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won't happen.

It'll be like Neo Mexico or something

They want to call it Shed Legacy?

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>inb4 #Resist, Texas

Austin as cucked as fuck. I’m sure all the shitlibs there fully support this.

Possible asian titties

Thats an even better name for Austin.

What legacy, partner? Do they mean the yuppie hipster millennials image?

we shall call it City 1 so as not to offend anyone

>Shed the legacy
Code for wanting you to forget that Moses Austin had a grant from Spain to settle Texas and that Texas wasn't "stolen" it was legally purchased. And the Texans won their independence in a Revolution to decide their own future.

This. Might as well.

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I feel like 1 implies first which brings with it competitive aggression, why would we try and say we're better than others?

Pozzhole, TX

City 1 implies there is a City 2 and a City 3 which might make people wonder why City 1 is City 1, please think of a more inclusive name.

1 implies the least so it's really saying that it's the worst. It's like how when America says they are number 1 we know they have the least value.

betting on this choice

>Not renaming every city starting at 101 or 1001.

Capital City

this is what happens when you welcome liberals into your area. liberals fleeing from the shithole states they created shouldn't be made welcome anywhere.

mega city 1?

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Only if judges come with the new name.

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if you're going by Judge Dredd it would be Texas City.

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I volunteer City 17

>The city of Austin, Texas has suggested in a preliminary report, that highlighted historical connections to a former Confederate leader, Stephen F. Austin, otherwise known as the “Father of Texas", that it might consider changing its name.

Who want to tell them that Steven F. Austin died in 1836 (30 years before the Civil War)?

>Austin, TX
>named after Stephen F. Austin
>The Austin surname is a delineation of Augustine
>Archbishop of Canterbury, Apostle of the English throughout the now defunct global empire
>Austin is a symbol of Christian White cis-hetero patriarchal imperialism
>tfw it's my name
dick status: [FULLY ERECT] - soft as a swede


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Soooo you're saying that it should be "#1" thus implying that other cities are inferior? Microaggression much???

There already is a Texas City, it's by Galveston.

Agustín, TJ

Sounds good

All those onions-sipping commies from California really know how to blend in with the locals don't they?

Uh, excuse me? I'm non-binary and find that very offensive.

I'm in Austin right now. This will never happen.

racist piece of shit can't even die at the right time I say change it

nuke it and becomes the cursed earth.

Why don't we just remove the californians?

I vote for Yallstin

they literally came there because of a misguided promotion for small businesses- "keep austin weird"

Santa Ana, the new capital of blue state Tejas.

won't happen.

so it will be covered in shit then burned to the ground? mit romney is a faggot

There mustbe at least one capital letter and one symbol

It goes 101-102-103 not 101-110-111. You don't have to worry.

Martin Luther Kingtropolis


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Whataburger Texas

>Here is the city of $101*Tx!(.
>It was named that way for security reasons.

Are they trying to whip up conservative and fence sitting furor with this? Before the midterms? Are they dumb?


I checked
there is a Cookville TX

but no Cuckville TX
so it is a go for the name change

Austin does stupid shit like this weekly. I just doesn't usually make the national news.

They should call it Yasiin Bey

Rename it George Bush and call it a day

Texan here. I need a link god damn it!

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Go to the Austin American statesman's website. Like in ops picture.

Wow man you really got us. Damn.

My middle name and I'm a Texan.

Fucking this and checked l. power fours factors. Ahmed knows

Honestly who counts backwards like that?

Ive got one more year in this shithole. Then I will leave it’s disgusting beano , third world drivers, entitled liberal douche techies and trust fund junkies to their miserable hot weather , kombucha stands and fly blown bar-b-que dives they covet so much. I will rename the place Sodom and sow the ground with salt as I drive into a new and hopeful sunrise. As my farewell cry still lingers in the hill country I will also change the sign on Manchaca rd to MAN-SHAK so no one can ever be confused over it again.
Embleer fucking frith do I hate this place.

rename it California Commie Quarantine Zone, Designation #1A.

this is funny because in the school district I work in they have 3 "levels" of silence/readyness. 1 being the kids aren't listening or in line, waiting etc. 2 somewhat organized some in line and ready. 3 all ready , quiet and ready to move

to me, 1 should be 3. but likely isn't because of what you posted

yeah im sure it upsets the local beaner population


Stupid fucking nigger lovers!

>fucking commie Californian can't even pronounce Manchaca right
>pronounces Burnet wrong too

>The least
Then it should be City 0.

I live in Austin. Too many spics. Not a whole lot of blacks compared to back home in Louisiana. I’ll take name-brand and knock-off spics to niggers any fucking day.

The worst of all is indiginious liberals.

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0 would imply that there isn't a city there at all.

Are they taking suggestions?
rename it to "Nuke This City", Texas.

It's funny how the 90s Stallone movies are all becoming reality.

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Just fuck my shit up senpai city

Call it Faggotville.

