This thread is designed to discuss Sex & Circumcision. If you haven't watched the video or read the info graphics then where the fuck have you been?
This man is Eric Clopper, he lost his job at Harvard to give you this info. Take it. Share it. Meme it to your normie friends. He names the Jew. And in so doing brings the JQ right to the forefront of public discussion.
>MANY shills in the thread will make the obvious point that Eric, is himself, a jew. If he wasn't a jew they would be able to shrug him off as "anti-semitic" which of course they already did by calling him anti-semitic and firing him.
Watch and prepare to be more upset than you've been in a long, long time.
I've never seen JIDF so active as in these threads because Clopper hits the Rabbis straight in the dick. Don't underestimate how much Jews care about their precious (((covenant))) that Clopper vows to destroy. It's basically the center of their identity besides the Holohoax. Skip to 1:55:50 to watch Clopper absolutely throw Jews in the oven. What you'll see in this thread: >(((memeflags))) galore >I'm a grill and you should stop whining about your cut peepee that's not sexy lol >Clopper is arrogant >What's that in his pants? >Why did he take his shirt off is he gay? >I don't like the way he speaks and uses humor to hold normies attention. >There are no good Jews. Even though he is calling them a Satanic genital cutting cult with a malicious grip on America, somehow he is trying to "control the conversation" and we will be Jewed in the future somehow. (I won't tell you how though) Because you fear this FUTURE event, you should not spread or share this video that helps our cause NOW. >He is doing this to downplay Blood Libel, something nobody knows about that happened hundreds of years ago, by drawing attention to circumcision, something that everyone knows about that affects them personally. >He is trying to spark backlash at Jews so they can play the victim. If you are angry at Jews they win. Don't do anything goy just ignore us. >He didn't mention selling the foreskin, therefore his entire argument is invalid. >This is just a two hour commercial for his company that he only briefly mentions at the end, he loves money so much he got fired and permanently banned from academia to do this. This presentation has the power to open the door to the JQ for millions of Americans. Edit and Spread it.
Every thread
Isaac Evans
>he cares what other people do with their kid's dicks you are a pedophile, op.
Isaac Stewart
>ITT a literal Jew REEEEs about smegma flaps >and we DnC over who does and doesn't have their smegma flap >and you're the one who will be called a Jew if you dare point that out Never change, autists.
I know and I never will. I can never get back the nerves that were lost. But stretching it out just a bit further won't really change anything since I have enough skin left to make us of.