I'm half North African (Moroccan). I look remarkably like David Archuleta, who is half Latino, only less faggy (fatter) and a little darker skinned with slightly lighter hair. Moroccan dad doesn't look white, but is an atheist and I was raised nominally Christian.
Am I white?
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Here's one more pic of my faggot celebrity doppelganger.
Doesn’t matter if your white or not. According to the US you are basically ISIS.
Berbers are white. Arabs are not.
You’re a med
Not white. You’re a mutt.
Not white, but most Americans are mutts so who cares as long as you're for the white race.
True story: I was rarely considered white growing up but usually am now. Is it because the nation has gotten this much more brown in 20 years?
genetically - yes
culturally - soso
\pol standard - you're nigger
in israel - shalom
by definition - depends if you are willing to kill niggers and kikes to free the white race from the chains of commie faggotry
the point here is that you have to be white in your mind first, coz there are plenty of 100% white people who are worse then niggers and deserve to be killed ASAP
It's so interesting how if you're borderline politics matters. SJWs will accept me as PoC is I hew the party line, but otherwise I'm a freaking white male. You will accept me only if I kill.
"kill" is a definition of a specie\race
sorry to put it bluntly.
if you aren't willing to kill for your race then it will die out eventually. that's the base line for what you are asking
SJW is only a larping consept. if SJW were faced with a decision by fact whether to be killed or survive based on their race, then 99% of then would fight for their race as well
SJW shit only works when there are police forces allowing you to chimp out your fantasies
when the shit actually hits the fan.. everything gets back in line as it should be or simply parishes
that's why there are diversity in this world. coz each kind which exist today had to fight for their surivival and stick to their own kind otherwise they go extinct.
now if you really question your whiteness, then you can always join niggers. they take pretty much anyone.
but since you even question your whiteness mean that you are not a nigger.
a nigger never questions his nature.
all a nigger wants is to be more like a white man
you on the other hand is already white, but you are butthurt you are not gold blond as if that would make you more white, well it wouldn't make you more white, coz as i said.. it's not the type of the white skin that makes you white
it's whats in your mind.
if you are white - then you kill for white race.
you'll know your enemy when you see it. it's in your blood.
your enemy can be whiter then you and still be a nigger in his mind - a degenerate animal.
>less faggy (fatter)
god bless america
just for your info i'm blond with blue eyes and light skin and everything else
Wait I'm supposed to be reassured by a Uruguayan telling me I"m white? Doesn't white in your country mean 1/8 black 20% Native 56% European?
lol obviously no
>I look remarkably like a mutt
why do americans lump southern euros in with shitskin north africans?
>nigger lips
>brown eyes
>thick nose
not white
No you're half white like a Mulatto or a hapa.
Checked mother fucker
No they're not, Muhammad.
"The eternal Anglo" the get
It's pretty retarded to lump all north africans in with each other. Some in the far-far north of north Africa are indeed pretty white. 'central' north africa is brown. Southern north Africa is practically black.
Not White, but White enough to oversee nogs.
You will be appointed a vice-governor of the North African protectorate.
"plz be my ai gf" tier get
You know what's really fucking stupid? Being born white in Africa, moving to America, and getting shit on saying you're "African American". Fucking bullshit this country doesn't believe in context first.
Buh Yooz ain't black nigga. Fuck off.
sup mutt
Actually context is why many people who are literally African and American are not African American. You have it completely backwards. It's cuz the term connotes black.
There is nothing for you in SJW hierarchy.
You will be positively discriminated only against White males.
Negatively by everyone else.
They look the same. Heck modern Italians are black going by the guys I saw on the streets while I was over there. Morocco was whiter.
op nonwhite confirmed
sure mohammad
user, you have to make a decision
>am I white?
Stopped reading right there. If you have to ask that, you're not
nordicists and shills disrupt the movement
Hahaha, no way. You'd fit right in, in any middle eastern country.
you’re an amerimutt. But at least you aren’t as amerimutt as this poor unfortunate child
who cares you insecure faggot holy shit
you are full of shit
Jews racemix more than anyone else.
You can be honorably Casablancan white
My nips are as pink as ever.