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Hahahha the absolute state of dumb fuck jew owned mutts


hahahahahahaha you dumb fucks I hope they go full bore commie in USA I really do, antifa fucking annihilates you while you stay on /pol threatning "how you have da gunz" hahahahahaha


That's what you get for being pro-Trump aka pro-Israel.

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Off by one.

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Fa m. Not senpai
>Fuck these pozzed filters, mods are basedboiz


Nuke us. I was born here and I want to die here

White liberals need to get genocided

If Texas changes the name of its capital to appease shitlibs, Texas is going to be the new England to be mocked incessantly. Fucking cucks.


I respect mutts like this. At least you're not one of those thick skull imbecile full of hubris mutts posting pics of aircraft carriers to save face.

It's not your fault bro. Live life and FORGET about /pol "muh huwyte" larp. Seriously. You probably don't have full degen tendencies, so just indulge in life.

Let /the_pol larp their Fashywave bullshit fantasies and let them engage in long ass sophistry via text just like the faggot kikes of jewtube do in video form, talking for years on end without even once mentioning the kikes.

Live life fuck /pol and Hitler shit, that childless (muh tradition muh 14 words) faggot lose the war because he was a dupe from the kikes, they needed a foundation myth and they got one with him.

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He's a hambone

>White liberals need to get genocided

Every white American does, you all enables the kikes to reach these power levels, calling out names "muh libtards muh leftists" is a sign you're still salivating at the mouth when it comes to these subjects.

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> Austin, who founded the city in 1839,
>Died 1836

How fucking stupid are they??? How has the press gotten so dumb??

Also this is quite prophetic from Mr. Austin.

>"I sometimes shudder at the consequences and think that a large part of America will be Santo Domingonized in 100, or 200 years. The idea of seeing such a country as this overrun by a slave population almost makes me weep. It is in vain to tell a North American that the white population will be destroyed some fifty or eighty years hence by the negroes, and that his daughters will be violated and Butchered by them."

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I'd be worried if the county wanted to change their name from Travis. As of right now, it's just a bunch of bullshit designed to draw national attention for some reason or another.

california city

>>"I sometimes shudder at the consequences and think that a large part of America will be Santo Domingonized in 100, or 200 years. The idea of seeing such a country as this overrun by a slave population almost makes me weep. It is in vain to tell a North American that the white population will be destroyed some fifty or eighty years hence by the negroes, and that his daughters will be violated and Butchered by them."

Meh, that faggot stood by some principles like a faggot and fought for them, stepped outside the comfort zone.

How are you mutts supposed to *crack* do anything about *siiiip* the current situation with all the toys around?

Heheheh let the stupid losers worry about long term shit, better get that BALLIN ASS 90K / YEAR JOB and SMASH SOME HOES ooooh weee love me America I'm not a wigger oooh weeeeeee

Fuckin KEK

Did you learn English from Fox broadcast network commericals?

I hate white liberals so much. They are th problem and they empower the kikes.

Doesn't even had a gay neighborhood kid.

Imagine if he talked like that offline.

He probably does with his "homies"

>white liberals
>empower the kikes


> I'm a reeeed blooded Murican
> *siiiiip*
> I love me muh Free Market
> Trump! Woo wee!
> Stoopyd libtards!
> Trump was the underdog, against the establishment, our last hope!
> Love me tradition and white country
> would work at Koch Toxic Waste Disposal Radioactive River Discharge & Co. if it made me 3K more per year, I wanna buy that sweet new F350
> conservatism is the new counter-culture

Kill yourself, muttley. You are now reaping what you sowed. Kikes won't care for you, and FUCK YEAH that fucking TEXAS AMERICANA city is changing names. I love witnessing this history, the destruction of your pathetic (((empire))).

- kill their president in broad daylight, film it, get away with it, blame a lone gunman commie LMAO
- smash airplanes in 3 most prominent buildings, blame some self-taught moslems, laugh about it, admit it, still get away with it, dance about it! LOL
- put Trump in power
- ???
- profit (them, not you, you need to send those 10 million bucks of daily gibs to Israel why you are barely getting by fagget9

Beautiful. Hope they come after each and every single last one of you.

*moves to midwest and then instantly begins to vote for higher taxes and more shitskins*

Longhorn, TX

I hate this fucking city and every motherfucker in it from the fucking morons that slow down to 5 mph on I35 because of some fucking fender bender off the side of the highway or the dumb fucking spics that drive like the speed limit signs are in kph instead of mph in the fucking fast lane on 71 or the fucking niggers that designed the absolutely retarded road system (epecially 183/71 junction) or the city legislature that literally created highway DLC for richfags using taxpayer money. I just want them all to die horrible fucking goddawful deaths from AIDS. I want this fucking city fucking wiped off the face of the earth like Sodom and Gomorrah only nobody not even the righteous should be spared.

.t someone who commutes 60 miles everyday in this shithole to wagecuck at a tech company with diversity officers on payroll for $17 an hour

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Read this as
>Shad legacy

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