Why do some people on this board not like Hitler...

Why do some people on this board not like Hitler? Have the (((globalists))) infiltrated us in an attempt to spread their beta cuck bullshit?
National Socialism is not the alternative. It is the imperative.

Attached: hitler.jpg (1179x1219, 159K)

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>You're either with hate, or a cuck!

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Nice GET, have pro-Hitler propaganda

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you dumb nat soc types are the reason nobody wants to associate with you types. That stupid bastard supports ethnic cleansing.

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And you don't? You fucking beta male

Attached: hitler pepe.png (200x202, 22K)

>tfw the reactionary movement to the ethnic cleansing and ruthless hate is the reason our world is shit today

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>Not hating jews
Do you have a mental disability?

Quote me where Hitler says this.

>Hating jews means you need to hate and conquer other white countries

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Because he was autistic.
Also, he invaded
>Muh Gayreece.
They dindu nuffin

They were beta leftist cucks. Look at how many niggers and camels they've let into their countries! Would that degeneracy have happened if Hitler had won? Didn't think so fucker

They buy into the (((MIles Mathis))) bullshit.

Don't really have much of a problem with him and the entire narrative around WW2 is definitely bullshit. I can't fully support someone who invaded my country though, even if it was for the greater good.

>the eternal anglo on the other hand.

Attached: eternal anglo.png (639x360, 268K)

You say that like it's a bad thing. Why do think Austrians cheered and threw flowers at the "invading" German troops during the Anschluss?

>entire narrative of ww2 is bullshit
What did happen then?
>gibs me Lithuania and Estonia
>gibs me Sudetenland
>nao the rest of Czechoslovakia
>Gibs me Danzig
>nao all of eastern Poland
>Brits are da real warmongas!

> (You)
>They were beta leftist cucks. Look at how many niggers and camels they've let into their countries!
No they weren't. That happened after Hitler lost. Gave the jews time to set up their control. It's his fault this is happening really.
>Would that degeneracy have happened if Hitler had won?
The likelihood that the third reich would've actually survived is tiny. It was disorderly and it would've most likely collapsed after Hitler died. Just like the Soviet Union after Stalin died.
>if Hitler had won
That's the autistic part. He couldn't have won, retard. He made every enemy possible. He was an absolute dipshit.

uh, nice quads hitler sir
Is this a far right board though?
There seems to me to be more ZOG/US JIDF faggots here than any other ideology

Because Austria was Germanic. The rest of the world doesn't like Globalism or being a puppet state.

I don’t like Hitler because he nationalized a lot of privately owned businesses. Any type of socialism is theft even though he hated the Jews.

Hello Super-Satan. I like Adolf Hitler. Unfortunately decades of propaganda have made disgust a knee-jerk reaction to association with him for a vast majority of the west. This makes attaching him to a movement you wish to gain popularity an enormous mistake.

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Heil Hitler, the Noble Wolf, Greatest son of Europe

Attached: hitler forest qyupte.jpg (1280x800, 99K)

>Britain literally had 1/4 of the world colonized in 1939
>Soviets were expanding west-ward, tried to conquor Finland, succesfully invaded Poland
>Germany reuniting historically german land in the reich
Brits somehow still support jewish, anti-European Bolshevism, over Germany.
Germany was forced to strike preemptively or communism would have swallowed them too.

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Jews took over after Hitler killed 6 million of them and made them the eternal victims, instead of just expelling them like every other country every did.
First, see this rationalwiki.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial

Then, ask yourself there are 3 choices:
1. Hitler tolerated and was okay with jews (Brainlet-tier)
2. Hitler thought of the Madagascar plan, so he was Zionist (Sperg-tier)
3. Hitler wanted them dead.

Jews took over after Hitler killed 6 million of them and made them the eternal victims, instead of just expelling them like every other country every did.
First, see this rationalwiki.org/wiki/Holocaust_denial

Then, ask yourself there are 3 choices:
1. Hitler tolerated and was okay with jews (Brainlet-tier)
2. Hitler thought of the Madagascar plan, so he was Zionist (kek)
3. Hitler wanted them dead.

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>Reuniting historically German land
>Annexing all of Poland

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National Socialism is bound to work now more than ever

Attached: nat soc flag 1.png (1200x720, 60K)

as far as I'm informed when looking at texts from that time, I come to the conclusion that the Nazis happened because the world was shit back then. They talked about universalism, marxism and a way of thinking that saw every human as "the same", without acknowledging their individual characteristics and culture, which developed over time as an adaption to their enviroment and how every race needed their own space and place to develop. Didn't sound like "genocide everyone and make the whole world blonde" desu

>Bound to work
Pick one

honestly its because most people who like him are retarded. there are exceptions but for the most part its true. also if you want a pro-white movement to be a success you simply need to drop the nazi shit its already almost impossible no need to make it harder. garanteed if hitler was alive today he would tell us to let it go too

About half of poland has been German territory multiple times in history. That same half even spoke predominately German before they were genocided by the reds.

These were temporary defensive measures. Hitler didn't invade those nations until after the war had begun, and only did so to pre-empt Allied invasion.


there are better forms of government than NatSoc, albiet, NatSoc is a step in the right direction

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>Genocided by reds
Sauce, also, what retarded commies do doesn't relate to Poland.
>Poland is German

After Poland was murdering Germans and refusing to make a deal. You're not even trying.

This, you retard.

Attached: brainlet7.jpg (720x711, 25K)

Educate yourself before speaking on a subject. BTFO both of your meme responses with one image from one google search. This behavior is why people don't respect your flag.

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No he wouldn't you magapede kike useful idiot. Overturning the WW2 foundational myth is the only way forward.

