How could the Nazi's just gas millions of Jews? What a disgusting act

How could the Nazi's just gas millions of Jews? What a disgusting act.

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they didn't

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Will the truth ever come out or will they control the narrative forever?

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Please explain this. What did Hitler mean when he said that WW2 would result in the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe?

>in Europe
There's your answer. Haavara Agreement.

Nobody cares schlomo, sage. Die.

Germans will pay for it

An SS Doctor of Auschwitz confirmed he did, look into this guy.

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It was just a joke, bro. What's the matter, can't take a joke?

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That doesn't explain anything in the video that i posted. Why did Hitler call himself a prophet and then say that the Jews will be destroyed?

>sign this or we'll torture your family

We've reached the tipping point where more people are not agreeing with the established narrative hence why new "education" classes are being added to public school curriculum's. That is enough for most to see it's propaganda and would act if a counter movement started

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Exactly, how COULD they?
Gassing millions would require very specific infrastructure.
None of the camps had such infrastructure. So HOW did they do it?
It's a mystery. Practically nothing but legend at this point. Maybe more like 100,000 killed.

how indeed

Jews deserve far worse than their imagined holocaust. If for no other reason than the crimes against Russians committed by jewish Bolsheviks. But there are so many more reasons.

That's right, he did, and all the confessions were known to be the result of physical torture, inadmissible in any court except for the Nuremberg one.
The SS death certificate log which now resides in the US National Archive states that out of 400,000+ deaths in the labor camps that over 78,000 were at Auschwitz and that only 38,031 were jews. More importantly none of the death records showed that anyone was burned alive or gassed to death. Not, one.

they had to use industrial gas techniques because simply shooting them was demoralizing the soldiers

Actually he was proud of what he did until the end apparently. When he was 89 he was brought to trial for "incitement of racial hatred" and "belittlement of crimes against humanity". In his interview with Der Spiegel he repeatedly says things like "A disgusting person, this Clauberg, says Münch today, "looked like a Jew". and "Münch praises Mengele's intelligence, his elegance "in the intellectual desert of Auschwitz". And then he talks about his belief that the "Germanic groups are carriers of European culture," Mengele quotes the "Jewish problem", that the "healing of the world" would be achieved by the "extermination of the Jews", and calls for objectivity and rationality in the discussion about that."

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why is this dated 1995?

>one post

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How could the commies starve and murder 20 million Christian? Human stupidity and malice.

Because that is when he signed it, towards the end of his life probably out of regret. More from his interview with Der Spiegel:

>Münch's task was disease control. Typhus fever, dysentery, and typhus broke out again and again, and since SS people died, there was need for action. At Auschwitz, disease control meant "that the whole barrack was closed, no one came out, no one came in. The entire crew marched into the gas, because it was possible that everyone transmits that further." This was the usual therapy and the whole barracks were strangled.
>He talks about it casually, and there is no doubt and no feeling.
>"Did that burden you?"
>"No, no, not at all, because it was the only way not to make things much, much, much worse."
>"Gassing was better?"
>"In any case, you must never assume the individual case, if you think it through, that was the only way to prevent the camp from perishing."
>On the other hand, Münch still believes that there was only one means. "Isolation by gas". For Münch, a humane act: "Maybe they would not have been gassed, but they would have died of epidemics miserably."

The 6 million deaths were all across Europe you tard

Four million deaths were in Auswitz-Birkenau, until Soviet Union collapsed.

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the SS death certificates invalidate his lies.
End of discussion

The real number was 73,137 for the total Auschwiz death toll, but it was too low for the propaganda to work hence the changes but remaining in the million scale

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