This is the first time I can recollect where the baby
may actually be an improvement
Everyone in the picture looks disgusting
You got a pretty mouth boiiii you look white enough to me
no, actually we are quite white. whiter then your average european or us user.
a lot of germans, north european blood here + a lot of 19th century slavic and baltic people + obvious italian\spanish\french\basque genes as well
we are quite white. no joking. of course we have people who are plus\minus would look exactly like you. but that's what i'm saying that white is not just the tone of your skin or eye color.
it's more of a mental state.
you wanted a based opinion - you have it.
isn't it ironic that it would come from urguay right? 100 years ago you would be adviced from europe or usa..
judge for yourself if you live in a cucked nigger infested shithole. also come visit here and become enlightened on what based white society actually looks like.
plus as i've said i'm blond(sort of dark blond not swedish type, more like south german type) + blue eyes and typical white skin(not pink british\nordic type tho), i prolly have some % of eastern in my like from turcs\greeks possibly, but within 1-5%
of course i'm not the typical type here. as i said most here are of iberean\italic genepool, but just for your info, a lot of girls here look like spanish royal daughters. it's really weird. dark eyes, blondish hair, fair skinned..
with time if any demographic has more then 50% of any blood, such blood gets the upper hand and makes each following generation more of that type, meaning that even 56% white population with time will become more white.. 60% 70% all the way up to 100%.
so uruguay is actually getting whiter with each generation. it's not like we are not white.. but we are getting closer to a general central european phenotype.
i'm an argentinian half spanish half italian and the yanks thought i was a french and the lebanese i was british
don't lie you motherfuckier, uruguay is full of blacks.
and argentinian is full of native americans, stop this racist bull shit.
pls be amazigh
Not really. They're way whiter than white Uruguayans.
I already told you up front that my father does not look white. And no, Berbers are not white retards. There are even black Berbers. You are over-generalizing about an extremely diverse group of people. My dad is brown like most North Africans (minority of North Africans in south are black, in north are white)
dude, i'm argentinian, and yes, whites we're majority, but not by large proportion.
we're latinos, not white btw
I was friend with algerians during my bachelor, they were from kabylie I think. Most people though they were french students because of their accent and that they were white. Some are gingers also.
Fuckimg muh black culture is only fum Africa. Dude, the moment I state I'm African American, every American libtard gets all pissy cos I don't have the natural skin of an unsophisticated and uncultured aids baby. I hope Africa burns itself down and every fucking GODDAMNED nigger does. Just so that every African American can shut the fuck up about their supposed beautiful culture of incestual rape and military murder. They need the democracy of the whites in order to work properly. That's why Zimbabwe fucking failed. We need a fast and immediate murdering of niggers in this country by brainwashing black felons (which isn't hard to obtain) to do it for us because we're far superior as a race.
quite on the contrary. only a nigger never asks.
he's just been pressured by kike propaganda that whites are only those who are from sweden or something like that.
kikes obviously want all white people to think that they are not white, since complete blonds are in total minority.
it's like saying that if you don't have 10 millions USD in your account - you are a retards
but having 1 mil in your account still makes you rich
it's the nigger who lives on wellfare. always.
there is no grudge or big difference between golden blonds and mideterenian types in regard to who is the white or not.
of course golden blonds have more purity to them, no one is taking it away from them.
in any case.. a white person has a specific face. not just color of the skin or eyes. the guy in the OP picture is obviously white with dark hair and eyes.
even gadaffi was border-line white even tho he clearly has a lot of berber genes in him.. but i'm sure if he were to mix with some german girl, then the child would be clearly white since the white blood would be dominating the body.
anyway.. the mutt problem is way overblown by kikes. this 56% meme is overrated. de niro's children are 56% and they are very obvious nigger mutts.
the guy in the OP picture is not less then 80% white
No one disputes some are whites. Read my post. North Africa is extremely diverse and southern north africa is nothing like northern north Africa.
Pictured are Coptic Egyptians in the south of Egypt. THey are blacks or at any rate closer to blacks than anyone else. On the other hand Northern Coptic Egyptians are Levantines, nto remotely black.
Same thing across north africa.
argentinians are not whiter, we used to be the same, but things changed when they allowed the inflow of amerindian niggers. now buenos aires is infested with those big nosed dumb asses from andies who can't 2+2
but the original argentos and us are basically the same gene-pool.
also don't listen to this dumb ass he doesn't anderstand that "latino" is not a racial reference
no it's not. very few. don't be so butthurt neighbor. it's not my fault you are infested with niggers.
you come to montevideo like it's 1933 berlin lol.. right?? you know it. all rich argentinos come here to punta del este to spend quality time
we are the white land of south america. you shouldn't have allowed those niggers to infest your heartland.. then you wouldn't be so butthurt right now.
>why do americans lump southern euros in with shitskin north africans?
Because North Africans ARE white.
You know probably more on this subject than me. They probably have different ethnic background. For example arabs are not natives, they came and conquered the land. Maybe white berbers come from meds who migrated here and blacks have a different background
Are you from Quebec province? We have a large berber community here.
>Are you from Quebec province
originally but now in ontario
not really but if my own country was 95% irish and 5% people like you at the end of this century I guess I wouldn't mind that much.
Hope you will not regret too much moving. Ontarians are boring.
if Spaniards and Iranians are considered white, you are