Shaun King is at it again

I'm not sure if he's retarded or if he's being paid for fake outrage.
>What actually happened

Attached: 79w7047.png (527x540, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this not against twitter’s terms and conditions? Or is this another thing that you’re only allowed to do with LIBERAL PRIVILEGE???


>missing footage where a band of thugs followed baited and threw things at a group of peaceful marchers
>surprised, shocked and outraged when the group has had enough and fights back

talcum x can suck a big bag of STD darkie dicks

I feel like this is super cringy if it's not the first post. You gotta be quicker

That's the fatter older brother of notorious white supremacist hacker weev

Looks like Samuel Hydelberg. He's been to several white nationalist rallies and has been arrested before. Going to send my information to Shaun.

>take your own picture
>photoshop fake ID documents
>make fake facebook
>link it to him
>claim your reward money
profit off your own identitty

The cops already know who he is ya moron. They charged DeAndre Harris for hitting the white guys with a mag light. The nigger got his ass beat then put in jail where he belongs.

Pretty sure they dropped the charges when shauny chimped out

I thought the nigger received a bunch of money from traitors.

He raised a bunch in donations from retarded democrats and spent it on a new car and a rap video.

People like you pay attention to him. Attention = views = clicks = $
You’re the reason he’s popular. No other reason exists. And yeah, I ain’t clicking that shit, talcum X.

Die TalcumX, die!!!!

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Well holy shit.
He actually is a nigger.

The link is a James Allsup video kike.

There is a reason antifa wears masks. If you are going to these events go full atomwaffen. The mask will help protect you from losing your job or going to jail.

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Lel i got the same UA shirts heuheuheuheuheue

he has white privilege user

>claims cops are pigs and white supremacist racists
>Hey guys help me find this guy and arrest him
Fucking hypocrite

but cops may give you shit tho you know how cops are biased towards the right wingers they will immediately take you in for wearing a mask

Haha Vincent James is great.

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What law is broken by wearing a bandanna over your face? You do know cops can’t do anything if you don’t break the law?

Wearing a face covering in public places or at rallies is illegal in many places, especially the south.

In most southern states, wearing a mask in public is illegal under certain circumstances. The laws were drafted to combat the klan. Now they apply to pantifa as well.

its illegal to wear a mask in general almost everywhere

Talcum X better save his money for Aug. 12, being that he's organizing some armed terrorist thuggery against the unite the right 2 march and DC is nothing like Virginia, the feds are the defacto rulers of everything DC and can just mass arrest everybody at once and drown them in appeals for the next 5 years. I hope Talcum X walks right into that trap.

>Talcum X literally offering a reward for doxxing.
>somehow not against twitter's rules

No wonder their stock fucking TANKED

>No wonder their stock fucking TANKED

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Where did Talcum X get 100,000? And is he planning to give it to the cops for arresting that guy?

FUck he got the first move

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Leftists share block lists. If you're on one you should check if twitter shadow banned you.