Tom Hanks, pretty sure your career is fucked and your life is over

Don't usually ever post to outside sources, but this is pretty fucking bad. Read the whole thing and definitely watch the videos Tom Hanks did.

Attached: TH.jpg (2686x1499, 1.3M)

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yeah fuck that.

Summarize it, faggot.

Tom Hanks performed a character on SNL called David S. Pumpkins. The sketch is an obvious admission of his pedophile alter-ego. He followed this sketch up with a dedicated 30-minute cartoon Halloween special.

That cartoon is a blatant narrative telling how Tom Hanks eventually became his Satanic alter-ego and is not for people who can't handle this shit. It's dark, demented and fucking scary.

He basically mocks the fact that people think he is Hollywood's 'Nice Guy'. He is a tormented motherfucker and they made a cartoon to tell people.

didn't realize he was such a weirdo with these cryptic random clothing items pictures.

trump curse

Is there a way to get around the 2000 character limit? The summary needs to be read

Bumping desu


Split up the summary into more than one post, labeling each Part 1, 2, 3, etc.