass.

>I don't go to ghetto neighborhoods

What the fuck are these people about? People who live in ghetto neighborhoods tell others to stay the fuck out of there for safety reasons, especially if you look like you don't belong.

"Whites" and "Blacks" have this in common actually. Being purebred mutts separates us from the cultural identity we could otherwise take pride in, so all we're left with is the skin color. What's bad is how blacks will recognize this when it happens to themselves, and then somehow it's a completely alien concept to them that they are doing that very same thing to "white people." People first language be damned.

This all implies that there are going to be some reasonable compromises met where everyone ends up working together. That's not going to happen and at this point it should be obvious to anyone who's been paying attention.

why are antifags usually spoiled rich (((white))) kids?

They have a racist fallacy for that, too, it's called "passing."

Lets assume all of that is true. Then the person who feels at a disadvantage living among whites could just choose to live with their own people where they are the privileged ones.
I never understood why they never got to that solution.

Because there are no brown societies that have invented a quality of life comparable to white life. They want the rich, good life, then they start to think "why da fukk i need dis cracka??!!," without thinking about WHERE nice things come from

Its almost like different traits are good for different environments, and we should get these blacks and jews out of white environments.

So what they are talking about is not privilege, it's superiority.

>Its that you're lucky!
>But your luck doesn't effect anyone else in any way nor stop them in any way.
>But you should be aware of it, even though its completely pointless.
>And you shouldn't be guilty about it, even though we will bring it up constantly to make you feel guilty and shut you up.

..this race war can't start soon enough!

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The difference is that black mutts are allowed and encouraged to take pride in a "black" ethnic identity and form "black" racial support networks, while white mutts are discouraged from taking pride in a "white" ethnic identity and ostracized for forming "white" racial support groups.

This is shit.

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This. Me and so many people I know grew up in public schools being taught how bad racism was, and we all actively hated racists until this sjw horseshit started.
Now I wish Lincoln had shipped them back to whatever shithole they came from.
The only reason I hate southern plantation owners is cause they brought them here in the first place. Should have known better.