The German occupation of Greece was one of the worst periods in modern Greek history. Saying "the allies did the same shit" isn't an argument as to why this is a good thing. If anything, he made more enemies and solidifed himself as a villain.

Read, newfag.

because he made stupid gambles which we are still paying the price for today?

>‘The gentlemen in London and Paris
>won’t undertake anything against us this time either,’
>‘I will see to that. This Polish conflict will
>never, never, never result in a European war.’

>‘I would have to be a complete idiot to slither into a world war –
>like the nincompoops of 1914 – over the wretched Polish Corridor.’

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Hitler is overrated. He did not win the war, look at europe now? We are more cucked than ever.

Also hitler was a fucking outkast manlet. Just like himmler etc.

We need someone like Ronald Reagan/ Churchill. And kill all the niggers and fags forever.

Blame the Italians for that, and subsequently the failure of the Russian campaign.

Italy declared on Greece. Hitler had to back up his ally in war time.

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What the fuck are you on about that man squandered an empire and thrust England into a gimp suit.

Reagan and Churchill were both kike puppet. Kys Shlomo.

Poland was being backed by the Brits to prod the Germans into war. How did the Brits repay them?


>We need someone like Ronald Reagan/ Churchill. And kill all the niggers and fags forever.

Hitler was a faggot enabler and most of the prominent Nazi's took it in the butt. Hitler was accused of being an effeminate man

>Germany, not a country before 1700
>Poland is da german clays n'sheeeeeet
>Poland murdering Germans

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>Blame the Italians for that
>Back up his ally
Allying himself with a military power like Italy further cements his autism.

yeah he wouldve def said 'keep the swastika at all cost, the larp above all'

>Calling me newfag
We wuz always a right-wing board'n sheeeeet

Still better than hitler lol. Look at europe more cucked and mixed.

We must someone like reagan/napoleon/Caesar and get a racewar

>solidifed himself as a villain
Decades of TV and movies have made you think a villain is a bad thing.
After Might is Right and Nietzsche, most of what we now call the right wing decided that ethics and morality were bullshit for controlling losers and winners are grinners. Naturally, being a bully in the baddest black and silver uniform was the best way to present yourself, brutal and scary as fuck.
Look at some of the speeches Franco gave, he looked like some kind of militaristic vampire from an old horror movie. Mussolini and Hitler are just the most easily googled examples, but every fuckwit was larping and ranting and trying to look like some ten-foot-tall super villain and people ate it up.
They weren't as skeptical or apathetic as we are.

Great argument. Typical gen Z meme response.

This board was literally created as a natsoc containment board you retard.

>Netherlands flag
>passively waiting for a big hairy strongman to follow
kill yourself, faggot

Hitler was very moralistic.

>no u

Because he ethnically cleansed Poles and was a totalitarian piece of shit. How stupid are you?

>What is Gadsden, or Jow Forums before 2016

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New sealand = dutch name.

You should suck our dick.

canadians really are dumb dog fuckers

>Decades of TV and movies have made you think a villain is a bad thing.
Nice strawman faggot.
Btw, by"villain" I meant unpopular in the face of the public. He made everyone his enemy.
And you want to know the true evil Hitler enacted? In his struggle to contain communism and jewry, he made them leading forces of the NWO. And we may never recover because of that.

>tfw the argument is lost so you resort to flagcalling

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>the allies did the same shit
Do you remember why Metaxas (a fascist) didn't ally himself with the Axis? We'd get starved either way, the Brits would blockade our ports. And it's not like they, along with the French, didn't bomb Piraeus a shit ton of times when we would not comply with their plans.

i was commenting not arguing jesus christ you dog fucking snow nigger

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What are you arguing against? I never said anything contrary to what you're saying right now. But Metaxas wasn't really a fascist, just a dictator. And arguably not even that. He just called a state of emergency because the country was fucked.

Go back to uni campups you fucking faggot. You will never change anything.

Attached: westhitler.jpg (1200x1697, 539K)

>But Metaxas wasn't really a fascist, just a dictator
pic related is Εθνιkή Οργάνωση Νεολαίας
I argue that we get starved in both timelines. So, pick your poison, starve and the Jews win, or starve and not take time away from Operation Barbarossa. Also, Gorgopotamos propably wouldn't happen.

Attached: ethniki-organosis-neolaias-bikes-youth-metaxas.jpg (1600x1105, 1.15M)

Because leftist are a bane on humanity. Kys

>Making ourselves look bad will make things progress
How many kikes has the American Nazi party and the Atomwaffen gassed so far, mate?

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You can say what you want about his INTENTIONS, I do not care. His RESULTS were to eugenize the jews, dysgenize Germans through the Waffen SS and mass rape of women by the Soviets, and taint natural white nationalism and racism for four generations.
Worst thing to happen to my people since Napoleon.

he's right you dumb leaf
Jow Forums is a direct result of stormfront's colonization of /new/

The only reason Hitler was kinda cool was because he killed Hitler.

You like the ideology but you don't like the action.
The same way you like the hamburgers but won't kill the cow.

You want solutions but won't take initiative. Nobody here would willingly kill a random person and if they would they don't belong here. That's not a group you want to associate with. So stop the larp, be a man and make change through positive action.

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Attached: Adolf Hitler speaking at the Lustgarten, Berlin, 1938..jpg (1400x1048, 242K)

Attached: Nuremberg, Germany, 1938..jpg (1400x946, 226K)

Attached: Nazi officials on their way to Fallersleben Volkswagen Works cornerstone ceremony, 1938.jpg (1400x937, 258K)

If socialism is the answer, how is Venezuela not a stable nation? Lazy Beta cuck.

Checked again, and yes, I still like Hitler.

>implying NatSoc is actually socialism

wait what wow there are nazis here?