The planet is at risk...

The planet is at risk, gaia need 5 people from diverse ethnic backgrounds to get the rings and summon captain planet to save the day, but as the lefties are all white and unwilling to summon a clearly white male to solve the situation, gaia got pissed off, and went to Jow Forums to recruit the people instead.

So, what a captain Jow Forumsanet does to stop pollution and save the day?

Attached: Captain_Planet.jpg (300x229, 9K)

Like we did before, gas the Jews.

Attached: rudolf-turn-on-ze-gas-21563872.png (500x636, 136K)

Move Carr through Africa and China

your thread is stupid

ted turner cartoon on ted turner tv to promote globalism.

I know.


Stop using oil start using nigger fat


Attached: EARTH.jpg (553x535, 35K)


Attached: FIRE.jpg (300x400, 19K)